Disclaimer: All the Vocaloids mentioned in this story belong to either Yamaha or Cryton. Except for Kamaito who is a Fanmade vocaloid.

Beta'd by Meicdon13


Inside the gym of Vocal High, the girls' volleyball team was practicing for an upcoming game. Their breasts bounced around in their thin cotton white t-shirts as they chased after the volleyball. When it was time for a person to spike, the red shorts that hug so tightly on all the members would ride up on that female as she jumped in the air to smack the ball across the net. And watching this whole scene play out was Kaito and his friend, Big Al.

"Oh Yamaha, don't you just love girls' volleyball?" Kaito said as he stared lustfully at the bouncing females on the gym floor. "It's probably one of the greatest things man has ever invented."

"You know, you would probably be able to date one of the members of the team if you weren't such a pervert," Big Al said to the blue haired teenager.

"It wouldn't be worth it. While they look lovely, none of their personalities fit with the kind of girl I want," Kaito said with a pout.

"See, that's another one of your problems," the dark-skinned male said as he pointed an accusing finger at Kaito. "Not only are you a pervert, but you're also shallow. None of the girls in this school is good enough for you."

"Ah, but that's not true. What about Miku-chan?"

"Oh Cryton, not her again," said Big-Al.

"Yes, her again," Kaito said before going off in a dream-like state. "Miku is so kind and caring, just like a girl from a dating sim. Not to mention she is absolutely adorable with that loli-con face of hers. Her breasts could be bigger, but that's beside the point."

"Ugh, when will you learn that life is not a hentai?" said Al. "Girl's with low self-esteem issues and huge knockers don't randomly trip into depraved boys' laps."

"Hentai...oh that reminds me," said the blue haired teen. "A new AV featuring Sweet Ann just came out today. I plan on picking it up after school."

"There's no helping you," Al said as he shook his head in disappointment.

---After School---

Kaito walked into the building of an old and secluded adult store. He tried to run quickly past the front desk so the owner wouldn't spot him.

"Hello there, darling."

Unfortunately, he didn't make it.

"Oh...hey there Kamaito," Kaito said to the man in drag.

Now in general Kaito didn't really have a problem with Kamaito. He...ugh...she...um...the tranny was a pretty nice person. However, Kaito couldn't get over the awkwardness of seeing a full grown male wearing a dress and make-up like a real woman.

"Let me guess. You're here for Sweet Ann's latest flick cleverly titled "Cum sing with me"."

"Yeah," Kaito said while laughing nervously.

"Hmm, I'm surprised you didn't skip school for this. You couldn't stop talking about this video the last time you were here."

"I actually tried to do that but my friend wouldn't let me," Kaito said angrily as he remembered Al dragging him back to class when he was about to leave the campus.

"Well, you're lucky that I saved you a copy," Kamaito said as he pulled out a DVD case from behind the counter. "These things were going out fast."

"Oh, thank you Kamaito," Kaito said as he grabbed the DVD off the counter and raised it in the air with pride like a father would with a child.

"And it's free if you are willing to buy something else."

"What exactly is this something?" asked Kaito.

Kamaito went under the desk and pulled out a statue, but it wasn't just any kind of statue. It was six inches high and in the shape of a penis, and what was even weirder—if it could get any weirder—was that there were several Japanese seals stuck to the penis replica.

"Kamaito, what the hell is that?" Kaito was almost afraid to ask.

"This darling is an ancient artifact."

"It looks like a statue of a dick."

"Yeah...but that doesn't stop it from being ancient or an artifact."

"Why are showing me this?" the blue-haired teen finally asked. "Despite how much you wish for me to be gay, I'm not. So what point is there for me to be carrying around a statue of a penis?"

"Ah, don't be such a prude, Kaito," Kamaito said while flipping the purple boa he was wearing. "Besides, aren't kids your age usually in a hurry to buy weird things like this?"

"Kamaito, get serious."

"Okay Sweetheart, I need someone to take this thing off my hands. It's taking up inventory."

"Well why don't you try to sell it to someone else?" Kaito said coming up with an obvious conclusion.

"Well, I've tried that, but there been countless complaints."

"Complaints?" Kaito questioned.

"I had a number of male clients returning this item because they've either been experiencing horrible nightmares or feel as if their sexual energy is being drained by this thing," explained Kamaito

"So you're telling me this statue is cursed?" Kaito said in disbelief.

"Cursed? Of course not. No, I just believe that little boys like to make up silly excuses when they can't get it up. But..." Kamaito said while lifting up Kaito chin with is manicured nails, " big boys like you don't have to worry about that problem, do they? So will you take it?"

A shudder ran throughout Kaito's body before he pulled away from the drag queen's grasp.

"Um...I don't know."

"Oh, come on Sweetheart, if not for me. Do it for a free AV of your precious Sweet Ann." Kamaito said while tapping his nails on the DVD case.

"Okay, whatever." Kaito finally agreed. Who knows? I could probably use this thing for a school prank or something.


Kaito arrived home tired and exhausted. It wasn't easy carrying round an object that weighed more than a box of bricks. Kaito set the phallus-shaped statue on his computer desk, while at the same time hoping that the table didn't beak under the pressure of the 'cursed' item. As soon as he placed the statue on his desk, all the Japanese seals that covered it fell off. However being the lazy teenager that he was, Kaito decided to pick them up later.

He then looked at the DVD he had just purchased and decided to watch it later on tonight; he was just too tired to keep his eyes open at the moment. The teen then plopped ungracefully on his bed before quickly going to sleep.


Kaito didn't know where he was. A white hot mist surrounded him and the only thing he could see in front of him was a silhouette of a person.

"Hello," Kaito said as he moved towards the shadow. Suddenly the mist cleared, and in front of Kaito was a hot spring that had a woman occupying it. The blue-haired teen couldn't see the woman's front due to the fact that she was facing forward. However, the back of her skin was as white as snow and her blonde hair, which was pulled up to make a one sided ponytail, looked soft and silky to the touch. In other words she looked good in Kaito's book. The teenager checked his breath and straightened his hair before approaching the bathing female.

"Why, hello there," Kaito said as he walked closer to the hot spring. Suddenly the boy found himself in a pool of warm water. Did I trip into the spring? I sure didn't remember doing so.

The blue-haired teen suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around him and pulled him underwater. Kaito harshly spit up water and quickly got the hair from his eyes so he could see. Oh, god I bet this chick now thinks I'm such an idiot.

Kaito opened his eyes to see a nude male staring at him. Kaito was in awe as he looked at the man before him. The male's eyes were the prettiest color of green the teen had ever seen. The beautiful orbs stared at him with an intense lust that Kaito only thought he possessed. The man's chest and stomach were built to perfection, not a flab of fat was cling to his body. Wet blonde hair stuck to the man's attractive face making him look like some kind of water god. Kaito couldn't believe he was thinking this but this man was absolutely gorgeous.

"Kaito," the stranger suddenly said in a sensual voice. Kaito's eyes widened in surprised. How in the hell does this guy know my name? Kaito didn't have time to think about this now as the handsome male suddenly pulled him into his arms.

"I've missed you so much," the blonde said as he hugged Kaito. It was at this moment that the blue-haired teen realized something. One, was that the clothes he was wearing before he was underwater had suddenly disappear along with the woman that had been in the spring, and two was that this man was obviously not in his right mind.

"Woah!" Kaito said before pushing the stranger off him. "Who are you and where did that hot babe I saw minutes ago go off to?"

A depraved smile suddenly appeared on the attractive male's face. "I am Leon, an incubus and your past lover, and as for that woman she was nothing but a figure I created to lure you here."

"What in the hell is an incubu-Wait! What do you mean by past lover?!" Kaito said as he had hoped that he had heard wrong.

The stranger, now known as Leon walked slowly towards Kaito. The teenager took a two step backs for every step Leon took forward. It continued this way until Kaito's back hit a boulder that was sitting in the middle of the spring. Where the hell did this giant rock come from? I don't remember it being in here a few seconds ago.

Leon placed an arm on each side of Kaito, making sure that the boy was trapped. Kaito felt his heart racing as Leon stared down at him with a hungry look in his eyes. The blue haired teen's body was shaking but he didn't know exactly why. He knew that most of it was from fear but he couldn't help thinking that some of his trembling was because he was, dare he say it, excited.

"What I mean..." Leon said as he brought his face closer to Kaito, "is that we were and still are devoted to each other."

"W-Well I-I definitely don't remember having a l-lover especially a m-male one." Why am I stuttering?

"Maybe this will refresh your memory." Leon pressed his lips to Kaito, causing the blue haired boy to shout out in protest, which was a big mistake on his part. Leon saw the opportunity and began exploring the teen's mouth with his tongue.

The fists that immediately went to hitting the blonde in the back switched to holding on to the incubus as Kaito began to lose himself in the kiss. Leon's tongue played expertly with his mouth. And despite the fact that he knew he should have been disgusted by kissing another guy, Kaito couldn't help but enjoy the way Leon's saliva tasted. It was a hot and had sweet flavor that made the blue-haired boy moan.

Kaito felt himself drowning in the kiss. His entire body buzzed in bliss as Leon sucked on his tongue, obviously pretending that he was sucking another organ on the boy's body. Kaito couldn't take anymore, he could hear his heart racing in his ears, his legs were getting weak, and his length pulsing with need. Kaito's whole world was spinning until finally, he came.


Kaito woke up in a sweat. He looked under his sheets and saw proof that he did not only come in his dream but came in real life as well.

"At least it was only a dream," Kaito said as he wiped his damped hair away from his face.

"Oh and what dream was that, love?"

Kaito felt his heart jump before looking for the source of the voice. He stared at the mirror on his nightstand to see the man from his dream lying on his bed with him. He immediately looked on his bed and saw no one but him, he then looked back to the mirror where Leon was still sitting on his mattress.

"What the hell!"


This story is inspired by a manga I read, which name escapes me now.

There are a lot of PVs that make Kaito seem like a pervert. I don't really see him that way, but I'm not going to ignore a plot device when I see it.

Anyway I'm really excited about this story, I always wanted to write a smut filled vocaloid fic.