A/N: Ok so I am still very busy BUT there was an epiphany and a night of procrastination and I just HAD to know what you thought so here is your new chapter 2 weeks early! Please DO NOT flame me for my "slight" deviation from the norm....I wanna be different while still getting where I need to be PLUS this was desperate for a shake up so (hopefully) enjoy!!
In that moment – only seconds for him – my spacious vampire mind was teeming. I had an inkling that this might have been the truth in what I saw in my first visions in the woods but now it had been confirmed and I was.....unsure. Certainly I knew things were going to change after that night and the happiness at the wedding in my mind was overwhelming, life had been this way for so long. Jasper and I had been through a lot and we loved each other dearly but creatures as timeless as us are not necessarily unmovable. We came together unquestioningly through one of my visions and found peace and hope and security with the Cullens together; but I always knew somehow that while he was my other half, he was not my soulmate. I had never hidden this from him as it wasn't fair but he was as happy as I was to be saved and belong somewhere; so we had done nothing but enjoy our time together as best friends and lovers but finally, with arrival of Jasper's true love, it looked like my visions had adjusted and found this new destiny for us. I didn't know what to make of the future I was undeniably facing. My future with Edward.
She looked thoughtful for a minute and then took another steadying but pointless breath before smiling wistfully at me.
"Jasper honey, you know that when you found me I explained that we were to be together then and be with the Cullens; but that you were meant, at some time in enternity, to find your real soulmate?" she asked gently.
She knew I had only partly believed this, and hoped maybe that fate would shift because we were happy, making us "real" soulmates. I nodded warily, the back of my mind knowing what was looming but not wanting to feel it. At least, not knowing how to feel about it.
"Well," She began as if not knowing how to word it. "She is here and the best thing we can do is to be honest about that. People shouldn't be kept from their path, if you love them."
Her voice cracked and I knew if this was a hman "break up" she would be crying now.
"I love you Jasper, and Bella and Edward and you love them too. We have to accept that this path has settled for us now and we have to trust that it is the right one, considering the happy ending I have been shown." She was rambling wisely as I tried to process it all.
I nodded slowly and looked at our joined hands. My best friend, my sometimes lover, my rock, my savior. When I first saw her I had thought she was beautiful, and she knew me and wanted to take me somewhere lovely so I simply followed and I always did. I had never even thought to question it but it wasn't exactly romance of the century when you thought about it's origins. I knew I would do anything for her though and so I would do this because although we weren't winning any prizes for passion, she loved the god-awful mess that was me, dearly and I her.
Bella is meant for me I pondered, trying out the words.
The perfect creature I had watched, lusted for, thought about, been intrigued by and tried to make mine for one night, was mine for all other nights. It was "real". But then I was filled with concern.
"What about Edward?" I voiced almost by mistake.
"Edward might be difficult but he has his own destiny to find. He had a bride in my wedding vision silly," she said softly and I swear she looked embarrassed.
"You?" I asked incredulously. "You and Eddy boy? Damn he is in for trouble….you will eat him alive darlin!"
She shoved me playfully but I knew it was the first warm tendrils of acceptance swirling around us. I guessed it made sense with us coming to the Cullens and then Bella joining the family.
"Hey....that is not funny! I'm still trying to get my head around it, I mean, what am I going to say? 'Hey Edward I just figured out that we are meant to be together really so what do you say'?" she looked mystified by it.
"Just show him the vision in glorious technicolour?" I suggested.
I was thinking about Bella's reaction and worrying just as much – she could be so stubborn.
"I guess I just have to try but if only we could ease them into this weirdness gently - make it seem more like the solution than a complication" she sighed.
"Y'know there is one area where we know they need a solution..." I smirked as flashes of a frustrated, writhing Bella flitted through my brain.
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