Author's Note: I'm soooooo sorry that it's taken me this long to get back to this fic. This is obviously a favorite of many people, and personally, I don't think it's too shabby either, if I may say so myself. I'm sorry I let you all down, and I hope you all forgive me. I'm going to make it up to you with this chapter's content. Enjoy, faithful readers.
I had Fang in my control. Iggy was behind me, causing earthquakes inside of me. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. And all because we older kids were bored and had the brilliant idea to go drink some wine. Funny how things work.
I folded down the waistband of Fang's boxers, and with Iggy's diligent ministrations motivating me toward giving as much pleasure as I was receiving, I took hold of Fang's shaft, and lightly went over it with my tongue. It wasn't so bad. I mean, from my various encounters with homeless people, evil schools, and, well, let's face it, these two, I had learned enough crude sexual commentary to fill a book. Along with that went the stigma of oral sex. But you know, I guess all that shit just flies out the window when it's with someone that you feel this strongly about. Fang shuddered and exhaled hard. He was enjoying it. Thank god. But, Fang-baby, Fangy-darling, Fangiepoo… that was only the appetizer. (For both him and I. Double entendre fully intended.) Now it was time for the main course. I put my lips around the tip, and slowly moved my head downward, not wanting to gag. I got about three-quarters of the way down before I had to stop. Fang's manhood was, by far, the largest thing that I had ever put into my mouth (whole, that is). Like I said. Not that bad. And considering what Iggy was doing to me from behind, I wanted to make it just as good as I was feeling. And that was going to take work. I maintained a rhythm, up and down, up and down, while listening to his distempered breath. Mmm, he was so hot. I looked up at him. His eyes were closed. He placed his hands on the side of my head, and I waited, unblinking, for him to look down. After a few seconds, he did. I laid my secret weapon on him.
For the first time in my life, I gave Fang the Bambi eyes. We made eye contact for just over a second, and then he leaned his head back, and smiled, halfway laughing,
"Ahh, god!" He said, followed by a sharp intake of breath. I smiled on the inside, knowing that I had just won this round of "Who Can Get the Best of Who", the game that Fang and I always seem to be playing with one another. Well, we were most certainly playing with one another now, that was for sure. I knew it would work. By now, my hips were involuntarily bucking back at Iggy, while he had somehow managed to move to the side of me. His fingers were still inside of me, moving mercilessly, and his teeth were exploring the back of my neck.
"Mmm," I moaned, maintaining the only consonant I could while working on Fang. I shifted all of my weight to my right arm, and I reached my left arm out for Iggy, and I found him. Oh, man, did I find him. I went under the waist of his sweats again, and I felt his bulging member, mentally comparing the two in my head. I swear, they were equally as big, equally as impressive. I noticed that Iggy was clamping down on my neck a bit harder now, and moving his fingers a bit more vigorously, all the while maintaining the poise and dexterity only a blind boy, my blind boy could have. Fang's hips started to buck forward, nearly making me choke on his shaft, but just as my eyes started to tear a bit, I backed off, wrapping my other hand around Fang, and shifting my weight to my knees, all the while still working a smooth, unbroken rhythm on Iggy. I pulled my mouth off of Fang, and he let out a small whimper, as if to say "Hey! Don't stop!"
My orgasm swept over me in a wonderful wave. Iggy and I worked each other, and just as I went over the edge, I straightened my body upward, moaning as if a thousand hands were massaging my most tender of spots, and I knelt, kissing Fang with all the ferocity and love I could muster. My wings straightened behind me, and my whole body, for several seconds, felt complete ecstasy. I wasn't too steady at this point, so I sorta leaned on Fang as I was kissing him. I moaned into his mouth, and he moaned back something beautiful. Iggy slowed, allowing my muscles to relax, however, I kept my pace on him, listening to his ragged breathing. I broke away from Fang as I moved my strokes faster on Iggy, kissing him with the same tongue-twisting, saliva-coated desperation. He liked it, and just as his breathing started to quicken, I relaxed, slowing down, and eventually letting go of him altogether. Iggy made a vocalization that mimicked Fang's, expressing the same disappointment and frustration.
"Hey!" Iggy said.
"You shh!" I said. "I haven't even gotten started with you. And you," I said, turning toward Fang, grabbing his member at the same time, "you know what I want." I realized that what had come out of my mouth was a whole hell of a lot deeper than the tone I normally spoke with. Oh man. That kinda confirmed it for me. I was a woman. And a powerful one at that.
I mean, look at the situation. Look at where I was, what I was doing, and who I was doing this with. It might seem like one of those "oh god, teenagers and their hormones… look what happens" kinda deals. But that wasn't it. That wasn't it by far. I loved these two… with all of my heart and soul. Maybe I loved Fang a little more… romantically, though. But… hey… if any other girl tried to do any of this with either of them, I swear, I'd hunt her down and kill her. Well… at least maim her. These boys were mine. No one else was allowed to touch them. And so what. Maybe I had consumed just a teensy bit too much booze. It put me in the mood for carnal pleasure. It had set things in motion. I mean, I don't know if I mentioned this before, or if maybe you read it… or whatever, but there was a lot of tension between us. Mainly tension between Fang and I, but Iggy's jokes, insinuations, quips, and that one time he fell on top of me, (and we stayed there for a little longer than brother and sister should) were not helping.
"Fang," I said. "Please?"
That was the most earnest, the most sincere I had been all night. And then I realized that I was out of breath. I know, I know. I just came like… twice. Give a girl a break!
"Come on!" I said, impatiently. I lay on my back, and I coaxed Fang over to me. I was wet enough to grease an engine, thanks to Iggy… ;)… so I licked my hand, from wrist to fingertip, and I gave Fang a good stroke to let him know where he was needed. He leaned forward, braced himself with either arm placed on the outsides of my shoulders, and then I guided him inside me. Now, this was fucking great for two reasons: the first was that I was taking Fang's virginity, (and he was taking mine!! Eeeeee!!) and I was elated that I was the one who was doing it, and not the Red Haired Wonder. The second was that I was hammered, and having Fang inside me felt sooo fucking good. I felt complete. I felt whole. This was right. Maybe a little… unorthodox, but right nonetheless. I felt a little pressure against a spot inside of me, and Fang stopped.
"Do you… still want me to?" He asked. I nodded desperately.
"Yes. Yes. Just do it."
With one final push from Fang, and a short, surprised yelp from me, the resistance gave way (ouch!) and Fang was completely inside of me. Mmmm. I can't even describe it to you. The feeling, I mean, both the emotional and physical aspects. I mean, have you ever made love to your best friend? I mean, the one you've had the biggest crush on since… forever? Well, if you haven't, I would highly recommend it. I've never felt better. I mean… I'll bet heroin doesn't feel this good.
Fang started to thrust, building a rhythm which felt good for both of us, and I realized that I was neglecting Iggy.
"Aww. Poor baby. Did I forget about you?" I said to him. He nodded. "Strip. I'm gonna take care of you too, Ig." With that, he was nude in a lightning-fast whoosh. My god. Even though he was taller and thinner than Fang, he was every bit as muscular in every place. I don't know if I mentioned that before, but he was extremely easy on the eyes, especially naked. I leaned up to Fang's ear, and I whispered, "Can I get on top?"
"Yeah. Sure," Fang said, in between ragged, sexy breaths. With that, he put both hands on the sides of my ribcage, just under my arms, and guided me both up and forward. He simultaneously relaxed, leaning backward, until he was on his back, and I was indeed on top.
"Now, lemme try something," I said. I raised my hips a bit, and then sunk myself onto Fang as hard as I could. The feeling was electrifying. I couldn't help but let out a long "Ohhh!" of ecstasy. This was the first time I had ever felt anything like that. "Come here, Ig," I said, and I felt him move closer to us. I searched the dark, and I found Iggy. Well, one of his appendages, anyway. "Now, you're going to get something from me that that Cali beach bitch didn't give you," I told him, the thought of that girl making me both jealous and protective of him at the same time. I leaned my head down, and began the same tongue-salute that I had given Fang a few minutes ago, all the while thrusting my hips on top of Fang. I don't think that this was what Jeb had in mind when he said that I had to learn to multi-task. Iggy was the same size as Fang, and much to my satisfaction, just as sensitive. After working him over with my tongue, I put my lips around the head of his rod, and forced my head down, just enough so that he was nearly touching the back of my throat. He gasped like I had never heard him do before.
"Ahh! Fuck, Max. Oh, damn."
I gave a little girly giggle. Well, as much of a "giggle" as I could give while I had his… ugh, nevermind. I was pleased to be pleasing him. I moved my head back, using my tongue to stroke him, and I heard him start to gasp and sigh in something akin to a rhythm. I was giving and receiving from the most important people in my life. And forgive me if I sound like I'm analyzing this too much, but those two and I had been through so much together, I felt that it was only right that we shared this, too. I don't care what you call me. Yeah, maybe it was a little fucked up. But I have wings. We all do. We're all a little fucked up.
I could feel the beginnings of the muscle contractions inside me, and I started to thrust harder, so Fang could penetrate deeper. I could feel Iggy starting to spasm, and his breathing become labored. I wondered how Fang was doing. I removed my mouth from Iggy, and replaced it with my hand, and I really don't think he minded too much. I leaned down to Fang's ear.
"How you doing, tough guy?"
"Never better, tough girl," he said with a smile. I smiled back, although I don't think he could see.
"Good." I again started to work Iggy with my tongue, and eventually my whole mouth, as I took a faster, harder approach to fucking Fang. I moved my hips more vigorously, and he in turn, thrusted harder from beneath me. My moans became more apparent to me, and I was ready. I drew in, sucking extra hard, trying to make Iggy explode inside my mouth. I mean, as far as I knew, this was the first time he had ever had anything like this, so I figured, it shouldn't take too much longer. Same with Fang. And jeez, I had already blown twice. The repeated friction in our special spots was starting to take its toll, and Fang's repeated "Ah's" and "Mm's" were echoing inside my head, encouraging me, urging me to keep going. Iggy's hips were now thrusting against my mouth, and his breathing was growing even more sporadic and ragged. He was so cute. I figured he was going to be the first. I forced my head down as far as it could go without me choking, and he had placed his hands on the back of my neck. With one final "MMMNNNNHHH!!" Iggy pulled my neck as close to the hilt of him as it would go, almost triggering my gag reflex, making tears well up in my eyes. It was ok, though. Just a reflex. I felt a weak dribble of something warm run down my throat, but I stayed there until Ig stopped spasming. He relaxed his grip on me, and withdrew, still breathing like he had flown a thousand miles. My hips still riding Fang hard, I wasted a smile on Iggy, and then I tousled his hair with my left hand. I saw his mouth twist into that same wry, Iggy smile I had seen a million times before. He was such a guy.
"You ok there, big boy?" I asked jokingly.
"Yeah," he said, catching his breath. "That was… whoa," was all he could say. I gave a chuckle, and a moan of pleasure escaped from my lips. Damn, Fang hits all the right spots.
"Glad ya liked it," I said, high on sex, slowing down on Fang a little bit.
"I'm going out in the pool… I'm hot as hell."
"Yeah you are," I said, laughing at the childish pun. I smacked him on the ass as he walked toward the door, not even bothering to put anything on. His wings were covering him, though. He opened up the door, and a cascade of light flooded the room. We had left the hall light on. Iggy walked out.
"Hey Max," Iggy said, popping his head back into the room.
"Hmm?" I asked, with a growing awareness that I was totally naked, on top of Fang, doing "the deed" as Iggy and Gazzy always called it. The light didn't help. Iggy, after saying my name smiled, sighed, and shook his head, as though he were about to say something and either decided against it, or forgot it all together.
"Nothing," he said. He reached in and shut the door. I heard his footfalls as he walked down the stairs, so that he could go outside to skinny dip.
"Fang?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He asked back, a tone in his voice suggesting that he was eager to please me. He'd been doing a good job of that so far.
"I didn't wanna say this in front of Iggy… but... oh god, I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted you so bad… sometimes it's so bad it hurts."
"Max… um… have you checked your surroundings? You have me. You have all of me. I'll do whatever it is you want."
"Uh-huh," Fang said, emphatically.
"Ok. Then you get on top," I said. I got off of him, and rolled over onto my side. Fang let out an "ugh" of frustration. Probably because I removed the warm wetness. I kissed him on the cheek. "I like you on top."
"Ewww," He said mockingly, wiping his cheek. I remembered where my mouth had just been. Oops. Fang shifted over and he positioned himself over me, sliding himself between my legs. I looked him straight in the eye, and said, in the first real moment of clarity since I started drinking that night,
"I love you, Fang,"
This was just the beginning of our night.