Hey peoples! I used to be 'too old' to watch The Worst Witch but now I just don't care! I love it! Even though I'm nearly fifteen (in March! Woo!) Anyway, while I was looking through fan fictions I spotted that there were Worst Witch ones done so I decided to give some a go. Please enjoy and review! Depending on how this goes this might be a one shot. If I find I've a lot to write I'll make it into chapters. Happy reading!
Personality Swap:
Mildred POV:
"Okay girls sit down!" Miss Hardbroom shouted. We all sat down really quickly. "Good morning girls," she said in her usual calm tone. "Good morning Miss Hardbroom," we all said in unison. "Ok girls, on Friday next we are going to have a drink competition due to the really hot weather. There will be a prize for the winner," she said.
We all began talking amongst ourselves for a moment before she interrupted again. "Keep it down girls!" she shouted. "Pick a partner and start planning on what you are going to do. The rest of the staff and I will be tasting them and if we are satisfied we will make them available around the school. Do you understand?" "Yes Miss Hardbroom," we all said in unison once again.
I turned to Maud, "Partners?" I asked even though it was a more rhetorical question. "Sure!" she smiled. "Ok, so what are we going to do?" she asked. "Well I was thinking of something with some fruit. That's always refreshing," I suggested. "Yeah! We could get Fenella and Griselda to give us a hand. "Great so!" I exclaimed.
"Mildred Hubble always trouble!" exclaimed Ethel. "Pack it in Ethel!" Maud shouted. "Just leave it Maud," I sighed. "So what are you going to do for this? Apart from mess it up!" she laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Maud said sarcastically.
"No not really, we're going to win anyway," Ethel said turning around. "We can't let her win," Maud whispered. "I know that but what chance do we have?" I moaned. "With Fenny and Grizz on our sides we should do ok?"
"I guess..."I sighed and daydreamed for the rest of class as Miss Hardbroom was telling us about vital ingredients for a potion. After what seemed like an age she dismissed us from class. Maud and I headed down to the library because we knew that Fenny and Grizz would be there.
We headed immediately to the back of the library where the most advanced books were because we knew that's where we would find Fenny and Grizz would be reading those books. "Hey guys," I said walking up to them. "Oh hi Millie!" they both said in unison.
"Could you help us with something?" I asked them. "Sure," they smiled. "We've to make a drink for a competition for the teachers due to the hot weather. We don't really know what to do...well...I don't know what to do without killing someone."
"Sure no problem! Do you want us now?" asked Griselda. "If you wouldn't mind!" Maud exclaimed happily. "Ok then, you're working from the potions lab I take it?" she said. "Yup," was all I replied.
We headed down to the potions lab and Fenella lit a fire under the cauldron to warm it up. "Ok, did you have any ideas as to what you want to do?" Griselda asked. "We were thinking of something fruity," I told them. "Ok then," she said grabbing a few bottles from the cupboard to my left.
"What are they?" I asked. "They just give it a little bit of flavour and energy to the drink. If you want it fruity then you have to go out and get them and put them in properly," Finella told us. "That's ok! I have some in my room!" I exclaimed happily.
"Why do you have fruit in your room?" Griselda asked looking rather amused. "We were out with Miss Bat," Maud told them. "Ah," she laughed. I went down to my room to get the fruit and I got back quickly before anybody came in and saw our idea (or that we were getting help from second years).
I threw in some lemons to give it some lovely flavour. They continued putting in different ingredients for quite a while. They were using so many stuff I had never heard of, some I couldn't even pronounce. After about three hours they were done.
"Okay, finished!" they both said in unison. "Brilliant!" Maud shouted and ran up to look at it, as did I. "What a disgusting colour!" I exclaimed in disgust. "You won't be moaning when you taste it!" laughed Fenella. "Can we try it now?" Maud asked. "Sure," Griselda said taking a ladle full of our drink out of the cauldron.
Maud took a little sip from it. "That is wicked!" she exclaimed. "Ok then let me try some!" I said impatiently getting really excited. I took a sip. Oh my goodness! It was divine! "That's beautiful," I said in disbelief.
"Any ideas for names?" Griselda asked. "No..." said Maud thoughtfully. "I'd say we're definitely going to win," I smiled. "Let's hope so," Fenalla smiled. "Well, we're tired so we're off to bed," Griselda said as they began to walk out.
"Thank you!" I smiled. "No problem!" she smiled. Then Maud walked towards the door. "It's getting late Millie, Miss Hardbroom will be walking around soon, we should get to bed," she said. "You go, I'll follow on," I said. "Ok, night!" she exclaimed.
"Night!" I said and she walked out. After a moment I took a look in at our potion. The colour was disgusting. It was such a pale green which had a tint of blue in the middle. I looked in the cupboard with the potion ingredients.
I scaled the cupboard until I spotted a lovely light pink one, surely this would change the colour to pink. I poured it in and a puff of smoke came from the cauldron. After about five minutes the colour had changed to a beautiful pink. Now anybody would want to drink it!
I headed to bed and slept almost straight away. I was so tired. The next week went flying by really quickly. I was really looking forward to Friday. Since making the drink we made ten bottles. Luckily I had gotten a lot of sleep on Thursday night; because what was about to happen on Friday I was going to need my energy. Not that it was bad...just the funniest thing that I had ever seen.
I'm actually going to do this in chapters. Sorry that this chapter was poor. I just wanted to set up the basis for the next story. Please go into my profile and see my other fan fictions. Thanks! Please review! Bye peoples!