Hey Everybody!!! I hope you are enjoying yourselves so far!!! I hope that you will review and give me your thoughts about my three stories!!! So…anyways…enjoy!!!!

Chapter 6: Questions

"Man! That was a good nap!" I said to myself. I had just woken up from my nap that I took earlier after my so-called "training". I look around my room staring at the colorless things in front of me.

"Wow. Now that I really attention to it…My room needs a makeover!" I thought in my head. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I was finishing my morning routines when a loud bang came from downstairs. "Now what?!?" I said as hurried out the room. I immediately ran into Sasori on the way down.

"What was that?" I asked him. He looked at me real hard before closing his eyes. He sighed quietly before answering. "Probably Deidara trying to cook…again…" I looked at him before I asked, "What do you mean "Again"?" He opened his eyes and looked at me with a look that said "You sure you want to know?" before he sighed again. He turned towards the stairs and replied:

"You'll find out when you go downstairs." I looked at him, puzzled at what he said. But I decided not to bother him anymore and headed down the stairs to have a look.

When I went down there, the living room was looking normal enough, so I thought it couldn't be that bad and I headed straight into the kitchen with ease. But boy was I wrong! The whole kitchen looked like a tornado had devoured the whole room and had vomited it back up. I examined the whole room, from pancakes on top of the ceiling, to the smoking stove. And there in the middle of it all was Deidara, looking as surprised as a girl at her own surprised birthday party. He had pancake batter and eggs whites in his hair, with what I think was butter on his Akatsuki cloak.

"What happened in here?" I asked him, probably surprising him with my sudden question. He turned towards me and looked at me real hard, staring at me with those light-blue eyes of his. He studied me like as if he was trying to remember something. I was getting pretty annoyed that he didn't answered my question, so I said:

"Wanna take a picture or something?" This time he answered.

"Who are you?" But before I could answer, two more people entered the room.

"Holy Jashin! Deidara not again!" He said. I immediately gasped at the sudden outburst. But I quickly recovered from it…and leaped on the person.
"HIDAN!!!" I screamed, connecting me around his waist. I could tell that he might have been surprised with sudden action, but it wasn't long before he started yelling. ´"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??! AND GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!" He retorted quickly. I disconnected myself from around him and held out my hand. "The name is Kaya." He stared at me and then his gaze fell onto Deidara. Deidara shrugged his shoulders at him. "I don't know her either." He responded. I looked over at him and decided to ask him my question again. "What happened in here?"

"…I tried to…cook…" he answered quietly. I could tell he was a little embarrassed saying that to a girl and I took pity on him. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, we all make mistakes, but if you wanted to cook, you could have called me. And by the way this room looks…I say you need some real help." He nodded at me and I smiled in response. So about 10 min later, we had the whole kitchen back to the way it was supposed to look, and about 20 min later, we had the whole kitchen table filled with delicious food.

"Glad that's over." I sighed. I looked over at Deidara, who was cleaning the pots. I walked over to him and decided to lend him a hand.

"You are not from around here, are you?" He asked, handing me a dish.

"No." I replied quickly.

"How did you get here?"

"You're just full of questions, aren't ya?" I said, slightly annoyed. He senses my change in my tone and replied: "Sorry. Just curious." I gave him a sideway glance and nodded in response. "It's ok. I know." I said. But before we could continue with our conversation, Kisame entered the room. "Good morning." I called sleepily. I looked over at him and noticed that he look like something had chewed him up and spitted him right back out.

"What happened to you?" I asked him.

"Itachi had me do some errands since this morning. He kinda upset that you broke through his technique. And speaking of which, he wants to speak to you." He replied. I stared at him and before he could blink, I was out the door. I went through the living room and up the stairs. I went down a long hallway, before coming to his door. I knocked softly and could hear his voice say "come in." I opened the door slowly and stepped inside. I found Itachi lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Without even looking at me, he said:

"Sit down." I immediately sat down in a chair by his bed. He turned his gaze upon me and stared at me for a minute. It was like he trying to figure out something he couldn't solve. Then adverted his gaze to me

"You are not from around here, are you?" he asked.


"Where do you come from?"

"What is this twenty questions or something?!?" I barked, getting a little annoyed. He stared at me for what seem like forever, and then he sighed heavily. He lifted himself out of the bed and begins walking to his closet. He began to rummage through some clothes until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out black t shirt and some pants and threw them at me.

"Here" he said, "Use these for now on."

"But don't I already have this outfit?" I asked him.

"For now use them, they have weights in them. You will need them for training tomorrow." He answered, and then he went to the door and opens it. "You are dismissed." I stared at him in his seat for about a minute, got out of my chair, and walked out the door. I heard the door close behind me and I sighed to myself.

"So much for bonding."

That's the end. Sorry for the long wait and please answer my question from the previous chapter! I would appreciate it. So again sorry and I'll make more chapters real soon.