It's here!! Yes it's finally here! I have to apologise loadssss for not putting up this story sooner but my internet broke! It was a tough time... but I made it through XD
So here's the sequel to "Crashing PANTS and Crashing Camels"... I hope you all enjoy it and think it's worth the wait!
I think I'll update every week on Friday morning (english time) so you'll all hopefully get it when you get in from your own Stalag...
Thanks to all my readers this is dedicated to you!
"Little Help Gig B?"
"You didn't want me to know what?!" Dave shouted in the rain, "That you used me as a red-herring? That you continually cheated on people with me? That you may have used me? Because believe me Georgia, me thinking any of that stuff about you is a lot better than what I'm thinking of you now!"
I'm blubbing too much. I need to get away. Why can't I get away? My legs are stuck to the ground. And my blubbing eyes are stuck to Dave's.
"I thought it was for the best..." I mumbled, "How can you not understand?"
Dave's eyes widened and I'm sure I saw more tears spill out.
"How can I not understand?" He yelled. "How can you not tell me I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU!"
Friday December 16th
5 minutes later
Standing in the rain like the drenched twit I am without a Laugh. Definitely without a laugh...
Dave left a few minutes ago. But I'm still staring down the street at where he went. After he half screamed, half cried at me he just turned and walked away. Just like that.
2 seconds later
He said he was in love with me. Like actually in love with me. Not just the Queeny love he was messing around with back on the camping the fiasco. Oh man alive the camping fiasco. It feels so long ago. Wait... it was so long ago. Long ago before everything got screwed up.
I should be jumping for joy right now. The boy that I possibly might love myself in a serious lovey-love kind of way has just confessed his love for me.
But... he said "was in love with you". As in he's not anymore? I guess that's why I'm feeling like the morning vole has crapped on me then.
5 seconds later
He was yelling all that stuff about how I should have told him.
He's right. Jas is right. Rosie is right. Everyone is right. Everyone but me.
I should have listened to them. I should have told him as soon as he asked me out that first time.
But... but I couldn't have told him about the love thing. I mean, I didn't know about the love thing. Does he not remember that he never told me? He seems to have remembered everything else now.
1 second later
He remembered that he loved me.
He loved me. Me!
Dave the Laugh loved me!
1 minute later
He remembered that he loved me.
But I guess he wants to forget it again now.
10 minutes later
Walking sodden down the road. I don't even know where my feet are taking me.
I don't even care.
Maybe I have a touch of the mystic meg and am being led by Big G to Dave's house.
Yes that's it. Just let Big G take me. He knows where I need to be. He'll help me now.
Maybe if I say a little prayer.
What's that one that the sadistic teachers used to make us say at titch (primary) school?
Oh yes the Lord's Prayer. Sandra's prayer.
Oh Sandra in heaven...
1 second later
Oh crap what's the rest of it?
Little help Gig B?
1 second later
Huh? What did I just say?
Gig B?! What the hell am I on about?
All this blubbing in the rain as clearly messed with my usually-normal thinking ways.
Gig B... sounds like a club.
Or a disease.
5 minutes later
I've stopped walking. My feet just stopped.
I guess I've arrived. Wherever the bloody hell I am. It's still raining for billio. And I'm still blubbing to my eye's content. It's not surprising I can't see a damn thing.
Wait, there's a path, I see a path!
5 seconds later
Walking up the path. Very slowly I might add so I don't fall down any holes or walk into any stupid walls.
Oh, I'm at a big wall blocky thing now.
Door. I'm at a door.
Maybe I should knock?
Unless Gig B will just send a messagey thingy to the person inside (hopefully Dave) and they will come and let me in quick as a quick thing.
3 minutes later
Nobody's come. And I'm as drenched as a drenched person can be. Does this mean I actually have to exert some effort and knock on the door?
That's a tad mean of Gig B considering I have just had my heart broken.
2 seconds later
I knocked on the door.
It seems strangely familiar somehow. Like I should really know where I am but I can't remember because of all the blubness and heart-break-a-go-go.
1 minute later
The door just opened.
And oh my god in teary clouds.
It's Jas.
Jas is standing in the doorway staring at me like an agog thing. She looks like she's been surprised out her over-sized knickers. I.e. vair surprised.
What is Jas doing here anyway? I thought Gig B was meant to lead me to Dave's house. Why is Jas at Dave's house? That's not right.
2 seconds later
Unless this is Jas's house?
Did Gig B really lead me to the Voley one? Does he really think a big lecture on my behaviour and rat droppings is what I need right now?
Normally I would forget his advice and run as quick as a quick thing down the path.
But I'm in sheer deseradoes mode. So I might as well wait a bit. I guess.
5 seconds later
Jas is still staring at me.
It's like she's trying to work out why in the name of arse I am stood on her doorstep in the freezing cold and rather wet rain. No, very wet rain. As wet as it comes in fact.
It's so weird having her stare at me and me stare at her. It's like when we use to see who could blink first. Except this is nowhere near as high up on the funosity scale. In fact it's not even on the funosity scale. It's on the look-at-how-crap-my-life-is scale.
But it's top of that one.
10 seconds later
I couldn't take it any longer. I cracked.
And by cracked I mean I burst into loud sobs that probably woke up Jas's Mr and Mrs Next Door and her Mr and Mrs Down-the-Roads.
"He knows," I sobbed not even bothering to remove my tears. That's just a hopeless call and I don't feel like wasting any more energy right now.
"He... he remembered... everything." I managed to get out.
Jas is still staring.
"You were... you were right Jas." I cried, "And now he hates me."
Then I completely lost it and my legs collapsed under me. I was going to fall face-first towards the ground and end up like a squished lemon.
Only I felt Jas's arms around me and hugging me tight (and also stopping me from keeling over) before I made it. To crashing on the floor that is.
She didn't say anything she just stood there and hugged me in the rain. I didn't say anything else either.
30 minutes later
All warm and dry (ish) in Jas's bedroom. She's rang my house I think to let Mutti and Vati know where I am. But she's still not said anything to me. Well nothing more than a couple of words along the lines of "here" and "hold on".
I'm now sat on her bed and she's just come in from being on the phone downstairs. She's not sitting down.
10 seconds later
Nobody's spoken. Is this awkwardness-a-go-go or what?
5 seconds later
I bet she wants me to say something first so that she has control. That is so typical Jas.
1 second later
Well I'm not going along with it. My mouth is as shut as a shutty thing.
3 seconds later
That's right, no talking from me.
10 seconds later
"I miss you."
Crap, why did I talk? Why did I say that?
Maybe because it's true but still...
2 seconds later
Jas's eyes have gone freakily wide.
She looked down and said, "I miss you too."
Ahh. Ok. Good. What now?
"I... I really am sorry." I said quietly. Maybe she doesn't believe me? Maybe that's why she looks rather (a lot) uncomfortable like she has an extra large stick up her bum-e-oly.
Jas nodded. "I know."
5 seconds later
I've just started blubbing again. I don't even know why.
Well obviously I know why. It's because of the whole Dave fandango. But I don't know why again.
Jas is still staring at me.
Ok, so what else is new?
2 seconds later
Still crying like an idiot. I'm surprised Jas hasn't at least yelled at me since I'm getting tears all over her precious owls.
Maybe if I just apologise again then Jas will say more than two words...
Jas opened her mouth, "I'm sorry."
What? That's my line! Oh dare she!
I stared at her like a goosegog. "What..." I mumbled, "Err... what, erm, why?"
Then Jas did this really weird thing. She threw her arms in the air and started pacing the room whilst muttering, "What am I sorry for? What am I sorry for? Well I'm meant to be, I mean I was your best friend but then I thought you made one bad decision- well a lot of bad decisions..."
This speech had better get better or I'll have to stop blubbing for a moment to biff her one.
"...and I just left you. Well actually more like abandoned you when really what I should have done is stayed supporting you except not supporting you because I didn't think you were doing the right thing. But I should have stayed with you and guided you right so that you and Dave could have had a proper shot at things because I knew how much he liked you. We all knew how much he liked you and-"
"Whoa!" I butt in, "You all knew how much he liked me? As in, you knew he was in love with me?"
Jas stopped still and looked at me like I was stupid. "Well, yeah."
"And you're choosing now to tell me?" I barked out and realised my blubbing must have stopped as I can actually talk properly.
"Well obviously I know it's not an ideal time..."Jas said quietly.
I stood up and faced her, "Not an ideal time?! Of course it's not an ideal time! The lad I love has just confessed his love that he had before only to now realise that in fact he doesn't love me anymore because I didn't tell him that he loved me even though I didn't know he loved me because nobody told me!"
1 second later
I need to breathe.
2 second later
Jas's eyebrows are raised and she looks sort of amused. Why in God's pantyhose (if he wears them. Though I hope he doesn't as that would make him a transvestite God of sorts and that is no sort of role model for the little people, i.e. us on earth). Anyway... why is she looking so amused?! This is no time for laughter this is the pits of desperadoes.
"Do you?" She asked pointedly.
"Do I what?" I asked, trying to do yoga in my head to calm down a bit.
Deep breath in...
And breath out... ahhhhhhhhhhh.
1 second later
"Do you love him?"
Excuse me?
2 seconds later
1 second later
5 seconds later
"I err... well yeah," I said and surprisingly it actually made me feel a wee bit better to say it out loud. Like it made it 100% real, "yeah, I love him. I love Dave."
Then Jas gave a small smile and reached out to touch my arm. Only to quickly draw it back because she probably thought I was going to hit her or something.
"That's great Gee," She said.
And I smiled back at her.
2 seconds later
Frowning at Jas.
What a stupid fringey twit.
She's just made me confess my love for someone who doesn't even love me back anymore! Oh joys unbounded. Not.
10 seconds later
Lying on Jas's bed like a floppy thing.
"I totally screwed things up." I moaned and covered my face in my hands. "I shouldn't have lied."
I could feel Jas coming and sitting next to me on the bed. "I know. But... but-"
"But there's nothing I can do now. I know." I said bitterly but to my surprise Jas said, "Well...maybe..." then jumped up again and vanished from the room.
5 seconds later
Where's she bleeding ran off to?
3 minutes later
Jas is back. I bet she thinks I am the sort of person who will just let her walk out of a room in the middle of a crisis and let her return as if she never left even though she could have ultimately completely ruined my mentality well no I for one will not for-
Ooo she has snacks!
10 minutes later
Eating pop tarts that Jas gave me. To keep me quiet I think but I'm not complaining. And shockingly I'm not blubbing now either.
Jas is nibbling on one as well. She looks rather pleased with herself. Which, for the dim-witted out there is never a good thing. As in it could clearly mean that her new species of newt has just given birth or something.
In fact it probably does.
2 minutes later
The doorbell just went and Jas popped off to get it.
I bet it's Hunky come to see the baby newt-type thing. How lovely. Not.
30 seconds later
Jas has returned... with Rosie behind her.
She is looking at me with her eyebrows really high like she always does.
Oh no, what if she isn't as... err, kind as Jas was? What if she has a call of the Viking wild and attacks me? I hope Sven isn't here too. That would really be the end of me.
Having said that, I pretty much reckon Rosie could take me on her own. She is not weak for a girl-type person and that is le fact.
2 seconds later
I put down my 6th or somethingth pop tart and gulped in a scaredy manner. Because I was in fact scared.
Jas whispered something in Rosie's ear and she nodded slowly before reaching into her pocket.
Oh sacre bleu. She's actually going to hurt me. She's going to tear me to shreds.
What's she got in there? A knife? A hammer? A picture of my Mutti and Vati in the 70's?
20 seconds later
Oh my Lord Sandra. Some things just don't change.
Rosie has just pulled a beard and pipe from her pocket.
She put the beard on and put the pipe in her mouth before sitting on the bed next to me.
"Well now, it seems we have a lot of work to do here iiiii?"
Ok so I know this was a short chappy but I just needed to set the scene really...
let me know what you think and any predictions as to what's going to happen to Gee and Dave now!
Horns out! ;)
(it's good to say that again!)