Summary: The Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto, but when Sarutobi goes to collect him he finds that the young demon container has been kidnapped! Now thirteen years later, after an attack on the base of a rouge ANBU division, a young boy has been found. After looking through some forgotten files they discover that he has been conditioned to be the perfect weapon. But how can such a young caring boy be anything but a child? To find out Sarutobi places him under the care of Konoha's Genjutsu Mistress; Yuhi Kurenai.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto (but i will if I can finish creating my army of potato people mwahahahahaha)

AN: My first fic EVER!!! Ok now that that's out of my system (for now) I would like to say a few things about this fic:

1. First of all I WILL FINISH THIS FIC. There's nothing I hate more than a fan fic that just stops in the middle of the story. No matter how long, it will be completed.

2. Will be NarutoXIno.

3. Chapter become FAR LONGER after chapter 2 onward. I now do them in 15,000 word parts.

Well now that that's out of the way onward with the story!!!!

Sarutobi looked out over the ruins of Konoha. There wasn't a part of the city that had escaped the touch of the demon. Even now shinobi disaster crews and civilian volunteers fought to keep the flames from spreading as they got the wounded to the already packed hospital. It was a grim day. And there would be another death if he couldn't convince the council to spare the boy. He turned away from the window and continued down the corridor to the Council Chambers. He paused before the great oak doors, taking a puff of his pipe to prepare himself, then walked in.

The Council Chambers of Konoha were a thing to behold. The main Chamber was a large cylinder of white marble roughly forty meters across and fifty meters tall with a large round table was placed in the centre. Rumour has it the First Hokage cut the table from the branches of the first and greatest tree in Konoha, The Great Oak, and was a symbol of Konoha's might but Sarutobi was probably the only one left in the village that knew that it was actually just a spare that the First had found in a warehouse and decided to use because it reminded him of his favourite bed-time story as a child; the Shinobi of the Round table. Sarutobi chuckled quietly at the memory, the night he found out that little bit of gossip was one of the few times he had seen his teacher' brother truly drunk. As he walked to his chair he took a look at the statues set into hollows in the walls. There was Yamanaka Inako who had first developed the idea of mind jutsu, thus bringing about the creation of his clan. Over there was Akimichi Chozabu who, along with his two brothers defeated an army of two-hundred enemy nin's but sadly died soon after because of their special family soldier pills. And there, the largest of all the statues, were the Hokages. Each sculpture was perfect, having been carved by Konoha's greatest artisans. Even as stone they seemed to radiate unrivalled power, authority and compassion. The Sandaime's eyes lingered on the face of the latest addition. The Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato. It was hard to think that just twenty-four hours ago both he and Minato had been sitting at the local ramen bar talking about the latest Icha Icha Paradise (they had gotten free uncensored editions from the author himself) but now he was dead, killed saving his home from Kyuubi.

Heaving a sigh Sarutobi lowered himself into his chair and addressed the council.

"Gentlemen," His croaky voice carried around the Chamber. "For what reason have you convened this council?"

"Sarutobi-sama we have come to discuss the fate of the demon." Said one member.

"Yes," Another piped up. "That creature is too dangerous to be left alive."

"What creature?" Sarutobi asked.

"The boy Hokage-sama, he must be killed for the good of the village. We have discussed it and many of us believe that it would be better if the execution was publ-."

"No." Sarutobi said.

"Excuse me?"

"Naruto will not be killed." He replied simply, taking another puff of his pipe.

"May we ask why." The councilman asked with obvious bewilderment.

"Other than the obvious reason that he is an innocent child?"

"An innocent child?" The man asked incredulously. "Hokage-sama you will see the reason he must be killed if you look out the window."

"I already have and I saw only the damage done by the Kyuubi, not by Naruto" The old Kage stated firmly.

"Is there a difference?" The councilman scoffed..

"Of course there's a fucking difference!"

The shout rang out through the Chamber and every head turned to see a woman come through the doors. She was a kunoichi, they could tell that much from the ninja style pants and sandals she was wearing as well as the Jounin vest she wore over a red sleeveless turtleneck. She had long wavy black hair that reached down to her shoulder blades and they could tell by her body that she was a good fighter, and the two unconscious guards behind her proved it. But the most striking thing about her was her eyes; they were a rich red, like a pair of rubies, and unfortunately for them they were also narrowed in anger. And when Yuhi Kurenai was angry you had better run.

"What is the meaning of this?" The councilman who had been arguing with Sarutobi raged.

"Shut up!" Kurenai warned. She walked into the Chamber and walked around the table to stop in front of Sarutobi.

"What right do you have to interrupt a council meeting?" The councilman leapt to his feet as she passed. She glared at him so hard he was forced to sit back down with a shiver running up his spine.

"I have every right!" She hissed. She turned to face the Hokage as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Where is he Hokage-sama?"

Sarutobi sighed as he took off his hat and place it on the table in front of him, massaging his temple to ward of the coming headache. "Kurenai can't we wait till later to talk?" He asked wearily.

"No. I have come to take him and I will."

"Hokage-sama who is this?" A council member asked.

"This is Yuhi Kurenai former team-mate of Namikaze Minato...and godmother of Naruto,"

At hearing this there were murmurings from everyone present. Yamanaka Inoichi stood and asked the question that was on a few minds of the people trying to save the boy.

"Kurenai if your Naruto's godmother," She was pleased to note he didn't say 'the demon'. "Then who are his parents?"

She looked at the Hokage who gave a slight nod before she turned back to the council. "Well Inoichi, Naruto is the son of Uzumaki Kushina and...Minato"

The reaction was immediate. Many members declaring that it was impossible and that she was lying, others asking the Sandaime if it was true. He just nodded his head. He raised a hand for silence and after the commotion had died down everyone sat quietly digesting this new information. It was Hyuuga Hiashi who broke the silence.

"Hokage-sama what is to become of the boy?" Everyone perked up at this and looked at their leader with expectation. Sarutobi took a long draw from his pipe then looked at Kurenai who nodded and he let out a tired sigh.

"We will respect his parents wishes and he will be placed under the care of Yuhi Kurenai."

"But sir we can't let the demon live, it will-!" The council member's rabble was cut short by a swift elbow to the gut courtesy of Inuzuka Tsume.

"I wouldn't talk too harshly of Minato's son. Both Minato and Kushina were respected by nearly every ninja in this village, ninja who would fight to protect their son." She told him as he slid to the ground.

"I agree," Said Sarutobi. "But a few ninja and more than a few villagers will try to harm him so from this point on the fact that Naruto is the Kyuubi's container shall be an S-classed secret; anyone who tells either Naruto or their children shall be executed, that way he should lead a relatively normal life. Also I think he should go by his mothers name of Uzumaki so he will be protected from his fathers old enemy's from the Third Shinobi war. He will be told everything after his sixteenth birthday but the law will still be in effect, only Naruto can tell people the truth. That is all. Dismissed."

As the room cleared Sarutobi walked along side Kurenai as they headed towards his office. Neither said a word until they reached the Hokage office, noticing the form of a fifteen year old Kakashi standing guard an a bloody ANBU uniform.

Kurenai cracked an eyebrow as she glanced over his clothes. "Trouble?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No. I was helping Rin get some wounded out of the market district earlier."

Sarutobi flashed through a few hand seals and undid the security seal he placed on the office before he stepped in followed closely by Kurenai and Kakashi to see Naruto...GONE!?

He spun around to look at them, who were still staring at the empty crib. "Kakashi lock this place down! I want Naruto found quickly and unhurt!"

With a quick 'Hai' Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves. As Sarutobi glanced over the room again.

'How the hell did they get past the seal?' He thought to himself.

Kurenai was still staring at the crib, tears quickly filling her eyes and fear pooling in her heart.

'Naruto please be alright.'

Thirteen years had passed since that day but sadly there was no sign of Naruto.

However they never gave up, hoping that they would get some scrap of a clue that would let them know were Naruto was or if he was even alive. In that time new problems arose for the village; Uchiha Itachi had massacred his entire clan save for his little brother Sasuke, the Hidden Cloud village tried to kidnap the Hyuuga heiress to unlock the secrets of the Byakugan which resulted in the death of Hiashi's brother and in one of the worst displays of treachery in Konoha's history Danzou and his ROOT division of ANBU attempted a coup only to be foiled by the timely arrival of Jiraiya who had been hunting for signs of Naruto and found out about the attack through his spies.

After the failed attack ROOT was forced into resorting to gorilla warfare and after a few months Konoha managed to get Intel about one of their major bases and plan a surprise attack. The battle was short but fierce but with the element of surprise the Leaf nins were able to take the base with minimal effort.

Kurenai picked her way through the ruined corridor, stepping over bodies and discarded weapons as she made her way to Genma's team who needed help dispelling some high level genjutsu. The place reminded her of a sewer with the pipes going along the roof and walls and the constant sounds of dripping the echoed through the tunnels.

She stepped over a large rat and quickened her pace. She was thankful that she had chosen to leave her bandage dress at home instead opting for knee high kunoichi sandals which had a tight pair of ninja pants tucked into them which had her kunai pouch and shuriken satchel attached. She also wore her Jounin vest over a longer version of her old short-sleeved red shirt which came out from under the vest to the middle of her thighs with slits down the front, sides and back for increased mobility. To top it off she had fingerless ninja gloves with metal plates on the back and her forehead protector around her throat.

As she walked through the next door she could see the slight fuzziness in the air; an indication of a strong genjutsu and something that only a genjutsu specialist like her would notice after years of practice. She flashed through the hand seals and focused her chakra to dispel it. She had just finished when a voice called out to her.

"Kurenai." She turned to see Genma, senbon in mouth as always, standing with his team next to a large metal door. "Glad you could make it."

"So what did you find?" She asked as she inspected the door. It was large, about three meters wide and four tall with a complicated lock.

"Well we found this thing covered by a strong Genjutsu and surrounded by guards. We cleared them but got trapped in the jutsu and have been waiting for you ever since. The door got hit by an explosion during the fight but it didn't even scratch it."

"So what are you going to do?"

Genma grinned as he turned to his squad. "Alright boys show the lady how its done."

The two shinobi at each side of the door flashed through a dozen hand seals before slamming their hands onto the wall while shouting 'Doton: Tsuchi Shuushuku no jutsu'. Suddenly the walls, floor and roof started to crush the door, compressing it to the size of a small boulder before retracting and allowing the ball of now useless metal to fall to the floor. They walked in as the lights started to come on, illuminating a lab of sorts. They immediately tensed as they sensed movement to the right. They quickly, but silently, moved into the room on the right just as the lights were coming on. What they saw made them pull up short. There, sitting in the middle of the room, was a large cage about two meters long, wide and tall. But it was what was in the cage that gave them pause.

There was a young boy, no older than thirteen, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cage apparently oblivious to their presence. He wore black sandals as well as black ninja pants and a tight sleeveless muscle shirt. He also had a strange collar around his neck; it looked like it was made of tough black leather with metal rings at the side. At the top of his right arm he had a tattoo; a red and white fox head surrounded by a cog wheel with the number thirteen under it. His blond head raised up as they came close. What Kurenai saw made her breath catch in her throat; his eyes were of the deepest blue and on each cheek were three distinct whisker-like marks.

'Oh…my god,' She thought as she inched closer. 'Its him...its really ...really him'

When she reached the front of the cage she got on her knees looked at him through the bars. He gave her the kind of look a young child would give when it sees something for the first time, his head tilted to one side and a look of innocent curiosity on his face.

"H-hello." She whispered, not believing her eyes.

"Hi." He replied quietly.

"My names Kurenai. Can you tell me yours?"

"Mine?" He asked, pointing to himself. "I'm Fox."

A/N: I rewrote this chapter a little.

Jutsu marked with a (*) belong to me:

Doton: Tsuchi Shuushuku no jutsu - Earth Release: Earth Constriction no jutsu