A/N: I'm so, so, so, so sorry for not updating in so long. I'll work on my other stories and try to update soon too! I know this is kind of short, but I just wanted to get it out there. Thanks for staying with me this whole time! Enjoy…


A week had gone by and I was dying. I needed to see her. I needed to see Bella. I was staying at my old house with Emmett, and he kept pushing me to call her. That would be fine, except for the fact I had to leave so quickly last time that we didn't get a chance to exchange numbers and I completely ignored Emmett when he said he would give me her number – too stalker like. I would just have to wait until Emmett's next party…unless he went through with his plan to call her and invite her on a date with me, a plan I strongly objected to. I wanted to take things slow. Coming on too strong would be a bad idea. It might scare her off.

He also had the brilliant plan to invite her over to his house, then, oh no! he would have to run out last minute. She shouldn't worry though; his fabulous brother could keep her company while he was gone. Oh my god! He had forgotten that we had met already. Well, all the better. Then he would disappear for 1…2…3 hours while I was thrown into an awkward meeting with Bella. Yeah, that really went over well with me. Not.

It didn't matter anyway. He was planning a coming home party for me in two days. Hopefully I could survive that long so I could see Bella. Hopefully she wouldn't be too mad that I left so abruptly last time. Hopefully…hopefully all these hopefullys would stop coming up. There were too many hopefullys for one guy's liking.


Emmett just called- Edward was back, and Emmett was throwing a coming-home party for him. Parties stink, but Edward's worth it.

The day of the party:


Bella must really like this guy. She won't tell me who it is – I wonder if I know him? Anyway, she asked me to come over and play "Barbie Bella," her least favorite game. Basically this is how it works: she just sits there and I make her beautiful! I gave her quite the dress – a Guape-Slent original. Guape-Slent is a new designer – simply genius! Anyway, the dress is a short, tight, golden number that makes Bella look drop dead gorgeous. Combine it with strappy heals, the best hair and make-up job ever, and Bella's glowy, in-love-attitude…well, you can guess.

And speaking of people acting randomly in-love, my brother, Edward, just called me. He quickly asked if it was weird to buy roses for a girl you just met who was coming to your welcome home party, and then he said "never mind," and hung up. I absolutely despised his old girlfriend, and I'm glad he's in love again, but seriously? Whatever. I'm happy for him.

I'm gunna have to go spy – see who he's getting all flustered about. And see who Bella is getting all dolled up for. Eeeeee! I can't wait!!

A/N: Yes? No? Good? Bad? Tell me!!! =]