Disclaimer: Fanfiction based on characters created by Takehiko Inoue in Slam Dunk.
Spoiler alert: Include some scenes from the conclusion of the manga.

Chapter One

"Where's Sendoh?" yelled the irasible Coach Taoka of Ryonan.
"He ... erm ... has a stomachache," lied Fukuda, eyebrows twitching.
"Yesterday he had a headache, today a stomachache? How long are you going to cover up for him, Fukuda"
"I wasn't covering up for him, Coach"
"Hmph! Tell him I want to see him here tomorrow and I want to know what he has done so far as the new captain of Ryonan. Tell him I will not hesitate to replace him ... and you should worry about your starting position, Fukuda."

"Yes Coach!" a chorus of voices rose from the Ryonan basketball team as their coach stormed off.

"We really need to do something about this situation," Hikoichi said nervously.
"I told you guys to support my bid to be the captain," sniffed the assistant captain Koshino, "so there won't be such a problem"
"Stop it, Koshino, how many times must I tell you that our team will never get to Interhigh without Sendoh as our captain," cried Fukuda impassionedly.
Koshino glared at him but gave up as he knew in his heart that Fukuda was right.
"So what are we gonna do with a lovesick captain?" he asked in disdain. "Where's the guy anyway? Still playing video games with Sakuragi?"

"Yes," said Hikoichi as he consulted his notebook. "Sakuragi said he will only go on a date with Sendoh if he managed to beat him in Conquerer of the Realm. So Sendoh trying really hard, but Sakuragi has already beaten him nine times"
"What's Conquerer of the Realm?" asked Fukuda.
"The most popular video game as of now but it's really good. They even came out with a movie version."

Fukuda sighed in jealous frustration, "What in the world do Sendoh see in that idiotic Sakuragi anyway? Sure I admit he plays basketball pretty well for someone fairly new to the game but the way he keeps calling himself tensai is just plain annoying"
Koshino's sour face grew more sour as he said, "That's why they said love is blind I guess. Anyway we can't change the fact that Sendoh is head over heels in love with Sakuragi. The question is how do we cure him of it so he can come back and play some serious basketball, damn it!"

"Well," Hikoichi said with a nervous twitch. "I have been doing some research about it, the love game I mean and I think I may have the solution"
"Great job, Hikoichi! Let's hear it"
"The thing is to give Sendoh his wish and that is to go on a date with Sakuragi."

"How do we do that?" asked Fukuda. "You are not suggesting that we kidnap that redhead and force him to do it"
"No, but according to my research, one of the things that boys like to do on a date is to go to a movie. It's the best environment where in the dark they can try to 'cop a feel'. If they are lucky they might get to touch some breast"
"Sakuragi's not a girl, you moron!" Fukuda looked disgusted.

"Hold it, Fukuda!" Koshino cried. "I am following you, Hikoichi, so we need to get Sendoh and Sakuragi in a cinema together so Sendoh can try to do whatever he hopes to do to Sakuragi in the dark. After that, if he hasn't been killed by Sakuragi, Sendoh having satisfied his wish will hopefully return to normal and come back to captain our basketball team."

"You got it, Koshino!" Hikoichi snapped his fingers and a pair of tickets to the Conquerer of the Realm movie appeared. "I got my sister to get the tickets and she even got the lover seats cos she thought I was going on a date." Hikoichi blushed and giggled. "I feel sorry for Sakuragi though."

"Cheh, who cares about Sakuragi? But this might just work!" Koshino looked hopeful. "There's no problem giving the ticket to Sendoh as I could pretend that I want him to destress by going to a movie. But what about Sakuragi? His brain cells may be lacking but he will still get suspicious if we suddenly give him a movie ticket."

"I already thought of it," Hikoichi smirked. "We need your help on this, Fukuda. Challenge Sakuragi to one on one and the prize will be the movie ticket"
"So you are saying that I have to pretend to lose to him," Fukuda looked dismayed.
"I know you have your pride, Fukuda," consoled Koshino. "But don't forget it's for the Interhigh! We must get there this year."

Fukuda looked down in despair. Why must it be this way, Sendoh, he cried in his heart, you know that I will do anything for you but you have to go and yearn for that redhead brat.