Honmei Choco

[Only by the most subtle strategy could she confess her feelings to him. MikuruxItsuki one-shot]

Disclaimer: I do not own Haruhi Suzumiya

Surprisingly, it was a peaceful day at the clubroom. While Haruhi was her energetic, vibrant self as always, the atmosphere was calm and the usual level of stress seemed subdued. Whatever the reason, Koizumi Itsuki welcomed the change wholeheartedly. It was not often that he and the others got breaks like this. Momentarily, his mind wandered over to his locker, containing the chocolates he had received from his female classmates.

More than likely those gifts were fated to be melted together for a fondue that would be shared between him and his fellow Agents. The doorknob turned, and everyone looked up to see Mikuru walk in. Naturally, eyebrows were raised; Mikuru was usually one of the first to show up, since she had to change into her maid costume. Haruhi opened her mouth, no doubt to say something but waved it off dismissively. "Never mind, Mikuru; you don't have to wear the costume today."

The Esper watched as Mikuru's expression became one of mixed bewilderment and relief before it vanished and she sat down on her usual seat. He barely listened as Haruhi stood up to say something about the SOS-Dan's first Valentine's Day celebration. Itsuki smiled a little at seeing Kyon's reaction Haruhi presenting him with a box covered in tasteful wrapping paper. Haruhi was blushing as she handed the box over to Kyon. "A…As the Brigade Leader it's my duty to hand out Giri Choco so don't take it the wrong way, Kyon-kun!"

Say it as much as you desire, Suzumiya-san… He thought, memorizing every detail on the box, from the fancy wrapping with soft deep tones and engaging patterns to the silk flowers taped to the top of the box that symbolized "Devoted Affection." A picture is worth a thousand words… A light cough brought Itsuki out of his reverie and he turned his head towards the direction of the noise. "Yes, Asahina-san?"

His eyes raked over her figure, taking in every detail and aspect of her. Something was off with her today; her body language was evidence that something was making her nervous. Not only that, it seemed the time traveler wanted badly to avert her gaze but forced herself to do the opposite. Mikuru pulled out something from her plastic bag and held it out to the Esper. "…Here. It's for you."

Itsuki looked down at the item. It was a white metal box, with a rose stamped on the lid in red paint. A bright red silk ribbon was tied around it neatly. Slowly the Esper reached out and grasped the box, the tips of his fingertips brushing hers as he looked into her eyes. Although he maintained his usual expression, Itsuki was surprised to see the warm look in her eyes.

It was different from any other expression he had seen her use, and a subtle smile played on her lips as she regarded him with what he could only label affection. By the look of things, this box of chocolates was not of the Giri Choco variety. "Arigatou." The Esper gently took it from her hands. Normally, Itsuki would have stowed it in his backpack and told the giver that he would save it for later or some other excuse.

But something still nagged at him. Placing the box on the table, he was only vaguely aware of the conversations in the background as his fingers pulled the ribbon loose and his hands gently lifted the lid. Taking no notice of the glances Mikuru sent his way every now and then, the Esper lifted a square piece of dark chocolate and popped it into his mouth. First he sucked at it a few times, moving the piece around in his mouth as the dark chocolate worked itself into his taste buds. Finally, Itsuki bit down on it.

The Esper was completely unprepared for the explosion of flavor attacking his taste buds. Mikuru had just set his tea right in front of him when she saw his eyes widen for an instant before locking onto her eyes and remaining fixed on them. The time traveler, entertaining the idea that he was choking, moved over to help when Itsuki's hand went up, gesturing to her that this was not the case. The Esper swallowed and remained silent for a few seconds, not speaking. Grateful that nothing terrible had happened, she turned to leave when she felt a warm hand grasp her hand and squeeze it, ever so subtly.

"Asahina-san…" Mikuru turned to face the Esper, holding her breath. "If it is alright with you…I would show you my appreciation a month and fourteen days from now." Her response was enveloped in silence but her smile told him the answer he needed.

A/N: Personally I felt this part was rushed, but right now I've been really busy so I might not be at my creative best...