Fucking hell I need to stop with the author notes...

Just saying, hey, hello, hi, how you doing, yes I am alive! No, I'm not suicidal (HAHA), have I got writers block? Yes and no. Has it been a month now? Yes. Do you want to kill me? Yes.

Just so you know, I am not deleting anything, I got over my hissy fit, everything's fine. I haven't been writing X&Y simply because I can't and I don't want to just sit down and rush it so it's shit. However, aside from writing this, I am actually (I mean actually- for all the people I gave days as to when I would update, I'm sorry, I'm shit at deadlines and I didn't like what I'd written) writing it at the moment.

I have a beta, SwallowedxInxThexSea (yay, Coldplay- you know, I haven't listened to them in AGES) so check out her stories, I only found her because I read 'Under Wraps' - http://www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/s/5181027/1/Under_Wraps. Hopefully I'll be able to send her some stuff soon haha.

Another story you should look at is 'Sex On Fire' by Simone Marie - http://www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/s/5293097/14/ - Honestly, when I recommend something I would say it's actually something worth reading, I'm very picky with stuff and I don't read unless it's actually good. However, we all have different opinions... but this is worth reading. It's basically about an older Edward and a younger Bella, and by that I mean, Bella being 17 and Edward in his twenties. I really love the tension between the two, it's only up to chapter 14 so check it out. There are quite a few different pov's but I didn't find it annoying (normally I do) and it's so worth more reviews than it has, so leave those ladies some love, just saying you've read it or something.

I wrote a one shot called P.P.P.S I Love You - http://www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/s/5318429/1/PPPS_I_love_you

Go and read it, PLEASE. I will love you so much if you do. So far everyone who has has cried, not saying you will, but you should. Read it, review it, and play the most depressing playlist you have whilst doing so.

I'm trying, I really really am. I'm squeezing my brain for all the creative juices it has! X&Y WILL BE WRITTEN GOD DAMN IT! WE'RE SO NEAR THE END AS WELL! I JUST NEED A KICK FOR THE HOMESTRETCH. We'll get there ladies, don't you worry.