Samantha Forester was lunging the beautiful ebony filly in the round pen, when the truck pulled up. It was a denim colored chevy, Sam smiled as the handsome half-Shoshone cowboy climbed out of the truck and gave her his normal lazy tomcat grin. Sam and Jake had now been going out for about 3 months. Jake walked over and stoob by the fence while Sam finished working Tempest. The filly was still black and probably wouldn't inherit her sire's beautiful silver coat. Jake and Sam walked the filly into the barn in comfortable silence to find Laney, the new cowgirl they had hired now that Dallas couldn't work as hard with all his arthritis, talking on a cell-phone no one even knew she owned in rapid French. She broke off and switched to English as soon as she realized they were there.
"Yeah….ok, see you soon." She then hung up.
"ummmmm….we didn't mean to….ummm….interupt." Sam stuttered while Jake rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort.
"It's okat, neither of you speak French right?"
"No I don't." Sam said while Jake gave a slight shake of his head being the normal silent Jake, Sam knew and loved.
Laney quickly exited the barn throwing back a quick "I'm heading into town."
"Soooo what do you think of her?" Sam asked Jake as soon as Laney had driven over the bridge,
"I don't know, she doesn't really tell us much about her history."
"Yeah…I know…wait didn't you take French?"
"Well what was she saying?"
"Somthin 'bout 'The mission must be completed soon, or not all of us may make it home.' Whatever that means."
Soooooo what do you think about Laney? I've been having dream like every night for a while now and I figured I could write it down. Please Review the next chapter should be longer this just sorta an introduction.
Love Ya guys!