hehe, thanks for the reviews. I literally jumped for joy and started updating right away! Even if it just was 3 reviews!

I lala love: C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only, cherryblossomdream & Sasusaku Forever And Ever

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto ... Believe me.

I LaLa Love You.
Sadness and Sorrow

By Charmful Ika.



Loneliness ā€“ Toshiro Masuda.



Sakura's POV.

I thought about it for a while. Should I really leave? For power? Just like Sasuke did? I wonder. When Sasuke left the village he was .. strong. Way more stronger than I have ever imagined. He even killed Itachi for kami's sake! I know this would really cut Naruto. But he has Hinata. For Sasuke, well. He doesn't really care. He would never care. He would never love. He would never notice me. So I am giving up. Changing my life and future. Along with my goals. Before, my life-long goal was to make Sasuke notice me. Even just as a teammate. I just needed to know if he respected me AT ALL. But now, I still know and now I realise. That he will never even see me at all. Even as an equal. That self-centred fucking bastard. He will never.. never love, but if he does. I would be so sure that...

It won't be me.

I hear Naruto's cries and pleas for me to stay. Can I get any stronger here? In Konoha? My home? Where the place of the one I love stays? I do not know. But I know that.. Sasuke will just ā€“

"SAKURA-CHAN! PLEASE DON'T GO! I WILL DO ANYTHING! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! TELL ME SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto cries. Holding my wrist and pulling so hard, trying so desperately for me not to go and leave. But I had to.. right? Yeah, I did. I am convincing myself that I had to leave. Leave Ino, leave Naruto, leave Kakashi-sensei..

To leave the boy that I wanted to be his dream, his wish.. his fantasy. Be everything he needed. The boy I tried to desperately to show him what I am. The boy that I wanted to stay with forever. The boy that I wanted. The boy I needed. The boy that doesn't want me in his life. The boy that called me weak. The boy that told me that all he needed was power. The boy that had a one-track mind. The boy I love with all my body, heart, mind & soul.

The boy that broke my fragile little heart.

Also known as Sasuke Uchiha.

I told Naruto: "I'm leaving because ... I have no purpose being here anymore." I put an edge to my voice when I had said 'anymore.'

"SAKURA-CHAN! YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! WHAT ABOUT THE HOSPITAL!? WHAT ABOUT US!? ME! KAKASHI-SENSEI!" He paused for a minute. "WHAT ABOUT SASUKE-TEME!?" Naruto said. His eyes filled with sadness & sorrow. "SASUKE!? SASUKE!? HE WOULDN'T GIVE A DAMN IF I LEFT! HE WOULDN'T CARE! NEVER EVER EVER!" I shouted back, trying to hold back the tears that were already streaming off my face. I take my free hand and take his hand off mine. "I'm sorry Naruto! BUT I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I DON'T WANT TO SUFFER ANYMORE! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE A LIFE WHERE THE ONE I LOVE DOESN'T LOVE ME BACK! I JUST CANNOT HANDLE IT." I shouted as hard as I can. Trying to get the message across to his mind.

At that moment. The most impossible happened.

Uchiha Sasuke came into the scene.


"Sakura. Where are you going?" Sasuke asked. He didn't seem interested but I told him why anyway. "I'm going away from you, you fucking Uchiha." I sneered, replying to his question. "I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU NOT TREATING ME AS AN EQUAL! I'VE HAD IT DAMMIT!" Sasuke didn't look the least bit fazed. This was my time to leave. I've wasted too much time as it is. "Sorry, Uchiha. Naruto. But I have to leave. Gomenasai." I turned to leave but I turned back to Sasuke.

"By the way. I can't forgive you Sasuke. I know, I still love you. Very much, so much. That it hurts, down to the core. I know, matter-of-factly, that you will never, never ever ever ever love someone like me. So, I have given up. I won't chase you anymore. I won't look up to you anymore. Never again. If we do meet. You might try to convince me to come back to Konoha. But I know, the next time we meet. I will talk to you as a missing nin kunoichi, not the Sakura that loved you." I said my long speech. My voice breaking at the last sentence.

"Gomen Sasuke. Aishiteru. I will never forget you. Never." I gave him the most beautiful smile I could muster up then look at Naruto and Sasuke for the last time. Sasuke with that stoic face of his & Naruto crying for my sake. Then I disappeared in a poof of cherry blossoms.

Now, I can truly be at peace, for I am finally free. I can do anything. All I have to avoid now, is being caught by the Konohagakure ANBU.


Sasuke's POV.

I see Sakura give me the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen. Then she disappeared in a poof of cherry blossoms. It took me a few seconds to realise that she just left the village and abandoned us. Me. Why Sakura? Was it because of me? Was it because I didn't answer that one question? Was it because I didn't respect you as an equal?


Was it because you thought I didn't love you?

I love you, with everything I have. If I wasn't The Uchiha Sasuke. Then, I would've confessed a long time ago. But... I just couldn't. Now, I can't revive my clan. I thought you could wait until I was ready to tell you but I guess you didn't have enough patience. You couldn't wait forever for me. You couldn't wait until I said the words that you oh so wanted to hear from my mouth. I'm sorry Sakura.

I'm sorry for hurting you.

I'm sorry for not respecting you as an equal, let alone a teammate.

I'm sorry for being that cold bastard that I am.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you when I had the chance.

I'm sorry telling myself when I didn't love you when it was evident a long time ago.

I'm sorry for never being a good friend to you.

I'm sorry that I am the reason why you left Konoha.

Now, I don't know what to do. Should I keep living? Should I try to find Sakura? Should I leave the village as well?

For once in my life... I didn't know what to do. But one thing is for sure.

I now know how you felt when I left you on the bench years ago. Now I know how much it hurt. Now I know how empty you felt.

Now I know that I made a mistake.

It hurt, that you left. When I left you, I was under the impression that you would wait, because you loved me. I believed you. But now here we are. I am the one who was being left here in the village. While you left. My heart hurts so much. It felt like it just got struck by lightning. Pulled apart, crushed, stepped on left there to heal by itself. But a heart cannot heal. It can only heal with one thing.


Love. The word that made me and broke me. The love I had for Itachi had been crushed when he massacred my clan and then showed in front of me because of his mangekyou sharingan. Then my heart got healed after Sakura showed up. Her bright and bubbly personality sent chills down my back. Her smile made me want to smile back everytime. She, herself looked like an angel. To me, she was my guardian angel. She had wings. She was my light. The light to take me out of the darkness. But now the light had dimmed for she is gone. Gone from my life. I would rather kill myself if I heard that she was suffering. All I wanted to do at this very moment which I knew wasn't possible was ...

To protect that very special smile that was made for me and me only.

I knew, I was being selfish. I was always selfish. I wanted her all to myself, I was a greedy asshole that wanted everything I could get. It all got took away from me because of Itachi. I didn't get everything I wanted because of Itachi. Itachi, it was always about him! He always got everything. He was the stronger one. The one that got all the attention. The one I envied. Because of him, I became like this. Blinded by the revenge that had overcome me. To defeat him. To kill him. To see his battered up body. To see his blood on my hands. So I can finally get what I wanted. What I wanted.. was her. Sakura. Sakura Haruno. My spring field of cherry blossoms. My Sakura. My pink blossom.


But, I knew. I was tainted. For I didn't want to wreck someone so pure. One that hasn't killed a life. One so pure and innocent. I didn't want to taint her with my hands. The hands of a sinner. The hands that have killed many. The hands of the devil. Devil hands.

She was tempting. For her grown figure shown signs of.. temptation. They way she swayed her hips while she was walking. The way her lips moved as she sang or talked. She just looked beautiful.. and cute. Too bad, I couldn't ravage her the way I wanted her because, I just couldn't.

I know, I still love you. Very much, so much. That it hurts, down to the core. I know, matter-of-factly, that you will never, never ever ever ever love someone like me.

Sakura.. don't do this to me. I already love you! I.. I just .. I was too thick headed & I convinced myself .. but still .. it's just hard to accept that you're not here. Within my grasp. We can't do daily training together. We can't enjoy ramen together. We can't.. I can't see you anymore.. And it hurts to see that I was the one that hurt you. My heart.. just feels like it cannot take all of this..

& it was all my fault.

I see Naruto, crying his ass off. I too, wanted to cry. But Uchiha's don't cry.

"Bye Naruto." I said, with no tone whatsoever. Leaving him where he was I went to the Uchiha Compound. But then I saw pink. First I thought it was Sakura but .. it was only a cherry blossom tree. I sat on it. Thinking about Sakura. The beautiful and cheerful Sakura. She was strong.

And I promise that I would wait for forever for her to return.


After 3 years.

Sasuke POV.

It's been another 3 years, and I still haven't lost hope. I promised I would wait for you even if it took forever. But now, I've become desperate. I really want to see you. I .. want to see you. Even if it is just a glance, just one look. I just want to see you.

Here I am, sitting at the gates of Konoha, where you left us. I sit on the floor. Carving random things on dirt. Then I hear footsteps. I look up and to my horror.

It was Sakura.

"S-Sakura?!" I said, jumping up and looking at her accordingly. She.. is much more beautiful and breathtaking than before. She kept her hair short...

"Why hello there Sasuke-kun. I've come back... to answer my curiosities." She said in a smooth voice. What curiosities?

"Surely you remember, what I asked you 3 years ago don't you? Or would you like me to remind you?" the pink-girl asked.

What question!? I think back to 3 years ago. My eyes suddenly widen at what she was talking about. "N-NO SAKURA! YOU CAN'T!" I shout at her. I try to move, but I can't. My legs are frozen in place. Paralysed.

"Gomenasai Sasuke-kun." Smiling at me with a sad smile. "If you had answered back then, I wouldn't have resorted to this." She added.

If you had answered back then...

If you had answered back then...

If you had answered back then...



"It's nice to know that you care Sasuke-kun. I can finally, rest in peace. Now that I know that, I finally had.. an impact in your life." She smiled sweetly at me. Grabbed a kunai and shoved it in her heart.

I ran towards her but I was too late. I captured her falling body and hugged her close.

"Sasuke...kun. Thank you. I love you so much, and it gives me great pleasure, to know.. that you love me too.." She said through ragged breathes. I look at her, tears pouring from my eyes onto her face.

"Don't cry Sasuke-kun. For I will always love you. Goodbye." She used all her strength and pulled her lips to mine. We kissed passionately. Until her hands suddenly fell from my neck. I looked back at her.. to realise that her eyes were closed. Sealed of from the rest of the world. Her soul drifting far away into the River Of Astral Energy.

"SAKURA!" I shake her body for her to wake up. Refusing to believe that she died. NO! NO! NO! SHE CAN'T DIE.. NOT ON ME PLEASE! ... But I knew, it was futile.

She was dead.

I took the kunai she had used to cut her heart. Then stabbed it into my heart. Ending the Uchiha clan forever. If she died, I died as well.

Sakura Haruno, I will always love you.

Were a perfect match. Baby me and you.
Cause you were made for me,
And I was made for you.
Were a perfect match. Baby me and you.
Youre my destiny. Our love was meant to be.

We connected from the start.
We had the chemistry. I told you this; I told you that, I told you everything.
And I knew it from the get-go that it was meant to be.
And I felt it in my heart girl, that you were made for me.

That concludes I LaLa Love you!

I had soo much fun writing this. First finished fic!
Remember to review. PLEASE. (:

PS: song used; Meant to be - Shiny

Love Love Love Ika.