Disclaimer: I don't own Psych, though it would be fun if I did .

"He would not get drunk from that. It's like if I ate a Jack Daniels steak, I wouldn't get drunk from it."

"Au contraire, my mythologically misguided friend. I think you're just arguing because you lack knowledge in the mythologicalness department."

"Mythologicalness isn't even a word, Shawn"

"Perhaps, but everyone knows a Vampire will get drunk if he drinks the blood of a drunk person. I don't know why that's so hard for you to believe." Shawn shrugged his shoulders and continued up the stairs of the SBPD with Gus.

"I am not hearing this, Shawn. I can't believe we are even having this conversation."

Shawn held up his hand. "Let's just wait to see what Jules has to say on the subject."

"Yes, let's. She's a sensible, reasonable person."

"Which is why she'll agree with me." Before Gus could respond to that, they found themselves standing in front of Juliet's empty desk.

"What're you two doing here so early?" Lassiter had just rounded the corner to find the duo blocking his path.

"It's a delight to see you too, Lassie," chirped Shawn. "Say, how much knowledge do you have of Vampires?"

"Enough to know they don't exist."

"But if they did--which they do," Shawn coughed, "they could get drunk, don't you think?"

"What are you talking about?" Lassiter's brow furrowed in confusion, and maybe a little bit of annoyance.

"If a Vampire drinks the blood of a drunk person, he'll get drunk. Common knowledge, Lassie," said Shawn matter-of-factly.

"The low percentage of alcohol in the blood likely wouldn't--" Lassiter abruptly stopped when he realized what he was doing. "This is ridiculous! A waste of my time." He turned to storm off, anxious to get back to work and back to reality.

"Wait-up Lassie, do you know where Jules is?"

"You're dating her, Spencer," Lassie said it like an accusation. "Though heaven knows why she said yes to you," they heard him mumble not so discretely. "Don't you know where she is?" Lassie was once again back to his full volume.

At that moment, Juliet came hurrying over to her desk. "Sorry I'm late," she breathed, avoiding Shawn's puckered lips and shooting him a you-know-the-rules look. Juliet was very strict about being professional at work. That meant no public displays of affection between herself and Shawn. No matter how much he pouted and no matter how much she secretly wanted to give in and kiss his endearing pout. "I walked out to my car this morning and noticed that some jerk slashed my tires. Can you believe it?"

"Were any of you neighbors' cars vandalized?" Gus asked the exasperated blonde.

"No, not that I could see. I had time to talk to a passerby, who said he hadn't seen anything, before my cab came. I had to get down here for my court date, I'm testifying."

"A message was left for you about that." Lassiter handed her the paper with the phone message. "Trial's been postponed. Something about one of the other witnesses backing out." He had dismissed the note after jotting it down. After all, the call for his tardy partner had come while he was in the midst of working on his ridiculously large pile of paperwork.

"The next time your car is vandalized in any way, feel free to call me for a ride, Juliet," Gus smiled. Shawn cocked an eyebrow at him.

Juliet briefly looked up from the note. "Uh, thanks Gus," she said, somewhat distracted.

"Something wrong, Jules?" Shawn had noticed her look of confusion after reading the message that was left for her.

"No, it's just…I don't know. One of the other witnesses for the prosecution backed out of testifying yesterday. There are only three witnesses, myself included. It doesn't seem like the prosecution can really afford to have a witness back out, and I don't know why he would back out. I mean, the Winslow trial is a big deal. Police have been after the guy for a long time."

"You're testifying in the Winslow murder trial?" Gus was somewhat in awe.

"Mm-hmm. That's the one."

"Ooh." Everyone turned to look at Gus. "I've been following that story in the papers. Jack Winslow is a scary guy."

"The nut job went after all the people responsible for putting his father behind bars a few years ago," Lassiter informed them.

"Similar to a documentary I saw on the History Channel, only it was about…." As Gus began his synopsis of the episode, Shawn's attention drifted. A man who had come from the direction of the sign-in desk caught his attention. The man had paused to send a glare in the group's direction--specifically at Juliet, Shawn noted--before shuffling to the exit.

"Who's that?" He asked, interrupting Gus' spiel on the History Channel. Juliet, Gus, and Lassiter all looked up. Juliet's brow instantly furrowed in confusion.

"That's… the guy I talked to this morning. The one who said he didn't see anyone suspicious near my car. What's he doing here?" She added, mostly to herself.

"I'll be right back." With that, Shawn walked over to the Visitation Sergeant and, unable to get much information out of the him, helped himself to the visitor log while the Sergeant's back was turned. Scanning the list of names, dates, and times, Shawn saw the name Simon Dupree appeared on several occasions. Each time to visit Jack Winslow, but only for a few short minutes at a time. "That's strange," Shawn muttered. "Doesn't stay to chat long when the guy he knows is about to surely be convicted of murder. Unless…" Shawn scanned the list one more time before he hurried back over to where the others were waiting for him. "I'm sensing we've got a situation here. I need to see the Chief."