Amazing, he thought absently, it's amazing how weak we really are.

The French man was sitting in a puddle of blood. His own blood.

The mercenary, the captain of the Wild Geese, the recent recruit of Hellsing, was dying. Had he even pictured his own death? No. Was he afraid of Dying? A little. But not for himself.

No, he was worried for the police girl, Seras Victoria. He knew she could protect herself but all the sameā€¦.

With a kiss and an order for her to drink his blood, he slid from the wall and into his blood. He'd lost feeling before he fell, and was dead before she bit down.

Captain Bernodette, Captain Pip Bernodette, was dead but his soul lived on in the police girl, the memories of the Wild Geese, and in the minds of the rest of the Hellsing Organization.

Captain Pip Beronodette may have been gone, dead, but his memory lived on.

Gone, but not forgotten.