I know you guys are like WTF! WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN?!? Well, I couldn't really think of anything to do sooo yhhhh. I may present you chapter ??? cuz I forgot!

Tanya POV (After Victoria left)

It was smart of me to threaten Edward with calling the Volturi. But, I would of never called them. That is just horrible of me! Carlisle is like a brother to me, he was there in my time of need.

I'm thankful for Bella's disappearance, without that I would of never ever become Edward's fiancé! I hope that little brat heard that wherever she may be.

But, I have a feeling about that Angela girl. She sends a weird vibe through me, like she thinks I'm messing with the wrong territory. Sometimes I wonder if she is like a ghost trying to haunt me. The day before Angela was created Edward proposed to me, and then Bella disappeared, and then Angela came to be.

Sometimes I believe that Angela is Bella. I see love in her eyes when she looks at every Cullen. Except Edward. She looks at him with desire and love. I don't know why but Angela and Esme, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and sometimes Jasper are always connected to her. I barely have any connection with them! It's like they were family.

As I was walking through the halls of my gorgeous house I heard babbling coming from Angela's room. I quietly crept over to a spot where no one would see me, which would be the closet right across Angela's room.

"Okay, here's the plan. I will go after Victoria tomorrow probably around 3:30AM. Emmett I want you to stall the wedding by, by, by being you! Then Alice will join in and so on! I will come in time and claim myself as Bella!" Angela or I guess Bella said.

"Good plan!" Emmett said in a 5-year-old way.

So I was right all along. Angela is in fact Isabella Marie Swan. Well, I will make sure she won't come to the wedding at all.

I walked over to my room and grabbed my cell. I ran all the way out of the house and into the forest. I ran out of hearing so no one would catch me. I am positive everyone is inside the house since it was raining out here.

I dialed the number to the one coven that will get rid of Angela/Bella and…Victoria.

'Hello, Volturi office! Gina speaking.'

"Hello, Gina! It's Tanya! May I speak with Aro for a moment?" I asked as politely as I can.

'Sure thing Tanya!' she spoke.

I was on hold for about 1 minute, and then I heard a familiar voice.

'Hello, darling Tanya! What can I do for you? Is there something you need to tell us?' Aro asked.

"I have recently discovered a vampire named Angela who has too many powers to be wondering around… as a newborn." I added in and smirked.

'Well, thank you my dear friend! Do you have her within you're grasp?" Aro asked impatiently.

"Oh yes! But, I prefer we do this in a area far away from civilization, if you don't mind." I said.

'Of course dear! Where do you prefer to meet at?"

"Near the Russian boarder. There is a place I own." I smiled.

'Yes, very well. I will see you at about 3:45AM tomorrow!"

"See you." I said and hung up.

I ran home expecting someone awaiting me. And sure enough, my sister, Kate, was there.

"Where were you?" Kate asked suspiciously.

"I went on a little stroll. It's a beautiful night." I said with out a trace of fakeness.

"Okay. But, I'm watching you." She said and walked off.

(Time skip) ~Around 2:50 AM~

It was already 2:50 and I was a mixture of nervous and happiness. Edward was with the guys doing some type of pre wedding party. I was sitting on my couch watching my favorite T.V. show 'Family Matters' (AN: I fuqqing love dat show). I couldn't help but laugh when Steve got struck by lightning.

Everyone was out doing something at this time. Kate went hunting with all the girls except Angela or Bella… whatever her name is. It was almost 3:00 when I decided it was time to go.

I jogged up to Angela's room where she was listening to one of her freak bands 'Medic Droid'.

Fer sure maybe

Fer sure not

Fer sure eh

Fer sure bomb!

We're not falling in love we're just falling apart, we gonna dance the night away

This is how the beat goes this is how the beat goe-

I ripped her headphones off before my head would explode with that freakish song.

"What the he-." She started.

"I want to help!" I said.


"I want to help! Y'know, to find Victoria!" I said irritated.

Bella/Angela looked incredulous, "You do?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I want to pick dandelions in the fie- well of course I do!"

"Oh. Why though? You don't care about me!"

"Well, I can have a change of heart, can I?" I questioned.

"I guess… but what about the wedding?" she asked. (Damn she asks stupid questions!)

"We will be back before then." I said quickly.

She looked at me wryly, "Okay, if you want to. I'm leaving right now though." She spoke.

"Fine with me…" I mumbled.

We jogged downstairs and left with out a word. We started running, but then u had my doubts. What if she's to fast or to strong? What if she sees this coming?

Ah, but she won't. If she sees this, it will just be blurred since I keep changing my mind, purposefully.

(4 hours later)

It was nearly 7 and the wedding was at 9:30! I felt like I was sweating bullets, though it is inevitable.

Bella's hair was swishing back and forth as she ran, I soon realized something, "Hey Angela?" I asked.

"What?" she asked lightly.

"Why can't you just teleport?"

"Because I don't know exactly where we are or going." She spoke easily.

"Oh…" and let it drop.

We were near my home that I had bought a few years ago that we will be meeting the Volturi at. Time for the plan to start…

"Hey Angela?" I asked yet again.


"I have a house over here, maybe we can stop by and… take a break. Maybe Victoria is here." I suggested.

"Good idea." She said hopefully.

I got in front of her and led the way. I knew the Volturi would be able to catch Victoria, so It would most likely attract Bella.

We finally reached the house. It was my vacation home, and I can easily smell Victoria and the Volturi.

I looked up at the windows and saw Aro waiting impatiently for me. I nodded and he nodded back knowing the plan.

I walked in gracefully with Bella behind. This would be easy…

Bella POV

Tanya and I walked through the door of her small vacation cabin near Russia, I can smell Victoria's sent and she IS here. I melt other vampires but didn't seem to care, as long as my 'mom' is here.

I was inside the house when I noticed it was somewhat dark. I looked around and saw cloaked figures standing around, surrounding me. I noticed Victoria in the grasp of a big burly man who reminded me of Emmett.

The man's hand was around Victoria mouth. She seemed like she was struggling to break free, but couldn't.

"Bella, RUN!" She finally spoke. I turned around and noticed a man coming after me. I dodged him and used my pain power on him. He fell down screaming in agony.

I saw a small-cloaked figure coming at me with a wild smirk. She looked at me with blood ruby eyes intently. After a while she seemed like she gave up, her smirk was wiped from her face replaced by a frown of disappointment.

Four other vampires came after me this time; it was hard for me to get away from their grasp. I froze them and they stopped.

"Andrew!" A voice barked.

All of a sudden, I felt weak and vulnerable. I tried to use my mind reading power to see what this Andrew was doing. I collapsed in pain, withering.

I looked at Tanya with help but she just smirked, "You won't ruin my wedding, Bella!" She spoke smugly. Everything just came crashing down on me, why she wanted so desperately wanted to come, why she led me here! She knew! (AN: well no duh Bella!)

The pain came washing on me with more force this time. And I passed out, even though it was impossible.

I just wanted someone to end the pain, to save my soul…

Tanya POV

-Laughs evilly- this was the perfect plan! I can now return home and marry the man I love!

"Thank you Tanya." Aro said.

"Anytime." I said brightly.

Soon Bella and Victoria were dragged off and were gone to Volturi castle. Without a second to spare, I ran home. I ran fast too.

I jumped and sprinted, hoping to get further. Until finally I was home. People were already sat down in chairs and all the décor was set up. I walked in and rushed to my bathroom, it was only 8:45! I grabbed my dress and had my sister Kate help me dress while Carmen and Irina were doing my hair and makeup.

I was soon near at the doors that opened up to the isle. I soon heard the Wedding March and vampires' shuffle to there feet. The doors swung open revealing all my beauty and me.

Here comes the bride…

The End…for now…


I would love to thank my lovely reviewers! And I would love to thank TwilightVamp21! ILY HUN!!!!!!!