Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating as fast as I should be. I've been...busy...*so guilty*

pS: if you hate that poem I wrote for this chapter, I am SORRY! It's just something I slapped together! Also, I didn't actually mean to make Emi this religious. But, I guess, when your life is falling apart, it's really all you have left to turn to. Oh, by the way, 'Once' means eleven in Spanish! And, I don't know if Nnoitra is the quinta Espada or not. I haven't gotten that far yet!

SUPER SPECIAL MESSAGE!: at the end of this chapter, in the commentary, you can be expecting a super…special…guest!

Disclaimer: If I owned anything, would I be writing a disclaimer? I do own Emigdia, though! And the poem. (although I think it's pretty crappy. I just pieced it together in a minute or two. Lols)

REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without your input, how can I make the story better? I can't. So REVIEW! Please?

........................................................................................................................................................................ At first emi had thought that he was tugging at her hair as a punishment, only to see the look of pure contentment on Orihime's face.

Emi suddenly felt as if she was intruding into someone else's private space. She felt compelled to look away, so she did. It was odd, this feeling. She could hardly remember feeling love. Even in her memory, she couldn't't quite recall the feeling of it. Now, being here to witness it, it was a shock. The concentration of the feeling was so intense. Just this simple feeling that she was picking up from the two teens in the room next to her felt like enough of a reason to live. It made Emi feel like she should live. A feat that she had been struggling to accomplish for the last two days!

She pushed away from the bars of her cell, before the young lovers could notice her. But, even though she tried not to, she couldn't't help but sneak a quick peek again. She glanced, but only for a second, because as soon as she did, Ulquiorra's green eyes met with hers, and she saw again the dangerous being before her. With unhuman speed, she ducked down, her heart beating to an erratic rhythm.

Her reflexes were far more acute than the memory had portrayed them. She mentally slapped herself. Of course they were! She was a filthy monster now. Even then, she couldn't help but think of what she had seen in the room adjacent to hers. One of her fellow monsters being kind, gentle, being LOVED.

And, though she tried to quickly distinguish this flame of hope that had kindled itself inside of her, she found that she couldn't. there was a hope that she wasn't a lost cause, a hope that, perhaps, she could be loved again.

She looked to the sofa. Maybe, she could sleep on it, just once. She crawled towards it, experimentally pushing down the pillows. The seemed pretty comfortable. Very comfortable. Maybe, just for a second. Just to see if it was as welcoming as it looked, just to rest her eyes.

Those hopes were all lost the second her head hit the pillow.


Grimmjow pushed the food cart down the white halls. Now he just felt like Ulquiorra. God dammit, he wasn't going to end up a weakling like him. At even the thought of that, his lips pulled back subconsciously into something akin to a snarl.

Consumed in his thoughts, he almost walked completely past the door to the new one's room. He pushed it open with a bark of "Hey, numero Once! I brought your food! Now come here and eat it, so I can get the hell outta here!"

With no response, he plunged into the half lit room. Walking around the couch, he felt something brush against his leg. He jumped slightly, then scolded himself. He was a vasto lord, after all.

Turning, he saw a girl, no, a woman asleep on the couch, her hand brushing his hip as he walked by. Before he knew what was happening, his hand had shot out of it's own accord to touch her unreal looking hair. It ran itself through one of the pink streaks, and then down to her shoulder. Her skin was smooth and soft. It then moved back up to her mask, but at this time he regained control of it, rearing back. For some reason this all seemed too familiar to him. He left the food by her, quickly opening the door and making his escape.

No, he would not be like Ulquiorra. He would not become a pansy! He mentally yelled at himself. But then, the feeling of her skin came back to him, and his hand longed to stroke it again.

He put a hand to his head, mentally forgetting the whole thing. this never happened he told himself.

Then, the sight of her jumped back in front of him.

He sighed, a rare sight. Maybe it would just be easier to ask Aizen to tell someone else to take care of her.


Emi woke to the moonlight shining through the window, her right hand tingling oddly. She shook it around to rid herself of the feeling. The weirdest part was... it felt kind of...nice. Just a pleasant warm sensation. Ever since she had come here, she had been cold to the touch. She felt dead. Which, technically, she guessed she was. When the shaking didn't make the feeling go away, she took to rubbing her hand. That didn't work, either.

Passing the tingling off as a lost cause, she turned to look out the window. How she loved the moon. She kept the lights off so that she could see it better. It's brilliance was matched only by that of the human world's moon. That moon was certainly brighter, and less menacing. It seemed that every thing here was menacing. How could they not be, when they are continually shrouded in darkness? If only they could see the beauty of the sun, in the human world.

Emi cringed at the thought. The human world... she would probably never see it again. Never feel the warmth of the sun, never again see the moon from that perspective. She would only know the dark side of the moon now. The menacing one. Was she menacing now, too? She had to be. Even if she had once been alive as an innocent, the world could not forgive her for what she'd become now. Even hell didn't want her now. No, she corrected herself, this WAS hell.

All she had left of the human world, and who she used to be, who she wanted to be again, was the fading wisps of the memory that she clutched for dear life. But, it was all a futile effort. The memory would fade, surely along with any sanity she managed to retain. As she looked out longingly at the eternal night, she remembered the beginning of a poem she had once heard.

Love is like a nocturnal flower.

When the moon is happy, it blossoms.

When the moon is sad, it wilts.

When the moon is angry, it burns.

She could not remember where she heard it, and passed it off as something she had learned in the mortal world. She clung to this, also. This was a part of her that she could keep, praying for salvation. A part of her in better days. She remembered what her brilliantly pink and black hair had looked like, and felt like in the memory. What did it look like now?

She hadn't really had any way to see it. It should've been the least of her concerns, but she thought that if she looked the same as she had in the memory, when she wasn't a monster, she could put off the onslaught of madness that she knew was coming. She didn't want to think of herself as a monster. At least, not anymore. She couldn't live like this, hating herself. But, she had to hate herself. She was a monster. But she didn't want to be, oh, she didn't choose it. She was sure that heaven, if there was one, would understand that. They had to.

She stopped herself. She was just talking in circles, getting no where. Circular conundrums would do nothing but confuse her.

She got up from the couch. Her muscles were surprisingly stiff. She gazed longingly at the bed. How much more comfortable it would be. She ignored the urge to climb into the covers. She wasn't so healed that she thought she deserved a bed. She may not loath herself to the point where she couldn't stand it anymore, but she still didn't believe she deserved to live in complete happiness.

She rubbed sleep from her eyes as she took a groggy step to the left. She almost tripped over something. There was a food cart, sitting by where she had been sleeping. She speculated the lavish food sitting on the plate. Her stomach gave a huge growl. She turned away. She didn't deserve food, she didn't deserve food. She kept telling herself this. But, her stomach growled again. How would she make sure that she didn't accidentally use the powers that she knew she possessed, if she was absolutely starving?

But, she wouldn't eat the rich looking soup, or the sweet toffee sitting next to that. She picked up the soggy bun. She only ate half of it. That was all she needed to make sure that she didn't pass out from hunger. Perhaps she wasn't as mentally stable as she thought she was. Again, she felt disgusted with herself for eating, when she had seen, in her memory, children huddled beside garbage cans, begging for food.

But, even as she sat in self loathing, she felt the hope flare inside her. She felt like eating more. The smell was wafting around the room, tempting her. She almost gave in, but stopped herself at the last second. No more food. The man who created her would just use her to hurt people. She grabbed the plate full of temptation, and ran over to her window. She was too short to reach it, and she had to step around on her tippytoes. She grabbed one of the bars to steady herself, and dumped the pile of food out the window.

She heard the contented splat as the food hit the ground, three stories below. Emi sighed happily, the enticement long gone.

She slid down the wall, until she was sitting on the damp floor again. She stared at the wall opposite her, not quite sure what to do with herself now.


Grimmjow continued down the hall towards the woman's room. He hadn't wanted to be heading this way ever again. He'd asked Aizen to change his duty. Helluva lot of help that'd been. Stupid man. He didn't know why everyone always acted like he was the best damn thing this side of the world had ever put out.

He remembered the useless conversation, and barked out a sadistic laugh.

As he mocked the man who had created him, he subconsciously twisted the revealing uniform he had been told to give to the girl.

The same as last time, he wasn't paying attention, and walked right past her door. It was tucked away into a small corner so it was hard to find it, the fact that there was never any lights on didn't help. He turned on his heel, and threw open the door. "Hey! Girl! Get out here!" he commanded.

It was dark in the room, like before. He searched for the light switch, but quickly gave up. Why the hell did she like the dark so much?

He rapped his knuckles against the wall. "Hey! If ya don't come out, I'm coming in after ya!" he warned. His non-existent heart jumped at the thought, and he growled under his breath. What the hell was it about this girl? He hated her for making him act like an idiot.

Still, no sound. He was about to take another step into the room, when he heard a voice. "Do you have to be so loud? I'm actually trying to relax."

The voice gave him an unwelcome wave of déjà vu, which he shut down immediately. He took in a breath to bark threats and orders at her, but she interrupted him. Again. "So, who're you?"

"Ya don't need to know my name. Now shut the hell up, and get out here, Woman!" he shouted, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm not coming out until you address me properly!" she said, sounding bored.

He scratched his ear, already seeing just how troublesome she would make his life. "How the hell can I do that if I don't even know yer name?" he yelled into the blackness.

"Call me Emi."


"Call me Emi." she responded.

"Whatever. Emi." he stressed the word, sounding sarcastic. "Get out here, and try this on." she heard fabric hit the floor, a few feet a head of her. With a sigh, she reached over and took it. It was silky feeling, and slid around in between her hands. She had to squeeze it tightly to keep it from slipping away.

Her inspection of the clothing was cut short by Grimmjow's impatient voice. "Well, don't just stand there gawking at it. Put it on!" he commanded.

Emi looked down at the off-white, smock like shirt she had been wearing for the past day or two. "Turn around!" she called through the darkness.

"I couldn't see ya even if I wanted to. It's too goddamn dark!"

Emi sighed, seeing his point. As she slipped the smock over her head, though, she still felt self-conscious. She got the prickly feeling you get when you know someone's watching. "Turn around!" she yelled, louder this time.

What was it about this person that made her so brave? Perhaps it was that he was one of her kind. That disgusting thought made her shiver. But, all of this seemed like it was happening for the second time. She ignored the feeling, and quickly pulled on the dress, careful to stay out of his line of sight.

When she had it on, she checked to make sure she had it on right. She was sure the amount of skin it was revealing was indecent.

"Are ya finished?" Grimmjow shouted. His voice was projected over his shoulder, she could tell. So, he had turned around. Eventually.

She answered him by standing up, and walking towards the door. When he sensed her behind him, he turned to look.

Emi tugged at the bottom of the black-trimmed dress, which showed far too much leg. It also revealed her shoulders, and a dangerous amount of cleavage. Not that she had any.

Emi was too preoccupied with keeping the dress at a civilized length to see the way Grimmjow's jaw dropped. By the time she glanced up, he had composed himself back into his usual scowl.

He was covering his mouth, staring at her. Emi got self-conscious. Not that she really cared what another monster thought about her, but if he was planning to do something, she wanted to know.

She plunked down on the couch, the almost sleepless night before catching up with her. Suddenly, she was extremely tired. She waved at Grimmjow, motioning for him to leave. Then, in a matter of seconds, she was lost in a world of dreams.


Grimmjow growled. Her attitude bothered him. She acted like she knew that he wouldn't hurt her. He walked to where she lay on the couch, and looked down at her.

Grimmjow hated being predictable. He oughtta teach her a lesson. He smiled. Her dress had come up a little in her sleep, and he reached forward to touch her leg, only to stop inches from her skin.

He urged himself to touch her, the way he would with that redheaded woman, or any other for that matter. But, he couldn't make himself do it. No matter how he tried, he always pulled back at the last second.

He closed his eyes. What was it abut this woman? Why could he not be himself around her? He felt like someone else entirely. He thought about her odd obsession with the darkness. She was something else, alright. He chuckled darkly. Trust Aizen to stick him with someone crazy. He put a tanned hand to his aching temple.

He blindly reached forward for support, and was surprised that his hand reached her leg this time. She mumbled, and he peeked at her. Still asleep. Damn, she was a heavy sleeper, he noted.

He looked at the alabaster skin under his hand. Why was he able to touch her now? He thought back. Before, he had been thinking about hurting her. This time, he had only been noting her strange mannerisms. She mumbled again, and shifted uncomfortably. He looked down, and realized his hand was still flush against her thigh. He removed it quickly, as if she were acid.

Heat spread through his cheeks. He brought a hand to his face. What was this? Was he falling ill?

He didn't like it. It made him feel…human.

He threw open her doors, light spilling into her room, illuminating the usually dark room. He walked down the halls, the questions he still hadn't answered buzzing around inside his head, like a hive of angry bees.

What was this feeling of déjà vu?

Who was Emigdia, the Once Espada?

Why is he so interested in her?

He still had no answers.

He walked into a wall of flesh. He took a step back, growling out a threat. The quinta Espada grinned down at him. "Watch where you're going, sexta!"

"I was thinking!" Grimmjow blurted out without considering his words first.

Nnoitra grinned wider. "The sexta Espada, thinking?!" he said incredulously. Grimmjow snarled. Nnoitra backed up. "The world must be ending, it's the apocalypse!" he said, covering his head from imaginary meteoroids.

He laughed blackly at Grimmjow's annoyed expression. Nnoitra leaned closer to his face. "Don't hurt yourself, sexta!" he whispered.

"Shut up, ya idiotic fool!" he rumbled.

The black haired Espada threw his head back and laughed. "What are you going to do? Give me a riddle?"

Grimmjow smiled. "Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of this." he replied, beginning to charge a cero.

He had a split second to enjoy the bewildered expression on Nnoitra's face, before the cero was ready, and he shot it at the black haired man. It wasn't enough to seriously wound him, just teach him a much needed lesson. Nnoitra went flying through a line of pillars, creating a cloud of dust.

For a moment, Grimmjow thought he had misjudged the strength of the cero, and seriously believed he had killed him.

Then, the dust started to thin, and Nnoitra's voice roared from behind the wall of debris. "I'm going to fricking kill you!"

He never had a chance to go through with his threat, however, seeing how in the next second, Grimmjow was already gone.


Hello! Did you enjoy it? Now…the special surprise guest you've all been expecting…GRIMMKITTY!!!!

Grimmjow: the hell am I doing here?

Me: because I love cats, and was too lazy to think of anyone else.

Grimmjow: …

Me: oh, come on! *gestures to giant crowd* all these fan girls came here to see you! Don't be like that. *scratches Grimmy's head* nice kitty!

Grimmjow: …yer fricking crazy, Serenity.

Me: KYAAAAAA! He called me by my first name!!!!! *faints*

Crowd of Rabid Fangirls: GET HER!!!!!! *grabs pitchforks*

Me: …That's all for now, Folks! *runs off stage*

Fangirls: *chase after her*

Me: *from backstage* before the Fangirls kill me, my last wish is to have several more reviews! PLEASE!

Hehe, thank you for listening to my insanity! Trust me, there will be more in the future!

Also, I've discovered plot holes in my fic big enough to drive a truck through, so, needless to say, I won't be updating for a while!