Disclaimer: I don't own One tree hill or any of the characters, nor do I wish to. That would be waaay to much responsibility for a lazy person such as myself. I just enjoy watching it, and having fun with it.

a/n: I hope its good

Chapter 10: Like A man Possessed

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."

Bernice Johnson Reagon

Here I am, standing in the corner of the gym watching the cheerleading team do the routine that Haley and I came up with. At first the girls didn't exactly take kindly to me talking to them let alone try to teach them a whole cheerleading routine. Actually not taking kindly to me is a nice way to put it, lets just say the first day I ended up running off home and it took Haley and Rachel the whole next three days to convince me to try again. When I did come back not a single mean comment was said and all the girls followed what I did or said exactly, no-one scoffed at me either which I found surprising. When I asked Haley what had happened she said that Peyton had had a talk with them. Of course no-one told me what had been said in the talk, but it doesn't matter either way, the girls do what I say and our routines have become more and more complex. The one their doing tonight is the most complicated one so far and they look great, I feel my cheeks flush with pride as I watch them. Haley has been busy trying to convince me to join the team and despite the fact it would be my dream I just can't wear those skimpy uniforms so I have to shoot down the idea every time which kills me a little inside. But I'm content with just being their choreographer the pride I feel bubbling in my chest as I watch them perform confirms that.

Of course the game has to start again sometime and the cheerleaders finish the routine and go back to the sidelines as the game starts up again. This is my cue to leave but I decide to stay and watch a little of Lucas play. This is the only form of contact we have, he watches me at cheerleading practice and I watch him play during the game. Otherwise we just ignore eachothers' existence, there is absolutely no social contact in any way, shape or form. At first I was slightly disappointed, yet relieved that he listened to me and wasn't trying to get involved, but now I'm slightly anxious because he doesn't seem the sort to just back off which means he's probably just biding his time. I don't know why but every time my eyes land on him I worry. Although now watching him play I feel a little proud, he has so much talent and with him, Nathan, Jake and Tim on the team I think we're going to do really well this season, not that I actually particularly care but its important to them so its important to me. And I know that this sounds weird, but I love seeing Lucas run around the court so focused and into the game, there is something almost primal about it. My thoughts are interrupted when game play stops for a couple seconds apparently there was a foul, and in the time out Lucas turns and looks straight at me. I feel my heart soar into my mouth and my insides feel like they've been turned to jelly. I decide that I've been here longer then I really should be and that it's probably best I go home. Dad has a business meeting in town which meant I could come here no questions asked, but I need to get home before he does otherwise all hell will break loose and I'm not in the mood for that. So I give the gym one last fleeting look, Haley notices me and gives me a small wave which I return before I leave the gym.


I feel her eyes on me. I know she's there in the background watching and it makes me feel good, it means she cares… that I have affected her some how and that we had a friendship going on. That means she learnt to trust me at least a little bit because, lets face it for any relationship to work properly, to actually be able to function there has to be trust on some level. I look up at her, I want her to know I know that she's watching me and the millisecond before she realises I'm staring straight at her there is this beautiful little smile on her lips and she looks happy, proud even. But she quickly snaps back into reality and her eyes stare back at me. Standing there just staring at eachother, I don't feel like I can move because all my insides have turned to lead. She quickly turns around and leaves and I snap back in to action helping the Tree Hill Ravens to victory.

After the game is over and I'm I start to think about Brooke again. I don't know what it is but that girl is on my mind 24/7, personally I'm finding it a struggle to be close to her everyday and not say a word. I promised and I like to keep my promises, but I find when I'm sitting next to her at lunch, all I can do is focus on how good she smells. I always try and walk past her so I can just take it in, which makes me feel a little like a crazed stalker but you know what? That girl smells damn good, and that just increases her attractiveness, which didn't need any increasing in the first place. I mean her smile and her eyes are entrancing. This image of her laughing at Nate's party comes into my head, the way her head tipped back and her eyes lit up and those dimples. My thoughts drift to the future and I'm winning the Nobel prize for literature, hey its not a dream if its not big. Anyway after I receive the prize from the king and I turn and see Brooke there smiling that smile at me, her face filled with pride, and then we're at the table during the banquet and she drapes her arms around my shoulders and she's so close I can smell that intoxicating scent of hers and feel her warm breath on my cheek as she whispers in my ear "You've made me so happy Lucas".

'Woah' I think to myself shaking my head, that kind of came from nowhere, winning the nobel literature with Brooke by my side? That seems kind of random although not unpleasant at all… actually I kind of like the idea. I wonder what my books will be about, they have to be good for me to be on the same level as Hemingway, Kipling, Kenzaburo Oe amongst others. Gah! I need to remember this is a fantasy not some kind of premonition, although it would be great if it was a premonition. I shake my head to try and get my thoughts back on track.

I get in through the front door and greet my mom with a kiss and Keith with a hug. I get to go about my evening like a normal teen does, play some video games, tickle my baby sister, do my homework, tease my mom. I get to be happy, and later that evening as I'm lying on my bed throwing the basketball up at the ceiling and then catching it my thoughts drift back to Brooke and what her evening might have been like after she left and how it was probably filled with fear instead of happiness and it makes me feel sick inside. I have to help her, no more of this standing on the side and watching and waiting because all that means is I do nothing until something breaks then I get to stick it back together again… but what if its to broken to be fixed then what do I do? I can't just stand and watch her go through hell and do nothing about it. I need to start being pro-active. The problem is I don't know what I can exactly do, I could kidnap her and refuse to let her go back to that house, but I have a feeling that wouldn't go down to well and I may be the one who gets in trouble instead of Mr Davies. That idea may do more harm then good actually. I'll just put that down as plan B. This means I need a good solid plan A as I seriously don't want to have to resort to plan B unless I truly have to.

Still, this is still a big undertaking, rescuing Brooke and I don't think I am capable of doing it by myself, but who can I actually talk to about it? Haley wasn't too responsive to the idea that Mr Davies was anything but the man she used to know when I broached the idea before, so she isn't really an option, neither is Peyton in all honesty. Rachel however is, she seems to really like Brooke and Brooke seems to reciprocate those feelings. Skillz, Mouth and Jake are options but Brooke doesn't know them too well and isn't really comfortable around them yet, then again she's not comfortable around most people, still I don't know… I'll call them to help with option B if option A doesn't work out, option A being Nate. They go back a long way and I know he cares for her. Plus, Nate is great in a bad situation. Problem with Nate is that he may share Haleys' sentiments and not want to hear about it. Still it's a chance I have to take, together we can come up with a plan to save Brooke… at least I hope we can, I furrow my brows, no we WILL. I throw the ball one last time, catch it then I put it on the floor next to my bed. It's time to sleep, tomorrow I'll talk to Nate and if that doesn't work out I'll talk to Rach, maybe with Rachel on my side it will be easier to convince Nate. But then I have to try and convince Rachel and what if I can't. I pinch the bridge of my nose in an attempt to stop a headache forming. Forget about the 'what ifs', at least I'm doing something. I go to sleep happy in the knowledge that I'll be doing something, instead of sitting on my ass and waiting for the shit to hit the fan.


I'm in bed reading a book when I hear the door open and my dad come in, I automatically tense up. I listen intently to his footsteps down below, they disappear which means he's gone into one of the rooms, either the kitchen or the TV room. I don't really mind which because it means he won't be up here for a while and if I manage to fall asleep in the mean time then he won't bother me when he does come up. I mean he likes to check in on me to make sure I'm in bed like a good girl but when I'm sleeping he usually just leaves me alone. I put my book down and snuggle down under my covers but before I have the time to get comfortable I hear the sound of his footsteps coming up the stairs and walking down the corridor, slow and deliberate, when they come to a stop outside my room I feel sick with dread. I hear his hand turning the door knob and he comes in.

"Brookie Cookie, are you sleeping?" He whispers, I'm confused if he's in a bad mood he comes barging in, he doesn't care about waking me up. The light goes on and he'll scream and shout at me… he never whispers. Still I stay silent, I don't want to have to deal with him, and if he thinks I'm asleep he may just go and leave me alone. However this doesn't happen, he actually walks softly up to my bed and sits on the side of it. I can feel him staring at me but I keep my eyes closed, his hand is on my hair and he gently tucks a strand behind my ear, and I feel his warm breath on my face accompanied by the stench of alcohol. I feel his lips make contact with my forehead. Now I'm thoroughly confused, he hasn't kissed me or shown me much real affection in a number of years. So I pretend to wake up as a result of the kiss.

"I didn't mean to wake you." He tells me quietly.

"It's ok." I reply in what I hope is a sleepy voice. I turn the light by the side of my bed on and sit up. My dad turns so he can face me better, the light in the room shows there is a big smile on his face. I haven't seen him look this happy in a long time.

"The meeting went well." He tells me his voice trembling with excitement, he literally looks 10 years younger and like an excited schoolboy, I can't help grinning, he seems genuinely happy. "Things were signed, balls started rolling… How does a summer holiday on our new mega yacht sound like?" He gives me the biggest grin I have ever seen so I return the favour by giving him the biggest grin and hug him. I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me.

"Sounds great," I reply.

"Good, because I finished buying one last week," He laughs, a sound I haven't heard in so long and suddenly I feel like I'm 8 years old again and that my daddy is the greatest man alive. I can't help but feel optimistic that my daddy is coming back to me. If anything this proves that the man my dad used to be is still in there. We spend most of the night talking about everything, work and school, the news even celebrity gossip. He doesn't apologise for the way he's behaved over the past few years and I wouldn't expect him to either. Baby steps right? It's just amazing having him laugh and smile and have him be in a room with me for longer than 10 minutes without getting angry or at the very least annoyed at me.

I must fall asleep at some point because I wake up in the morning, the sunlight hitting my face. Dad isn't here anymore, but that's ok. I'm still so happy after last night. I feel like we really connected in a way we haven't in years and I feel closer to him than I have for the longest time. The dad I love is still in there and he's going to come back to me, I know it. I feel a faint sense of foreboding like the calm before a storm kind of thing, but I push that down, I don't want to ruin this great elated feeling I currently have. I manage to keep a smile on my face all the way to school, where I greet everyone with it.

"Some one is a happy bunny." I hear Haley whisper behind me, I turn to her and Nathan and nod enthusiastically. "Ha glad to hear it." There is a long pause while Haley looks at me expectantly. " Well aren't you going to tell me…" This time my head shakes, which makes Haley frown.

"I think it may have to do with a certain blonde half brother of mine." Nathan says winking at me. Lucas then walks past us moments later and I greet him also with a big grin, but he walks by with a confused and almost angry looking frown. "Oh maybe not then." Nathan says in response to seeing Lucas' expression.

"Come on we have a class to get to." I say grabbing some books from my locker. I feel slightly disheartened by Lucas' expression but I don't really blame him, it must be confusing having someone like me in his life.


I walk into school, a man on a mission. I keep my eyes open for Rachel and Nathan. I don't see Rachel but I see Nate with his arm around Haleys shoulder laughing with Brooke at her locker. As I walk by I stare at the scene, Brooke is smiling and laughing. She seems happy, like I've never seen her before. I get confused, I have never once see her arrive at school with a smile on her face. Something must have happened. I could question her about it later. However right now Operation 'save Brooke' is my priority and questioning her as to why she is so happy seems counter productive. I need to get Nathan and/or Rachel on my own and tell them what is going on and help take part in Operation 'save Brooke'. However finding either Nathan or Rachel by themselves is a seemingly impossible task in itself, I barely see them today and when I do they are surrounded by people and I have to be somewhere else. But seriously how can two people have soo many friends? They are never alone, ever! Don't they ever get any down time? I get disheartened; operation 'save Brooke' hasn't exactly gotten off to a flying start. I try after practice to talk to Nate but he's already gone before I even emerge from the shower, according to Tim he has plans with Haley, but Tim couldn't say where exactly. I then decide to look for Rachel first, maybe talk to her before Nate. I wait outside the school entrance and wait for her to emerge. She comes out laughing at something Bevin said, Bevin tends to keep those around her in hysterics. She is a good person with a kind heart, she just never seems to think before she talks, still she is quite entertaining in that respect. I walk up to Rachel,

"Hey Rach, can we talk" I say behind her, she turns around and faces me with her trademark smirk and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I knew this day would come," She winks at me "took longer than I expected though" She moves in for a kiss but I jerk my head to the side and remove her arms from around my neck.

"This is serious Rach." I tell her, she looks annoyed but intrigued and motions to Bevin to leave, which she does. We walk over to a bench and sit down, completely alone. I sit there trying to find a way to broach the topic, to find the words that expresses my worries and fears. I know behind Rachels icy façade that she actually really cares for Brooke. The last month or two they definitely seem to have gotten close, their personalities clicked in a way that was unexpected. But Rachel isn't the type to shout her feelings from the rooftop, so to notice how deeply she cared for Brooke you had to look for the subtle signs.

"Lucas just spit it out, I don't have time to waste sitting here waiting for you to talk. You know I have better things and people to do with my time." Rachel said exasperated, it must have taken me much longer than I thought trying to find the words to expresses my fears about Brooke.

"This is about Brooke". I start,

"I guessed that" Rachel responded "You want to know how to approach her, or to find out if she likes you back? Is that it? She tries to hide it, but I see how her face lights up when she sees you and hears your name. She thinks she's hiding her feelings so well but we can't control our expressions completely even if its for a split second"

I stare at her dumbfounded for a second, what was she on about? "Erm, ok good to know but not where I was going with this conversation."

"It wasn't?" Rachel replied, her bored expression now switched to a curious one.

"I think Brookes dad, well I think something is going on there." I sigh and take a deep breath "I know this accusation is quite out there, but, I think her dad is hurting her. And I'm really worried about her." I watched as Rachel studied my face intently for a couple of moments, trying to decide if I was being serious or if I was playing some form of joke on her.

"You're serious" She stated flatly after a couple moments, "you know you can make statements like that without solid proof to back it up. So do you have proof? Or is it just your gut? Because no-one will take you seriously if its your gut" I have never seen Rachel so serious before. It's kind of refreshing to see this side to her. When all you ever is her party and fun loving side, it's easy to forget she can be serious and it seems like she would probably be good in a crisis. I feel better about going to her, instead of Haley or Peyton. She has never met Brookes father so she can't have any idea of what he was like in the past, her mind can't be clouded by memories.

"I know this is a serious accusation to make, I truly, truly know that." I need Rachel to believe that this is not something I made up but something that I have thought long and hard about and that has been troubling me for months. "But it's something I really believe is happening, and it has been worrying me for the last few months. I can't help but worry if the next time I see Brooke will be the last time". Rachel looks at me her eyebrows drawn together in a frown.

"Don't be so dramatic Lucas."

Why doesn't she get it? I am not being dramatic, I am seriously worried about Brooke. You hear stories like this all the time and the majority of them do not have happy endings. I don't want Brooke to end up another statistic. "I am not being dramatic." I say my voice slightly raised "I've seen Brooke limp, and her back bleed before and she always comes up with pathetic excuses. Have you ever noticed how she doesn't like to talk about her home life? Or have you ever wondered why she started pushing people away? Something bad is happening to her and I need your help."

"but Lucas, this isn't hard fact, it's your gut and that just isn't enough. And what could we do? I mean seriously, we can't drag her away from that place, he is her father and she is under 18. We can't go to the police without evidence. The most we could do is try and convince her to press charges against him, and if she's scared that could be really hard to do. And what if he isn't hurting her and you just misunderstood the situation, at best you just make a fool of yourself and at worst you just levelled a very serious accusation at someone and that could do some real damage." Rachel looks at me her green eyes pleading with me to understand where she is coming from. She even gently places her hand on my shoulder.

"I'd rather make a fool of myself and do something then sit by and do nothing while someone I care about is hurting". I respond, while I understand her comments I'm just annoyed at her attempting to bury her head in the sand. Rachel is a feisty girl who can stand up for herself, it's one of the reasons I wanted her to be here to help me. I need her on side because I can't do this alone and so far I haven't go anyone else.

"Hey, I didn't say I didn't believe you. And I will help just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it but I don't really know what we can do." I understand her feelings of complete uselessness in this situation, because I feel it too.

"Really you'll help?" I'm actually surprised by this, but glad.

"Duh, Brooke is a good person and what you say actually explains a lot if it is true and I like I said believe it is. No-one deserves whatever it is she's going through" I look at Rachel, I doubt any of the others would believe me if I told them about this genuine side to Rachel, although I doubt that Rachel would want me to tell them either after all she has a reputation to uphold.

"Ok, first I plan to talk to Nate, get him onside then the three of us can get together and decide what to do from there." She nods in agreement, finally I am so glad to have someone on my side to talk about this with. To help me with helping Brooke.

"If only I could get to that asshole and tell me how I feel." Rachel says angrily shaking her head and silently I agree with her idea. In fact, why don't I do that? Let him know that what he's doing is sick and he is going to get what is coming to him. I watch as Rachel walks to her car and then drive out of view. Now all I need to do is talk to Nate and talk to Brookes dad. I was trying to formulate a plan of action for me Nate and Rachel to carry out. An idea of what we'll do, as I'm trying to formulate a plan I see a familiar face come out of school.

"Hey Brooke! Brooke wait up! HEEY!" I yell as I jog after her, managing to catch her up by her car. I'm pleased to see her even if her face is holding an annoyed expression. She's so beautiful, but the sadness in her eyes, it really does just hurt my heart to see it.

"What do you want Lucas?" She looks at me and I can tell she's irritated, "I told you to leave me alone." I remember her telling me that, the way her face looked when she shouted at me, it wasn't one of anger, but surprise, surprise that she could be forceful and shout at someone. Over the years she had become a timid person, so it was nice seeing her feisty side, a side she didn't even seem to realise she had.

"I remember, how could I forget?" she seemed to bow her head in either shame or sorry, perhaps both, "But I want you to know that I can't stay away from you especially when I know what he's doing to you and knowing that I can help. Brooke I can't just sit back and do nothing, I care too much about you." Brookes face, well it stopped being irritated and now just looked sad and worried, and then it was like those expressions had never graced her beautiful face, which was now like a blank canvas devoid of any emotion.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Brooke said as she opened the door to her car and got in, and I noticed how while she was doing this she kept her head bowed purposefully not looking at me. Maybe because she knows that if I saw her face she would know that I would know she was lying or maybe if she saw my face she would break down and admit everything. I don't really know but it was interesting how she can't face me when she's lying.

"Don't play stupid Brooke you're better than that. I know what he is doing to you and I won't let it continue. I really won't, he's not going to hurt you anymore because I won't let him. Brooke you are a good person and you don't deserve what he is putting you through." For a brief second I swear I saw what looked like sheer and utter terror on Brookes face but as soon as it was there it was gone again, replaced by her poker face. Sometimes her stoicism really gets to me, when you're in pain and hurting tell someone, she shouldn't have to endure what she is alone, not when there are people here willing to help her.

"You know what Lucas, you think, you're so smart and know everything but you really don't. You do not have a CLUE what is going on here so drop it and leave me alone. Just please get out of my life and leave me alone. I don't want or need you in it and I don't need your protection. So go home and enjoy your life and leave your big nose out of mine." With that she slammed her car door shut and zoomed out of the school parking lot. I know she didn't mean what she said, if she did there would have been venom in her voice and anger maybe even malice. But her tone was sad and frightful, I think she's scared and is pushing me away because she's frightened I might get hurt too. But I'm a big boy and not the one who needs protecting. Anyway she just in a round about way admitted something was going on.

I sent a message to Rachel as I headed back to my truck "B admitted something is going on. I receive her reply just before I rev up the engine, "Really? Lets go get that S.O.B!" I smile, getting him will be so sweet. And I drive out on to the main road happy that I'll be doing something, before I know it I'm actually on Brookes driveway. I start having doubts as to how clever this idea actually is. By the time I knock on the door I have intense second thoughts to this plan. I know I'm probably making a bad situation much worse, but I need to do this, he needs to know what he is doing is wrong, so horribly wrong.

"Hey Mr Davies, you know you have a beautiful and smart daughter who you do not deserve. You are a sick man and I am going to get Brooke as far away as possible from you even if it is the last thing I do." It's interesting how his face became so red and how his body permeated anger. He doesn't say a single word to me but slams the door in my face with such force the door frame rattles. I head home, trying to make a plan of what to tell Nathan, while trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach telling me I just made a bad situation worse.


I have only been in my room for a couple of minutes before I hear the doorbell ring, I walk out on to the landing in order to head down and open the door but my father beats me to it and whilst muttering some expletives under his breath he goes and opens the door. I sit down on the top stair, my face peering the banister. I can't be seen easily but I can see everything that goes on easily. I gasp when I see Lucas at the door, after our little encounter earlier I know this cannot be good. I watch the scene unfold from my vantage point. As Lucas speaks I observe my dads cool demeanour suddenly stiffen. He stands there and doesn't say a word, but I can feel the anger and hate radiate off him. To say he is angry is an understatement and I am scared, I am actually terrified as to what he might do, not to me but to Lucas. As the words he said just before he let me back to school resound in my head "If you ever tell anyone what has happened, it won't be you who gets hurt." I can't let him hurt Lucas, not when all Lucas is doing is just trying to protect me. It's a fools errand and one he may end up paying dearly for so I have to do something to stop him. But I don't know what.

I get rudely torn away from my thoughts by the door being slammed so hard it makes the room doorframe shake. I watch as my dad gets his cell out and dials a number, who he calls is made clear within seconds.

"Scott, you're son was here." There was a pause before he angrily remarked "No the other one, the blonde one. Look I don't care he is your flesh and blood. Anyway I just called you to tell you that you know you're ruined in this town now? I will make sure of it. Everything you worked for years to build, with my help? Watch as it all comes tumbling down around you." He said the last part so calmly and coolly it was eerie. I can't say Dan doesn't have it coming, from what I remember the guy wasn't nice. But I seriously got chills down my spine. And that was just to Lucas' 'dad' the closest family member he can punish right now, but imagine what he will do to Lucas when the opportunity strikes. This will just be the beginning of his revenge, my dad does not like being spoken to like that especially by a 'kid', and the fact he got threatened by said kid will not have gone done well. My dad doesn't do things by halves, when he goes for something he all out goes for it, I'm really worried thinking about what dad will do. In fact I can't, it hurts my heart too much to imagine what he might do to him. I have to fix this, I can't have Lucas or anybody else get hurt because of me.

I have no idea what I'm going to do, still I run to my room grab my bag that I just moments earlier had put on my bed. Dad moved to his office or maybe the kitchen to get another beer… I don't know and I don't care, I'm just glad he's nowhere near the entrance so I can make a quick escape. I know dad hears the front door close and I know he's going to be mad, he's already angrier than I have ever seen him. And it scares me that the anger is mainly directed at Lucas. What was Lucas thinking? When is it ever a good idea to kick a hornets nest?! Ok I know what he was thinking, he saw I was in trouble and tried to help but at what cost? The last thing I was going to do was to let him get hurt.

I get in the car, I feel full of purpose and before I know it I'm parked down the street where Lucas' house is situated. But I think twice about going in. I can't actually outright tell him what is going on, he's doing this based solely on his gut feeling. I have no idea what he'll do when I confirm his beliefs are in fact reality. I just can't go in and tell him to stop without admitting what is going on, can I? I don't know, I just know I'm not in the mood for the inevitable big confrontation that will happen if I go in there. I just sit here in my car contemplating what the best course of action will be. I sit there a while before I pull my bag close towards me and sort through it, finally finding the object I was searching for.

I open the contact list on my cell phone, who should I call? Peyton still wasn't really acknowledging me, she was tolerating me sure, but not enough for me to call her about this. Haley, I don't think Haley could deal so well with this, our friendship is still so fresh I don't want to harm or upset her and any way. Rachel, well she was a party girl all about having fun and making the most of the few years we have on this planet, not someone you can turn to in a crisis, and anyway I wouldn't want to spoil her fun. As I was scrolling down the list for potential candidates, a name popped out at me. Mr Reynolds, I mean like he said he's a teacher and 'he notices things'. I giggled to myself when I remembered that line, it really annoyed me at the time, you'd think an English teacher would have come up with a better line than that. But he did say he was here to help and I should be able to trust a teacher right? He said I could talk to him if I ever needed to, and anyway he's new into the teaching world, so he's not too disillusioned yet and is still willing to help.

As I press dial, I start to have second thoughts, I can't drag another person into this can I? It's unfair on him to be forced into such a situation with a student, not when he's only been an official teacher for a couple months. I'm about to hang up when I hear a voice on the other end.

"Hello, Max Reynolds speaking, how may I help you?" It's too late to hang up now, so I might as well ask for his advice. I mean he's on the phone now. I take a deep breath and slowly tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hey, Mr Reynolds, it's Brooke Davies, you said if I needed to talk you would be here to help." I say trying to sound as cheery and nonchalant as possible, that way he doesn't think there is anything wrong.

"Brooke? Are you ok?" He sounds concerned and I get concerned that I have made him worry,

"Well I have a friend, and I think that friend may have gotten in way above their head in a situation and doesn't realise the danger they could be in, or they could be putting others in."

"Brooke is this, is this about you?" He questions, I know his brow is probably furrowed and he is frowning.

"No it isn't" I suddenly realise how stupid this was there is no way he can help me realistically what can he do? My dad is a powerful man and he's just a teacher and I doubt he would even be that once my dad finished with him. And it's not like I could tell Mr Reynolds everything either and there would be no guarantee Lucas would even listen to him. "I'm sorry Mr Reynolds, this was stupid, I'm overreacting, I'm sorry if I made you worry,"

"No wait Brooke-" But I hang up the phone and toss it to the passenger seat next to me. I see it go off a couple times. Mr Reynolds calling me back, but I realise now that isn't much of an option after all. I need someone that I know and trust that Lucas will listen to. But I can't think of anyone who ticks all those boxes. I start rubbing my temples, I feel such a headache coming on. I open the glove department to get an aspirin, but I get distracted by a photo I forgot I had. As I look at this picture it clicks in my head, I know exactly who I have to go to for help.

I think one's feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results.

Florence Nightingale

A/N: I still feel really bad about the long break between chapters, I'm handing out cyber sorry cookies to all my loyal readers. I am really sorry about how long its taken for me to update this story. My life got hectic and I completely forgot about my stories until I decided to delete some files and came across them. I hope the chapter is ok, I had parts already written, but I completely forgot where I wanted to go with the story. Because of school (I have exams in October) and my other story, updates may not be quite so often but the next chapter will be up by November. Also sorry for any mistakes, I have been really exhausted the last couple of weeks so I may have missed some.
A big thanks to everyone who read and favourited/followed this story. Also a big thanks to those who reviewed.









Long Live BRUCAS









L confronts B's father

B dad threatens L.

L talks to Mr R.

B goes to see L play and H/P cheer.

B and N talk about past and sucky parents.

B tells N everything, goes crazy.

B not allowed to leave Dad