Author's Note: I wanted to write something that included Iggy, as I love him as much as I do any Fax pairing, and I figure, just because he's blind, and well… not Fang, he shouldn't be the odd man out. After all, Max does love her boys equally, right?

Jeb had just left, along with Mom, Ella, and the younger kids. I was home alone with Fang and Iggy. Now, you would think that with a history, a lifestyle like ours, it would be hard to say that we were having a boring day. Kicking Eraser ass here, blowing things up there. There was never a dull moment where the Flock was concerned, but to tell you the truth, it wasn't often that I got to spend time with just Iggy and Fang. We had been flying all day, and we were just settling down. Even though we should have been exhausted, there was the general feeling of boredom in the air.

I walked out of my room, closing the book that I was reading, and set it on the dresser before turning the lights out. I went downstairs to find Fang watching TV, laying on his stomach on the couch, and Iggy standing next to the sliding glass door, in the kitchen, at the rear of the house. I wondered what he was looking at. I mean, sensing. It was rather cold, and there were a few snow flurries in the air.

"Max," Iggy addressed me, not turning around. "I'm bored as hell."

"Me too, Ig. I'm bored too."

"That makes three of us," Fang said from the living room.

"Well, let's see," I said constructively, using my leader tone. "We could… play… a game?" No response from Fang, which mean there was no interest in that. Iggy actually turned in my direction, and even though he couldn't see me, he gave me an "are you kidding" look. It was so effective; it made me want to apologize to him. But I decided not to give him the satisfaction. Iggy walked past me, in that way that made me sure that he could somehow see me, and just wasn't telling me. But when he did, he bumped into the hutch ever so slightly. It drew my eyes to something refracting light at the top. Hold on… what was this?

"Someone moved it again," Iggy stated.

"Iggy, hold on. Don't go anywhere. Fang, come in here," I gestured for him. Iggy took a seat at the kitchen table, just as I had found what it was that was going to cure our boredom. I reached on top of the hutch, and pulled down a bottle of Mom's white wine. I shifted it to one hand as Fang watched me, a look of surprise on his face. I made a "shh" motion with my free hand, to tell him that I didn't want Iggy to know what we were up to.

"Umm… what's going on?" Iggy asked.

"Don't worry about it, Ig. No one's going to punch you or anything," Fang assured him.

"Oh. That makes me feel 200% better. Thanks, 'bro'," Iggy replied to Fang, making an emphatic intonation on "bro".

To be perfectly honest, I had never really consumed alcohol before. It was never really that high on the list of priorities for me, or any of the Flock for that matter. We never had the time, or the money, or the person of legal age willing to buy it for us, or, to tell the truth, the interest. But now was different. We wanted to pass the time, and what better to do so than a big ol' glass of wine.

I walked into the kitchen, and pulled the cork out of the bottle. There had only been a small amount gone, but I figured that I could just replace what we took with water, and Mom would never know the difference. I saw that on a movie once, and it seemed to have worked. I hoped this was one of those movie situations that actually did work in real life.

I took a glass (a regular one, not a wine glass, in case anyone decided to come home early) out of the cabinet, and I poured it half full. I contracted a slight smirk on my face as I called to Iggy,

"Hey Ig, come in here for a second. I want you to try this."