Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement intended.
Title: How to Pay a Debt

Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: G (for the first chapter)
Status: Ongoing

Summary: Narcissa Malfoy wants to call on the life debt Harry owes her. It just wasn't what he was expecting.

Warnings: Post-DH, eventual slash

Harry Potter looked up expectantly as the fireplace flared green. A blond, glacial woman's head appeared in the flames. Her gaze was cool as she surveyed him.

"May I come through, Mr. Potter?"

"Of course, Lady Malfoy," Harry said pleasantly. "You're right on time."

Narcissa Malfoy unfolded herself from the fireplace, her icy blue robes unmarred from the ash Harry was always covered with when he flooed. Even so, she adjusted her robes so that they fell in fine, smooth folds.

"Why don't we go somewhere more comfortable?" Harry suggested. With the slightest inclination of Narcissa's head, he turned on his heel, and led her through spacious hallways to a rather handsome sitting room. Warm woods and earthy tones clearly showed a masculine touch. Harry beckoned to two lush armchairs in front of the fireplace, both richly upholstered in chocolate brown leather. A deceptively simple table stood between the chairs, but from the elegant lines, the table was expensive.

"You have a rather lovely home," Narcissa said demurely, once she had taken a seat with graceful, fluid movements.

"Better than what you expected?" Harry asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Narcissa's face was bland, polite. "I had not expected a manse like this to be your style. A cozy home with a white picket fence, perhaps, would have been more to your likening."

Harry laughed. "Yes, but that sort of home is so hard to keep reporters away from."

"Ah, yes," Narcissa murmured. "I had heard of your distain for the press."

Harry smiled, just as an old house-elf appeared with a tea service. He set the tea on the table between Harry and Narcissa before popping away. "Sugar with your tea?"

"No, thank you," Narcissa declined, watching as Harry poured and served the tea. She took the hot teacup into cold hands, and sipped politely. The move was more common than holding the cup by the handle, but Narcissa felt too cold to rely on old-fashioned pureblood manners just at that moment. In any case, Harry made no mention of the lapse in manners, and simply seemed content to sit there and sip his own cup of tea. Narcissa eyed him with a touch of wariness before speaking.

"Surely, you have been wondering why I wished to speak with you?"

"Oh," Harry said mildly. "I figured you would bring it up eventually."

Narcissa gave a sharp nod. "I have come to call upon the life debt that you owe me, from saving your life in the forbidden forest."

"I was wondering when you would, though I would have thought that testifying on your son's behalf, and yours, would have been enough."

"Although your testimony was most gracious, simple exculpation from war crimes is not enough to settle a life debt."

"Then, what would you have me do, Lady Malfoy?"

She drew in a careful breath, cautiously setting down her tea. "I believe that there is another benefit to my request, in that it may allow you to repay the debt to another."

"You mean Draco?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes.

"He didn't give you up to the Dark Lord when you were captured and brought to Malfoy Manor."

"And I returned the favor by not leaving him to a painful death in the Room of Requirement, and by saving him from friendly fire from Death Eaters." Harry said, eyes glittering. "As far as I am concerned, my debt is repayed. Hell, he might owe me the debt."

"Then please, merely for my sake…a mother's sake, and the debt you owe me."

Harry touched his temple, rubbed it briefly, before droping his hand. "What would you have me do?"

"My son has been…depressed. The loss of face the Malfoy family has suffered has affected him deeply. He rarely leaves the Manor nowadays."

Harry looked bewildered now. "Lady Malfoy, I am not a Healer. I cannot treat depression, although I might be able to find a Mind Healer…"

Narcissa laughed bitterly. "The Healers would not treat him, or they would spend too much time heaping blame on him for his supposed crimes to help. No, I need you, Mr. Potter."

"And how would I help? He hates me."

"I don't think he does, not as much as he pretends."

Harry snorted. "Do you know the man?"

Narcissa raised the corners of her mouth. "In any matter, that is your job. I want you to draw him out of the house, show him that life's still worth living. Have him seen with you, so that perhaps the world can forgive him for having a Death Eater as a father. Make him feel safe and happy again."

"And how do you expect me to do that?"

When Narcissa smiled, it was all too much like a shark. "I expect you to do that, Mr. Potter, by courting him."

Note: Sorry the chapter is short, but I like to leave you hanging. Mwa-ha-ha!