AN: This may be the final chapter…depending on the type of mood I'm in. L0l ^_^


Title-Another Teenage Secret

Summary- *Sequel* to 'Teenage Secrets' She never wanted to see him again. That face, those eyes, that entire being that scared her so much. But…he's back. And wait…Kayo's back? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

Genre- Romance/Humor/Suspense

Chapter 11-Begining The Ending

Miroku stood up confidently. He cleared his throat before speaking and unfolded the verdict slip.

"The people find the defendant…"

Everyone in the courtroom was on his or her toes just waiting for the answer. Just thinking about it made a few people sweat in uncomfortable places.

Kagome's heart pulse was quick and loud. But she kept her ears open for what Miroku would say. Inuyasha held Kagome's hand in his own, and tried to calm her, though he too was on the edge of his seat.

Oh please…PLEASE!!!

"Guilty…by result of PATERNITY test."


Miroku shot sorry eyes toward his friends and especially toward Kagome. Kagome however, didn't seem to acknowledge Miroku. She was lost in her own world. Sure, she got what she wanted. But she would still have to put up with that constant fear for another five months when Kikyo was due.

"The people have made their decision. Mr. Tango shall be convicted guilty by result of a paternity test. Case dismissed!"

**Bang Bang**

A tear rolled down Kagome's cheek. She stood up from her seat and started walking out of the courtroom in silence.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha called out to her, but she didn't answer. He knew this was way more than a shock for her so he ran after her and grabbed hold of her wrist.

Kagome stopped walking but didn't turn to face Inuyasha. Instead she just stood still with tears in her eyes.

"Kagome. Don't work yourself up over this. You know that he'll be put away. We just have to wait a little while. We've waited this long haven't we?" Inuyasha said softly.

The courtroom started filtering out. Though no one seemed to pay the two any attention.

Kagome's shoulders started shaking. "Inuyasha…" She forced out. "If it's not too much to ask, could you leave me alone for a while? I just need some time to clear my head okay?" She turned and faced him with a smile.

Inuyasha winced slightly at the smile Kagome was giving him. She really was one for hiding her emotions well. He couldn't even smell her tears anymore. But he could still sense her distress.

"Kagome I won't…"

"Please…" She cut him off.

Inuyasha let out a sigh in defeat. He didn't want to leave Kagome alone. Especially at a time like this when she'll need support the most. However, he didn't want to cause her anymore pain by going against what she was asking of him. He let her go. "Kagome, please be careful." He said and then kissed her.

Kagome closed her eyes and returned his kiss. 'I promise.' She mouthed against his lips before they parted. She then turned and walked out of the room, and out of the courthouse.

"Is Kagome going to be alright?" Sango asked.

Inuyasha turned to face her and nodded his head. "Yes. She'll okay. That spirited girl…she's always alright. She just wants to be alone right now."

"But are you sure she should be alone. That man has been released for however long Kikyo's pregnant. Kagome's shouldn't be out by herself. A restraining order won't block him from getting close to her."

Inuyasha clenched his fist at the thought of Kagome's step-father coming within two feet of her. But soon he relieved himself of the sudden anger. "Kagome will be fine. I'm sure of it. Just give her some time.


It had been hours since anyone seen or heard from Kagome. When everyone started leaving the courthouse, she was nowhere to be found. Inuyasha couldn't even catch her scent for long. Where ever she was, she was far, and everyone hoped she was okay.

"We can't just sit around and WAIT for Kagome to walk through the front door!" Sango shouted. It didn't take much to worry her, especially when it came to Kagome. The two of them were like sisters, if not closer.

"Well what do you propose we do Hon? None of us know where she is." Miroku asked her while rubbing his fiancées shoulders in attempt to sooth her.

"That's the point! We've got to find her! Kagome's upset right now and I know how Kagome gets when she REALLY upset. She does crazy things…"

"Give her the benefit of the doubt Sango." Inuyasha spoke up. "We all know how Kagome can get. Besides, it's not like she's lost. WE just don't know where she is. But when she's ready to be with other people, she'll come home."

Sango forced a small smile across her face. "She always does."

Inuyasha nodded. "Exactly."

"So there's nothing more for us to do other then to wait."


Kagome brought her knees to her chest and continued to stare at the smooth ocean current. She decided the best place for her to go would be the shore, since it's pretty obvious she always went to the park when she wanted to be alone. At least this way, she really COULD be alone.

She sighed deeply. "Congratulations Kagome…you got what you wanted." She whispered to herself.

Then why do I still feel the way that I do???

She stood up and kicked her shoes off her feet. Slowly, she walked into the freezing cold beach water. Each step taking her deeper down. It wasn't much longer that the only thing above sea level was her nose up. Kagome smirked to herself.

I wonder if I were to drown right now…would that be the end of all my problems…

She took one more step into the water and was then completely under water. She closed her eyes and started swimming back towards the shore. But all of a sudden, she felt an, oh too familiar pang in her lower abdomen. Kagome made a face to react to the pain she was currently feeling. She grabbed hold of her pudgy, pregnant stomach and started breathing heavily. But the pain only got worse. Kagome only wished that she could get on land before this started happening.

"Oh, why do you decide to do this now baby?" She forced out before she started screaming.

No one was around to hear her. It was dark, and no lifeguards were around to save her. She couldn't swim to shore because she needed her arms…which were currently holding her stomach. Kagome continued to scream, she couldn't take the pain.


Inuyasha…I'm so sorry…

Kagome felt her head going light, her vision getting blurry. She started having flashback visions again. Only this time, they seemed worse. She couldn't make them stop. They played and replayed over and over again in her head. Almost as if watching a movie in rewind and fast-forward. This only caused Kagome's screaming to get worse. Now she was in pain, shock, AND fear at one time. It was all too much for her. Soon, she completely blacked out. But not before she felt an arm wrapped securely around her waist.

Something triggered in Inuyasha's head. Almost as if he KNEW something was wrong with Kagome. Or, something was about to happen to her. The very thought made him uneasy and he quickly left from his house. Only problem, he had no idea where she was. He checked all her favorite hiding spots but still couldn't find her. He didn't even have a small clue to tell where she might be.

"I knew l shouldn't have let her go out on her own." He closed his eyes and growled to himself.

I'll never forgive myself if something happened to her…Oh where are you Kagome???

Inuyasha then got the strangest taste of salt water in his mouth. He made a face wondering why that just happened. It's not like you get funny tastes in you mouth everyday.

I wonder if I were to drown right now…would that be the end of all my problems…

Inuyasha's eyes widened. "THE BEACH!"


Kagome was dripping wet, and freezing cold. When she finally woke up, she started coughing up water. Her mind was still up bit fuzzy, but she figured she'd be okay.

"W-what happened to me?" She asked to no one in particular. "And why did my stomach start hurting like it did?"

She started rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. Once she could see, she took notice of her savior…or more like her hell raiser. Kagome's eyes widened, and her heart dropped. All of the fear and anguish from earlier that day returned.

Kagome pushed off with her hands and feet to get away from him. "Stay away from me! You're not supposed to be within twenty feet of me!" You could hear the fear growing in her voice.

The man gave her a lustful smirk. "Is that anyway to speak to someone who just saved not only your life, but the child you're carrying?"

Kagome's breathing became heavy and quick. She was scared out of her mind and she wasn't sure what to expect.

"What's the matter Kagome? Most people are thrilled to see their fathers."

The look in on Kagome's face gave away her fear. "Y-you're not my father…get away from me or I swear I'll scream."

He smirked at her. "Go right on a head. I'm sure you'll be doing a lot of screaming pretty soon anyway. Besides, there's no one around to hear you." He stood up and started walking up to her.

Kagome's entire body started shaking. She only prayed that she was wrong about what was to come.

Inuyasha…help me…please…

"If you do this…you'll only go to jail quicker…" She said in a broken terrified tone.

"So. It appears I'll be going soon anyway. I might as well enjoy one more night with my favorite girl." He grabbed hold of her face and brought Kagome's lips to his own.

The very taste could have easily made Kagome throw up when she pulled apart.

"You know…you've really put me through a lot Kagome. These past two years have been like hell for me. So I'm going to repay you for EVERYTHING you put me through."

"BULL SHIT!" Kagome yelled. "What you went through was NOTHING compared to what I've gone through have my LIFE!"

Kagome was pushed onto the cold beach sand and pinned down. "Well then…one more night should feel like routine to you then." He said and then ripped her shirt and skirt.

Once she was barely dressed, Kagome felt those visions in her head come to life all over again. And this time it was worse. She cringed when he felt on her stomach.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk Kagome. You've gone and decided to carry another mans child. You where suppose to have my child one day."

Kagome's eyes widened upon hearing this but her thoughts were soon terminated when she felt her underwear being torn from her body. Her face turned red, and tears filled her eyes.

"Please…don't do this. Not again."

"But why not Kagome? You enjoyed this years ago. You moaned with every thrust I gave you."

Kagome closed her eyes. She didn't want to look him in the face while he defiled her for the second time in her life. "I screamed the entire…time…" She said in a low growl.

"Those screams sounded like cries of 'hallelujah' to me." He started unbuckling his pants. "I want to hear those screams again."

Kagome shook her head knowing that no one was coming for her. She mustered up enough energy to scream…loud. But soon, her face was met with the sharpest pain. She whimpered at the unpleasant feeling.


He positioned himself for a painful penetration.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Yelled a VERY pissed off half demon. In fact, pissed isn't the word. He was worse then pissed, worse then furious. Inuyasha was ready to go on a killing spree when he took sight to his wife and mate. "IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE AT ALL, AND WANT TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY TOMORROW…GET THE HELL AWAY FROM KAGOME! YOU HAVE LESS THEN A SECOND!" Inuyasha yelled while advancing himself at teh man.

Suboshi only smirked at Inuyasha. "Too late." He whispered before entering Kagome with a dangerous force.

Kagome's eyes shot open, and she screamed.



"No…no…Inuyasha…help me."

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Help you what?"

Kagome's eyes shot open and she breathed heavily. She looked around and took notice of her surroundings.

"I-I'm back at school?" She said with a puzzled look on her face.

Inuyasha chuckled. "Yea, where else would you be?" He said while helping her to her feet. "You ran into me a couple minutes ago and fell. You hit your head on the floor tiles pretty hard. You okay?" He asked sincerly.

Kagome was still stuck on stupid as to what just happened. But she didn't want to worry herself anymore. She wasn't on the beach suffering her worst fear. She threw herself into Inuyasha's chest and started crying in his shirt.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, you're alright. You only fell. It's not the end of the world. You'll be okay." He said trying to sooth the girl. Though he wasn't sure why she was so comfortable with him in the first place. She barely knew him. The only time they saw each other was on the football field.

"I…I just love you so much." She whispered.

Inuyasha's eyes widened and he backed up from the girl. "What did you say?" He asked with a dumb look on his face.

Kagome was still puzzled. Why would Inuyasha ask a question like that? But then, it clicked in.


Inuyasha was looking at the girl as if she was crazy. "You never left. The both of us just came from the play off game. Don't you remember?"

Kagome thought for a minute. "The play off game two years ago?" She asked.

Now Inuyasha thought the girl had completely lost it. "The game was only a half hour ago. What's up with you today Kagome? Did that bump on the head mess you up this badly?" He started patting Kagome's head.

Bump on the head??? Then wait…

Kagome looked Inuyasha in the eyes. "Was all that a dream?" She whispered. "Everything, our wedding, and daughter, meeting my dad…it was all a dream?"

Inuyasha chuckled. "You might want to get on home. Be sure to put some ice on that bump okay?" He said with a soft smile and started walking away.

Kagome chuckled to herself and a tear fell on her face. "If all that was a dream…" She fell to her knees.

I still have a DISCUSTING stepfather to go home to…EVERYDAY!!!

**The End**

Final Authors Note: I kind of feel bad about ending such a beautiful story with such an unhappy ending. But that's the thing, the worlds not all lollipops and gumdrops. Bad things happen. Anyway, sort of explain this last chapter. [Re-read Teenage Secrets Chapter 1] Kagome ran into Inuyasha in the hallway and fell unconscious for a little while. During that time, she had a LONG dream that extended from Teenage Secrets to now. Pretty much, she and Inuyasha never got together. They never had any kids. They're not married…and they're still in High School.

Life Sucks Doesn't it. Anyway, this is the end of this short, yet heart warming series. All rights go to Rumiko Takahashi as far as characters go. But this is MY original story, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it ;). Please remember to R&R and favorite BOTH stories. Thanks for taking the time to read it again. And please read my other stories!!
