This was written by Beanie923, the co-writer to this awesomely amazing story.

I was shocked to hear Rosalie say such nice words after her not so hard to see hatred of me. Eventually we stopped our embrace, but Jasper and I never stayed apart. We were the only things to keep each other together. The giant gaping hole that took the place of my heart was aching. There was a giant emptiness in my life now, and there was nothing to fill the hole. I had stopped crying now, I didn't want the Cullen's to think of me weakly.

What was I to do with my life now? My true love doesn't love me anymore and I have nowhere to go. I am hoping the Cullen's will still take me, even though I was not with Edward anymore. They are my new family, and they loved me back surprisingly. How they could ever love such a boring human I would never know, but I was happy that they approved of me. I loved them all so much, and that was the only thing keeping me together.

Jasper took us into the guest room and placed me on the bed. He laid down next to me, closing his eyes. He sighed unhappily, and I saw a pained expression spread across his face. I closed my eyes to, but I was not prepared for the thoughts I would get sucked into. Memories of Edward and me together flashed by. There he was, the first day in biology. The meadow. Our first kiss. Hearing his voice through my faltering consciousness when James attacked. Then, when he left me in the forest. Those horrid lost months. And Italy. When I first saw him after all those months.

I could not stand to see all those horrid happy memories with him, knowing we would never have any ever again. But he didn't want me. He lied to me. He probably never even loved me. He was just using me. Playing a game. A sick and twisted game that broke my heart. That single thought broke down any healing I had already started. I just curled into Jasper and cried and cried and cried. I couldn't help it. He just held me closer to him. But he knew the last thing I needed was numbness. That was even worse than pain.

I would just have to learn to live with this horrid pain. But their was no point to living now. My life had just stabbed me in the back. I knew I could never take him back now. Not now that I knew he didn't love me. All the light in my life was gone, leaving only darkness. A deep black, never-ending darkness that was swallowing my whole being whole.

I eventually fell asleep, where the pain still reached. I had a horrid nightmare of Edward leaving me in the middle of a forest and James was there. I woke up, crying and screaming. Jasper held me and said soothing words. I was immediately calmed in his presence. But I wasn't sure if it was him or his gift.

We stayed like that for a while, just thinking of our lives, when of course my embarrassing body had to betray me. I was starving, but I wasn't in the mood to eat. But my body had other plans. I looked over to Jasper with a blush creeping its way onto my face. He was smirking at me. He said a line very similar to what Edward had said to me before.

"I think it's breakfast time for the human," Jasper said. A pang hit my heart but I beat it down.

"I'm honestly not that hungry," I said, but you could tell I was lying, everyone could. He just gave me a look and then I remembered he would be able to feel if I was hungry. I just sighed and marched my way down the stairs. But of course, being me, I just had to catch my foot in the middle of the staircase and start tumbling down. I was caught by a pair of cold stony arms halfway down. I looked up to see Jasper, smirking down at me again. I just scowled.

He led me in to the kitchen and started to fry some eggs for me. I was surprised to learn that a vampire knew how to cook.

"Where did you learn to cook this well?" I asked him after I had stuffed them down my throat. They were the most delicious eggs I had ever had.

"Well you have a lot of free in 200 years of endless night," he said, with a slight smile on his face. I knew this was hard for him too, but our new found comradeship really helped. It lessened the blow for my heart when Jasper was there. He kept me sane, surely if he were not here I would be catatonic. Even worse than last time. But this time I will not be as forgiving.

We went into the living room together, as we were always together lately. The entire family was there. Including Alice and Edward. I gasped in shock and a low growl was coming from Jasper's chest. I immediately shrank into Jasper, preventing him from killing my ex-fiancé. That reminded me.

I looked down and saw that familiar ring. I shakily took it off and proceeded throw it with all my force at Edward. It hit him right in the eye. Emmett burst out laughing and the rest of the family were barely suppressing their amusement. Edward just looked shocked and Alice looked very remorseful. She should fell remorseful after what she did to Jasper and me.

Edward stood up and walked toward us. Everyone stopped laughing. Jasper was growling again. Edward came up to me.

"Bella please forgive me! I know it was absolutely terrible of me but please take me back! I love you with all of my soul!" he said to me. With his sincerity, I almost leapt into his arms and kissed him, but I knew it was nothing but a trick. Another move in this pathetic game that I was going to win. Jasper had me across the room and was standing in front of me. He was crouched in a low protective stance. I knew he was trying to protect as much as he could from getting hurt. But I would always be hurt.

"I can see that this was all just a game to you Edward. And I'm not playing anymore." I said fiercely. He looked hurt, as if my words had actually made him feel sad. Ha that was a good thing in my books. Edward started to get closer to me, but this time a huge white blur tackled him. It was Emmett. I couldn't see everything very well, but I could tell Emmett was beating the crap out of him. I loved Emmett as my big brother so much. He was like my protector. And Jasper. He was like the foundation to my life now.

Edward wasn't even trying as Emmett beat him. Esme had literally forced them outside, so they didn't hurt the furniture I suppose. I was watching out of the window with Jasper at my side as Emmett beat him up. Alice intervened, but Emmett was too strong. Emmett would never hurt a girl, but he would still forcefully keep her away. But Edward just stayed motionless. Letting Emmett deliver punch upon punch against his face. After a while, I walked away from the window. I no longer wanted to watch as Edward pitied himself and Emmett took out his anger.

Jasper followed me like a magnetic field was set between us. I sighed when I reached Edward's room. I went inside to see the covers perfectly made, to the normal eye everything looked normal. But not to me. Not after what terrible things had happened in this horrid room. I walked out with tears running down my face. Jasper sent me some calm and it felt better. That hole in m chest was as big as ever, the pain was dulled, but not numbed. It was still there. As it always would be.