Author's Note:Hey guys here is chapter seven I hope you like it!Please review!

Waiting On You

Chapter 7

Come A Little Closer

4 Months Later....

Brooke and Nathan


"Where's Paige at today?"asked Nathan looking over at Brooke then back to the basketball hoop as he shot a three-pointer.

"Lucas and Peyton wanted to watch her. I guess it gives them good practice for when the twins are born."replied Brooke and Nathan gave a slight laugh. Brooke then ran over and knocked the ball out of Nathan's hands. She picked it up and tried to make it shot. "Come on Nate. You and me play a game to 21."

"Wow. If thats all you got I think I won't have a problem winning."Nathan joked and Brooke playfully slapped him in the arm. Before shooting again, but this time getting it in the basket. "Okay you might have a chance."

"Thought so sexyman."Brooke said.

Lucas,Peyton and Paige

Leyton's House

"So Paige what do you want to do today?"Peyton asked. Lucas had just walked into the living room and was sitting with Peyton on the couch while Paige lay sprawled out on the floor.

"Well, me and Mommy usually swing on my swing set and then we sing karaoke and get some ice cream."Paige replied. Peyton stood up and took Paige's hand in her own.

"I think we can do that. Come on hubby you're coming too."Peyton laughed and Lucas stood up to follow them outside to the backyard. Paige ran out to the swing set and jumped in one of the swings.

"Uncle Lucas come push me!"yelled Paige and Lucas ran over to push the swing. Peyton slowly made her way to the opposite swing sitting down holding her stomach as the twins kicked. "Yay! Push me higher!" Lucas obeyed pushing Paige with all his might. He then let go of the swing and walked over to Peyton.

Haley,Jake,Jamie and Jenny

Jaley's House

"Jamie did you have fun at Aunt Brooke's?"Haley asked her son. He nodded his head not wanting to take his eyes off of the tv. He was watching Spongebob with Jenny.

"I like going oer there and pwaying with Paigey."he responded and Haley showed a smile.

"I forgot your Daddy moved in with Aunt Brooke."Haley said and Jamie just simply nodded his head again. I guess its a good thing Nathan is living with Brooke so he can finally get some time with his daughter.

"How old is Paige now anyway?"Jake asked Jamie. Haley looked back to Jamie to listen for his response.

"She'll be six in two days."he answered and Haley put on a shocked expression.

"Wow I can't believe how old she is already! It seems like just yesterday she was born!"stated Jake.

"When will I be four Momma?"Jamie asked Haley. Jake turned to Haley.

"In one month buddy."Haley said.

Brooke,Nathan,Lucas,Peyton and Paige

Leyton's House

"Was Paige good for you guys?"Brooke asked Lucas and Peyton. They both nodded their heads and Nathan went back to get Paige. He carried her in his arms back out to the living room. Brooke gave Paige a kiss on the forward.

"Do you guys know when you are having her birthday party?"Lucas asked Brooke and Nathan.

"Its tomorrow at the house around four."Nathan replied.

"You know we will be there. Any idea what we can get her?"Peyton asked Brooke.

"She's been wanting a new purse."Brooke said and Peyton nodded her head. "Well, we need to be heading home. Thanks for watching her." Nathan opened the door and Brooke followed him out to the car.

"Anytime."Lucas said before they had left.

Brooke,Nathan and Paige

Brathan's House

"I need to call your mom and make sure she is still making the cake tomorrow."stated Brooke as she picked up her I-phone. Scrolling down through her contacts she clicked on Deb and the phone started to ring. "Hey Deb, Its me. Are you still making the cake tomorrow for Paige's party? Okay thank you."Hanging up the phone Brooke placed her I-phone on the bed counter and plugged it into the wall. Nathan was already in bed.

"You know you are beautiful Brooke Davis."Nathan said and Brooke smiled. She kissed him on the lips and cuddled next to him. The door swung open and Paige stood in the doorway.

"Mommy,Daddy can I sleep with you?"she asked in her sweetest voice.

"Since its almost your birthday I suppose so!"Brooke laughed picking up her daughter and placing her in the bed. In the morning Brooke opened her eyes to see a sleeping Nathan in front of her and Paige nowhere to be seen. "Paige where are you?" Pulling the blanket off of her face Paige appeared at the end of the bed.

"I'm down here Mommy."she answered crawling her way up to Brooke. Brooke wrapped her arms around Paige and gave her a hug and kiss.

"Happy Birthday!"Brooke said as she tickled her daughter. Paige let out a giggle waking Nathan up. Brooke whispered in Paige's ear, "Go give your Daddy a kiss and hug." Paige obeyed running over to Nathan doing what Brooke had told her to do. Nathan jumped up giving Paige a hug and wishing her happy birthday.

Lucas and Peyton

Leyton's House

"Good morning wifey."Lucas said to Peyton as she woke up. Peyton wiped her eyes as the sun filled the room shining through the curtains.

"Good morning."she yawned and slowly lifted herself out of bed and into the closet grabbing some maternity clothes to wear for the day.

"I was thinking we could go to the cafe and get something to eat for breakfast." Lucas yelled so Peyton could hear him in the closet. She then walked back out fully dressed for the day.

"That sounds like a good idea let me just do my hair and make-up then we can go."she responded. Lucas was already dressed so he just sat on the bed waiting for his wife to finish getting ready. After she had walked back into the bedroom then headed out to the Comet. Once in the car they drove to Karen's Cafe. When they were finished eating they headed back out to the car. Lucas pulled out onto the road. "Watch out!"