Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters presented here and am not making any profit off of this whatsoever.
Story Title: Was Never, Will Never
Chapter Title: Making Adjustments
Rated: M
Romance: Juudai x Johan (implied dubious consent)
Notes: The first two notes should hold what you need to know. Comments and criticism gratefully accepted.
LJ Challenge: I wrote this for the drabbleday challenge on Livejournal.
Summary: Seven triple drabbles of two worlds that should never have met...and a beloved nightmare that happened when they did.

He did not want to get used to the pain. He didn't want to start finding a form of twisted pleasure coursing through him at the same time as that sensation of ice and fire whenever Haou punished him. But from the moment he had followed Juudai into the bedroom, thinking at the time it would not last more than once or twice, if that long, the resistance to the pain had begun to be built.

And underneath it all, where he did not want to go, there was something sadistically good about that pain. Johan denied it with every bit of his heart and soul. He was not enjoying this in any kind of a way. His heart did not race a little when Juudai looked at him, yellow eyes glittering with a lust so deep that Johan himself could no longer remember when they hadn't looked at him like that. He knew that there had been a time not that long ago when they hadn't, but he couldn't remember it clearly anymore. It was as if that lust had always been there, hidden and now revealed in his memories.

If he dared to express that to Juudai…he didn't know what would happen, and there were enough bruises, scrapes, and bites on his skin to teach him that he didn't want to know.

What was worse than the pain, however, was the pleasure that Juudai had begun to experiment with. While he could stand the pain to an extent now, whether he wanted to or not, when that searing wave of bliss tore into him, his mind nearly shattered from shock alone.

He did not want any of this to feel good. He wanted to be able to remember that he did not like this Juudai.

He could not.

The End