I do not own The secret life of the american teenager, If i did Amy and Ricky would be together . I do not own any of the characters!

I stood at my locker thinking about Ricky and Ben, how did I get myself into this mess. Just Monday I was so sure that I was totally in love with Ben, then Ricky had to kiss me! I couldn't believe him but for some strange reason I found myself kissing him back.........

"Good Morning, Love." I heard Ben say coming up behind me. I sighed feeling guilty and turned around. "Hey Ben." He started saying something but I wasn't listening as I saw Ricky walk through the school doors, my breath caught in my throat. He caught me looking at him and smiled at me making my legs turn to jelly. Our son seemed to sense his father was near and started kicking happily. "Amy?" I made myself look away and look at Ben, he finally noticed that I wasn't listening to him. "Yeah". I said trying to pay attention this time but found my eyes looking past him at he dark haired beauty that was approaching us. I felt our son kicking again and put my hand on my stomach tenderly.

"Hey Amy". Ricky said cutting off ben, who now turned to look at Ricky with disgust. "Hey Ricky". I said smiling from ear to ear, I couldn't help it. "What do you want Ricky? Did you not see me and my wife were talking". I cringed, I wasn't to fond of him calling me that when we weren't actually married, hell I didn't even know if I wanted to even get legally married to him anymore. "First of all she's not your wife, second its a free country I can talk to Amy I want to". He said glaring at Ben. Could they not ever get along?? "She doesn't want to talk to you, Ricky!" Ben said. Wait did he just tell Ricky that I didn't want to talk to him! I was mad now.. "Actually Ben I do want to talk to him!" He looked at me like I had punched him in the stomach... I sighed "I'll see you at lunch okay?". He tried to nake himself sound indiffrent.. "ohhh ok, sure". It didn't work. He leaned over and went to kiss me but I turned my head at the last second and let him kiss my cheek. He seemed suprised by my movement and sighed.

"I love you." I gulped I couldn't exactly say it back when I wasn't even sure I actually loved him so I settled for "Me too." He looked at me in the eye for a second, I wasn't sure what he was looking for but I don't think he found what it was he was looking for. He sighed and left. "Jeez, he's a love sick puppy! Its disguisting." I sighed. "Ricky would you please refrain from making any kind of rude remarks about my boyfriend while you are around me?" He looked at me for a second then smirked. "But its soooo easy! But really I don't know how you put up with him he's soo clingy! I wanna punch him everytime i'm near him." I glared at him. "Fine, I'll try but I can't make any promises." He gave me his famous smirk and as much as I tried not to, I smiled. Then I felt our son kick happily, my hand automatically went to my belly rubbing it affectionatlely and smiled. "Are you okay." Ricky asked. I laughed. "I'm fine, the baby seems to know when your around, he kicks me like crazy whenever your near." I looked up to see his face but his eyes where on my bulging belly. His eyes suddenly meet mine. "Can I?" He asked motioning to my stomach, I smiled. "Of course."

His had hesitated. I gently grabbed it and put it onto my stomach. As soon as his hand made contact with my belly our son kicked twice. I looked over at Ricky, he was smiling a smile that reached his eyes and lit them up. I smiled back at him as his eyes meet mine still shining. Time seemed to stand still as we looked at each other, I no longer heard the mindless chatter around me as school was about to start. My heart fluttered in my chest and my breath caught in my throat as he leaned closer. My eyes fluttered closed and my stomach did little flips in anticipation, I could feel his warm breath on my face and my heart skipped a beat. The school bell rang loudly in my ears making my eyes snap open, ricky was already taking his hand softly out from under my hand, that was still on my belly. He sighed. "You don't wanna be late for class". He said gave me a small smile before leaving me in the hall. I sighed stupid bell!

School seemed to drag on and on, by lunch my back was already sore and stiff. He seemed to be restless today, moving around and kicking like crazy. All I wanted right now was a nice warm bath and my comfy pjs, but that would have to wait a little while longer. I found an empty table outside, it was nice out today the hot sun beating down on me. There was a cool breeze out today too, making the air warm. I loved this weather, it wasn't to hot or to cold. It was just right! I sat down and took my lunch out. I had carrots, a pb and j sandwhich, chocolate pudding and a bottle of water. I instantly grabbed the pudding, took the top off and took a spoonful. Just what I was craving! I greadily eat the rest, after I was done I looked up finally noticing that Ben was not sitting next to me. I looked around but didn't see him, I was about to go back to my lunch when I saw Ben out of the corner of my eye. I groaned. I turned back to my lunch and started nibbiling on a carrot as Ben sat down. I started laughing causing Ben to look at me weirdly. "Whats so funny?" I started laughing harder, thinking I must have looked like a rabbit. I finally stopped laughing enough to anwer Ben. "Nothing, I guess I'm just easily amused today." He eyed me for a second before taking a bite of his sandwhich. I sighed. "I'm sorry about snapping on you earlier." I said thinking back to the events that happened earlier. "Really, Amy its ok." I looked at him for a second before answering. "No its not! It was uncalled for." He gave me a small smile. "Yes it is. I know that your hormones are all over the place right now."Is he crazy!

"Ben that is not an excuse for being rude! Just because i'm pregnant does not give me the right to be rude to people!!" He sighed and took my hand. "Amy you can't control your hormones, and anyways i'm the one who should be apologizing." I looked at him as if he had three heads. "For what!" He chuckled a little by my reaction. "If anyone was rude today it was me. I souldn't make up your mind for you." I sighed he wasn't going to take my apology. I sighed frustrated, I don't know how he can be so nice! I definatley didn't deserve him. I turned back to my lunch and sighed. My hand started to rub my sore lower back soothingly, I couldn't wait to get home and lay in my bed!

The rest of the day went by slowly, as soon as I got home I ran.... Okay well more like waddled into my room. Dropping my bookbag on my bedroom floor as I made my way over to my bed, I layed down. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was asleep, dreaming about the almost kiss that took place earlier today.

Okay so this is my very first Secret Life fanfiction so I really hope you guys like it! R&R! =]