AN: I'm in an EXTREAMLY friendly mood right now so I'm going to be nice and start Another Teenage Secret for you guys. I am such…I good person. L0l, well enjoy!

[[[Oh yea, the story takes place TWO YEARS LATER making Kagome=18 Inuyasha=20 Miaka=2 Sango=18 and Miroku=19-20]]]


Title-Another Teenage Secrets

Summary- *Sequel* to 'Teenage Secrets' She never wanted to see him again. That face, those eyes, that entire being that scared her so much. But…he's back. And wait…Kikyo's back? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

Genre- Romance/Humor/Suspence


Chapter 1- The Letter


"Take it off!"

"No…stop please…" Kagome cried.

He slapped her across the face, then pinned her to the bed.

"If you just did what I said, I wouldn't have to do this to you!"

Kagome screamed even louder. "Why won't you stop? Please don't do this!" Kagome was crying hysterical.

He tore off her jeans and worked on her underwear. "Don't pretend like you don't like this Kagome." He said with a voice full of lust, and anger.

Kagome scream at the top of her lungs… "Somebody please help me!"

"Shut Up! No one will save you. Nobody love you like I do."

Kagome could feel her heart beat begin to speed up until…


Kagome popped up and started gasping for breath. She put a hand on her forehead. Kagome's pillow, and entire side of the bed was soaked from her sweat. In fact, she was soaked in sweat.

A dream…it was just a dream…

Kagome looked to her right and saw her husband not in the bed with her.

He must have gotten up when Miaka did…

Kagome quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. While lathering her hair in shampoo, she took a moment to think about her past few dreams.

They're all the same…every night…they're all the same…why…why does his face still haunt me???

Kagome rinsed the shampoo out her hair and proceeded with conditioner.

It's been two years…I haven't seen that man in two years…so…why does his face still scare me???

Kagome soon got out of the shower. She walked into her bedroom only to find her daughter sitting at her vanity staring at herself.

I have a whole new life…a husband…a child…and a whole new destination…

Sometime after Miaka was born Inuyasha and Kagome moved into their own place. One big enough for more then just Inuyasha. Inuyasha's condo was large enough for just the two of them, but defiantly not for them and their daughter.

My life couldn't get much better anymore so…why am I still scared of him???


Kagome broke away from her thoughts. "Yes honey?"

"Someday, I'm going to be a real lady. Just like you mommy." Miaka smiled at her mother.

Kagome smiled back at her daughter. "I know you will sweetheart." Kagome couldn't help but not smile. Her daughter was so adorable. And every time she saw her daughter, she saw herself. Sure she had features from Inuyasha such as her ears, and eye color. But the rest of her was ALL Kagome. All the way from her hair, too her toes, Miaka was all Kagome.

But that's what scared her.

"Miaka honey? Where is daddy?"

"Daddy left. He left for the office when nanny Sarah got here."

Kagome was also astounded at her daughter's speech. Two years old, and already speaking full sentences. Inuyasha always told her she was going to be a 'brainy act' like her.

Kagome sighed. "How very noble of him to leave before I wake up." Kagome said sarcastically.

"Daddy told me you would say that."

Kagome shook her head and walked over to her vanity. She picked up a hairbrush and softly started stroking her daughter's hair.

Miaka…my beautiful girl…I hope you never go through what I went through…

"Lady Kagome! Lady Kagome! Sorry for the intrusion, but I can't find small…"

Kagome looked at the nanny. "It's okay, when my husband left, she came into my room."

Miaka turned and smiled at her nanny. "Sorry Nanny Sarah."

The woman let out a small sigh of relief. "Well, breakfast is downstairs for you both as well as the mail."

"Thank you Sarah, we'll be down."

"Yay! Waffles!" Miaka ran, and grabbed hold of her nanny and dragged her down the stairs.

Kagome shook her head, and then suddenly got a case of the nerves when she heard 'mail'. But…she didn't know why. She gets mails almost everyday. However, there was something about today's mail that made her uneasy. Kagome shrugged it off and proceeded down the two flights of stairs.

When she got downstairs, her breakfast was sitting at the dining table with the mail next to her plate. She looked at the envelopes, and decided to put off opening the mail for a while. She ate her meal in comfortable silence with her daughter until Miaka started up a conversation.

"Mommy?" She said.


"Daddy told me when I become a lady, I'll take over Takahashi Inc."

Kagome smiled at her daughter. "You most defiantly will. But don't be in to much of a rush to grow up."

"But mommy…I dream every night about being a lady." Miaka said with a smile.

"There is nothing wrong with dreams honey. But don't always dream that you're all grown up because big dreams are best just for children." Kagome stroked her daughter's cheek lovingly.

Miaka smiled brightly. "Okay mommy!"

Miaka quickly finished her breakfast. "I'm finished, may I please be excused?"

"Most defiantly…Small Lady Miaka." Kagome added the last part just to see her daughters smile once more before she left the table.

"Lady?" Miaka repeated with a puzzled looked on her face.

"Small Lady." Kagome answered.

"Only the maids and other house staff call me that mommy."

"That's because you ARE a small lady."

Miaka smiled again, this time bigger then any other. "But when I grow up…I'm going to be a full fledged lady. Just like my mommy!" Miaka said before leaving the kitchen.

Kagome sighed. That spirited kid…

Kagome looked back to the mail. Again she felt that feeling of anxiety, still having no idea why. She reached for the mail…then pulled away.

I don't get it…why can't I open the mail…what is my body trying to stop me from seeing???

"Lady Kagome? Is everything alright?" A kitchen worker said.

Kagome looked to her left, then nodded. "I'm fine."

"Can I get you anything else?"

"Nope, not at all. You may take a break until the next meal." Kagome smiled.

"Thank you ma'lady."

Kagome nodded once again. Then turned her attention back to the envelopes sitting attentively on the dining room table.

Here goes nothing…

She reached for the letters.

Inuyasha Takahashi…Mr. And Mrs. Takahashi…Mrs. Kagome Takahashi…Miss Kagome Higurashi…

Kagome's eyes widened.

I haven't had mail addressed to my maiden name in almost a year…

Kagome stared at the letter. Her nerves shot again.

It's this…isn't it???

Kagome's hands started shaking as she slowly opened the envelope. When she got it completely open, she began to read.

Kagome's heart skipped a beat, and her eyes widened even more. When she finished reading the paper, she looked up and started staring into space.

"My case…it's being…tried…"


AN: And there you have it. The shocking and suspenseful first chapter. *Sigh* You guys should know by now that I LOVE leaving cliff hangers. [I can be cruel at times] l0l.

But yes…I sure hope you all are ready for the final secrets to be revealed of our favorite characters. I know I am. Also please bare with me, I'm about to start balancing two stories at one time plus MY LIFE… so don't get mad if I don't update like I normally do. I'll try to update as often as possible but yes…it will be hard.

Um…yea thank you so much for wanting to continue the story…and please remember to R&R!

