So the usual disclaimer goes hereā€¦ know nothing, own nothing.

To those that review my work, many thanks and much appreciation for the time and effort you take. A gentle encouragement to those that do read to please review and read my other work.

Now you would think that with a sprained ankle I would be typing more because of all the free time. It seems that it is all a myth. But I am working on the writing ladies and gentlemen and again let me know what you're thinking.

The work is based off this quote I read, so for every part of the quote- there is a new chapter. These are moments though, so from the same story line but not in any time order. I'll try to post once a week, as it is already written, just needing a quick edit, but it would depend on Uni and reviews- if nobody reviews, nobody likes?- rule.


Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything.


Life is short.

He sits there in his college dorm room and contemplates his life.

Where did he fit in, in this wide world?

His mum loved him, of that he was never unsure. His dad though, didn't, he had left them. He had spent many of his teenage years taking care of his mother, that didn't really give him a chance to make friends. And now here at college, his gift, his ability made him more of a loner then he would have thought. He didn't know what to say in social situations making them difficult and awkward, and his preference to read instead of talk found him in the library more often than not instead of the cafeteria.

So when was he going to have what he saw all the people around him had?

A person that he could talk to?

A person who would try to understand him?

A person who was proud of his intelligence instead of alarmed by it?

A person he could love and that would love him?

People he could call friends?

People who appreciated him, just him?

He knew that life was short.

Humans only lived for 8 decades, maybe a little longer if they were lucky. But you put them against some of the still growing trees, forests and earth formations, it's more like an eye blink- really it is no time at all.

So with life so short, when was he going to get a turn? Would he be able to put his mark on the world?