I don't own Twilight or Narnia.
In our World, Edward Cullen was watching TV.....
In Narnia, Prince Caspian blew Queen Susan's horn...
In our World, Bella Swan was watching Tv....
In Narnia, the four Pevensies showed up at the ruins of Cair Paravel...
In our World, Edward Cullen saw a picture of Queen Susan and dieceded she ws more beautiful than the clumsy Bella...
Also, in our World, Bella Swan saw a picture of Prince Caspian and decided that Caspian was more handsome than the godlike creature Edward Cullen...
In Narnia, the Pevensies just rescued Trumpkin and he told them of Prince Caspian....
In our World, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan both decide that they need to go and steal Caspian and Susan without telling each other, and so they fly somehow into Narnia....
In Narnia, Peter senses something coming into Narnia by but can't tell what it is....
Edward Cullen shows up and steals Miraz's son and a horse...
Then he rides to where the Pevensies are and rides off with Susan whie everyone is asleep...
Meanwhile Bella Swan calls up the White Witch to try to get her to help her get Caspian...
The Witch Witch agrees...
Miraz mad that his son is gone, so he send his messenger with a message to Caspian...
But Caspian does not get his message because he is in Aslan's How...due to Bella...
And the messenger thinking Caspian was Peter gave him the message instead...
Dear Caspian:
This is your Uncle Miraz.
It was very mean of you to make off with my son when you were running for your life.
Give him back and no harm will come to you.
Meet me at my castle gate this afternoon with my son.
your Uncle Miraz.
So, Peter needless to say was terribly confused and since Susan had disapeared he decided to go to Miraz and ask for her back..
Lucy recommend finding Aslan first so, she set off to find Aslan and Peter with Trumpkin and Edmund set out to the castle gate..
When they arrived, Miraz was there was frankly surprised that instead of Caspian, Peter showed up...
When Miraz and Peter had talked a while they both figured that Caspian couldn't have taken both Susan and his cousin...
Miraz then remebered a previous story called Spiderman 3 was ruined when Harry Potter showed up...
Taking in all the evidence of animals bit in the neck and weird fingerprints on the baby's cradle they figured out that it was Edward Cullen...
So, since Miraz couldn't very well live without his son and Peter and Edmund wanted Susan back.....
They all grouped together to fight against Edward Cullen...
Meanwhile, Lucy was talking to Aslan about what had happened...
Aslan then suggested that Lucy climb on his back and away they went...
And they got to Aslan's How just in time to stop the White Witch from taking Caspian under her control...
Aslan killed the witch Witch again and Bella Swan...
Caspian was told the evil scheme Bella had..and he joined them to go help beat Edward Cullen...
Meanwhile, Edward feeling hungry for blood had shown up to eat another horse at the castle(having eaten the horse he stoll just a few hours earlier.)...
Peter demanded Edward hand over Susan or he would die...
Edward Cullen laughed saying he was immortal...
But just then Aslan came and killed Edward Cullen...
Then Miraz said he would give Caspian the throne if he only had his son back...
Aslan asked if he would agree on this one condition(the condition that he gets his son if he goes into our World and kills all the Vampires and Werewolves)...
Miraz agreeded...
So, Miraz went to our World with is wife and son and killed all the Vampires and Werewolves...
And Caspian became King...
The Four Pevensies went home with two of them never to return...
And they all lived happily ever after...
The End.
Please review.