
Hi! I'm Jenny! I used to write this story and post it on my friend Dylan's (VampDylan23) account because I didn't own a computer but I got my own computer so I made account so we moved it!

BETAed By: VampDylan23

"Mummy! Watch out!"

Hermione turned her head back towards the steering wheel, only to see a flash of white light and hear a honking noise. Without thinking she tried to turn the steering wheel of her silver Bentley as far as it could go but it was too late. A loud, deafening crunch and the sound of metal scraping against each other made Hermione's hands tighten against the wheel. The cars slammed into each on the left hand side. She screamed and closed her eyes as the car began to spin out of control on the slippery ice. Hermione could feel her car begin to fall on its side as they fell into the ditch. Another loud thud! was heard as the car flew into the snow bank. Snow exploded up as if it had just been hit by an atomic bomb. Then, everything was silent.

Hermione let go of the steering wheel in a daze. Not having comprehended what just had happened she just sat there. All she could see was a white blanket of snow covering her cracked windshield. Hermione feared that if she touched it the windshield would break into a thousand pieces and her with no protection. Suddenly she heard a small-frightened cry.

"Mummy? What happened?"

"Rosie? Are you okay honey? Do you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm scared!"

Hermione tried to turn to and face her 3-year-old daughter in the backseat of her car. As she did her chest began to burn and she couldn't breathe, fear gripped her as she turned back into the position that she had previously been in, she stared out into the white nothingness of snow.

"I need you to answer me, sweetie. Do you hurt anywhere?"

"No." Rose whimpered.

"What about your brother?" Fear once again gripped Hermione as she strained to hear the frightened cry of her 11-month-old son. She heard nothing.

"He's just laying in his car seat." Rose whimpered again. "He looks scared."

"Hugo?" Hermione tried to crane her neck and look into the broken rearview mirror to glance at her silent son. The mirror was broken so it didn't help however. Suddenly to Hermione's relief, she heard the small-frightened wail of her baby.

"He's not bleeding or anything is he Rosie?" Hermione heard nothing for a few seconds as her daughter checked her little brother over.


Hermione let out a sigh of relief only to be confronted with more pain. She gasped for air but none would come.

"Mummy?!" Rose sounded near tears.

Hermione made herself relax. "I'm okay Rosie." Begin able to breathe now she looked around in the front seat, Hermione saw her purse, I've got to get help She thought as she reached for her purse. Her wand was in there. Perhaps if she could get it she could use her Patronus to get help. Suddenly pain sheered through her like a thousand daggers. Hermione stopped reaching for the purse and leaned back against her seat. She was able to breathe again. It seemed that as long as she was relaxed she could breathe normally. Suddenly Hermione heard something outside.

"Hello!? Is anyone alive in there?" It sounded like a frightened young woman

Hermione almost jumped at the voice. "Yes!"

"I have the police on the line. How many people are in your car?"

"Three." Hermione could hear the muffled voice of the woman; she guessed that she was talking on the phone to the police.

"Is everyone all right?"

"Well my daughter says nothing hurts on her, and according to her my infant son is also alright…"

"What about you?"

Hermione paused for a moment. She didn't want to frighten Rose. "Every time I move I can't breathe."

More muffled sounds. "An ambulance is on the way."

Hermione nodded, though the woman couldn't see her thanks to the snow.

"Mummy? What's happening?" Rose sounded like she was at the brink of crying now.

"It's okay Rosie. Some people are going to come and help get us out. Nothing to be afraid of. Don't cry."

Hermione heard Rose stifle a sob. "But I'm afraid!"

"It's going to all be okay sweetie."

"I want Daddy!"

Truth be told Hermione wanted him too. Ron was unfortunately on Auror business and wasn't expected to show up until late. Hermione choked back tears as she thought of Ron walking into the dark flat they were renting. Having no idea of what had just happened to his family. Suddenly Hermione saw flashing lights and heard sirens through the broken snow-covered windshield.


Hermione's heart began to race again. It was the police, she was sure of it. "Yes?"

The front door opposite her opened to reveal an older looking Muggle; he was wearing a paramedic outfit, his graying beard was dotted with snowflakes as he peered in the car. "Everything is going to be all right. Can you move without being in pain?"

Hermione tried to shift to the right then the left. Grimacing she moaned "No."

"Where does it hurt Ma'am?"

"My chest. Sir if you please, my children?"

The man nodded and jumped back out of the car. He yelled something that Hermione didn't hear because Rose was once again beginning to cry.

"Mummy! That man is scary!"

"It's okay Rosie. He's here to help us. He's going to get us out."

The man returned with another paramedic. He was much younger than the other one, he opened Rose's door and stuck his head in. Rose gasped.

"It's okay sweetie." Hermione reassured her daughter. She became as ease as she heard the younger paramedic talk with Rose as he checked her over. Rose seemed to be calming down as he talked with a kind cooling voice. Hermione heard the other door open as another paramedic was examining Hugo. The older paramedic came back to Hermione.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked as he checked her over.

Hermione thought for a moment. "I thought I saw something in the rearview mirror so I looked back for a moment, next thing I knew my daughter screamed, and that other car was in our lane, I tried to get out of the way but—"

The other paramedic who was checking out Hugo interrupted her. "We need to get this one to the hospital. His vital signs are off."

Hermione was once again struck with fear. The older paramedic must have noticed the look on her face. "He'll be all right ma'am." He said gently as Hermione heard the paramedic lift Hugo out of his car seat and shut his door. She strained to hear the crunch of his footsteps as the paramedic took her son to the ambulance. Hermione could hear Rose ask the paramedic who was examining her ask where her little brother was going. Hermione didn't hear the paramedic's reply because her paramedic asked her a question.

"Ma'am? Who should we call to meet us at the hospital? Your husband maybe?"

Hermione hadn't thought of that. She and Ron didn't have cell phones. They had a home phone but they usually used owls, the occasional Howler and their Patronus' to communicate outside of the flat. There would be no way to get a hold of Ron unless someone contacted him for her. No one in the family who could do that had a home phone except for one "My sister in-law, Ginny Potter." Hermione gave him the number before adding, "Her husband and my husband are both working right now. She can get a hold of them and meet us there."

The paramedic nodded. "May we have your names, please?"

"Weasley. Mrs. Hermione Weasley. My children are Rose and Hugo Weasley." Hermione heard the younger paramedic tell Rose that he loved her name. She heard her giggle. Hermione was glad that he was distracting her from the scary realism of what was actually going on.

The older paramedic said something to the younger paramedic. Hermione did not catch what was being said until the older paramedic turned back to face her. "Mrs. Weasley, we're going to take your daughter to the hospital, she seems all right mind you but we just want to make sure she doesn't have any internal injuries. You'll be joining your children shortly, I just need to finish with what I'm doing here and we'll get you a stretcher. Hopefully by the time we get you to the hospital your sister in-law and husband will be at the hospital. Until then Jim will take good care of your daughter."

Hermione took in a painful breath. It seemed that every breath she took was getting more and more painful. "All right."

"But Mummy! I don't want to leave you here!" Rose whined.

"It's okay Rosie. You need to go. They want to make sure that your insides didn't get hurt. They're going to take you where they took Hugo. Auntie Ginny and Daddy will be there soon. I need you to be brave."

Rose was quiet for a minute before whispering. "Like Gryffindor?"

Hermione smiled, "Like Gryffindor." She ignored the confused face that the older paramedic gave her. She heard the paramedic named Jim lift Rose out of the car and shut the door; now it was just she and the older paramedic.

"How you holding up, Mrs. Weasley?" He asked.

Hermione didn't answer him; instead she shivered both from cold and shock.

"Mrs. Weasley?" He asked again.

Hermione didn't answer. Suddenly she began to cough; she could feel something hot and sticky erupt from her throat and out of her mouth. She couldn't stop. She couldn't breathe. She felt the older paramedic hold on to her. She could hear him call for backup. He sounded so far off and distant. Then, everything went black.


Well…there it is…the first chapter of my first fanfiction! That last bit about the coughing up blood and passing out I had to improvise on. I also didn't have any kids in my car during the accident I was in and really had to think about how a kid would handle it. I want to thank Dylan for letting me borrow her account and stuff and then e-mailing it to me so I could save it onto my new computer.

Stay Tuned in for the next chapter!! It will be in Ginny's POV (3rd person) and completely improvised on my part.

Also…. please review! I want to know what you think of it so far and what I should do next.

Peace, Love and Stuff


Just curious if you read through all that please review and put a ";o" in it somewhere. Please and thank you!