Here's another that was written over vacation. Hope you enjoy.
Review Corner~!
Flying werecats: Yes, very bad idea. But she's stubborn, and not going to change her mind. Thanks for the review hun!
Broken Porcelain Doll
By: StarUchiha
Chapter 13
Over the last two weeks, lunch had become the most awkward time of day. Ellie, ever since putting her plan into action, started to bring Bane around constantly. We now rarely ever saw her without him. I don't think she realized that no one else at the table liked him, at all. I would always make sure to sit in a way so I wouldn't look at him, but it didn't help much. Any time he started to talk loud enough to hear, and too loud to block out, I found myself fleeing to the bathroom. Ellie sometimes went after me, but the more and more I left the less and less she followed.
Luckily, AJ had brought around his music dock for the last few days, and that made it much easier to ignore him, but not by much. I didn't like the atmosphere he made either. I was constantly on edge, Chester was very protective, and he always had his arm around me which I didn't like too much. I much preferred the goofy boy who would just hold my hand to the angry one who made it almost impossible to move. Timmy on the other hand was distant, always glaring at Bane from at the other side of the table. Truthfully, I think Ellie's plan may have been working, as strange as that seemed. The only problem is that I think Ellie had forgotten the plan she'd been so hopeful on, and that scared me. I really didn't trust that Bane, even excluding what he'd done to me in the hallway two weeks earlier. I just had a bad feeling about him, and as much as that was probably me just being paranoid, I trusted that feeling.
It was Friday when I finally managed to speak up to her. I excused myself as usual when he had started talking over the music, which we had blasting to its full extent. On my way out, I tugged on the fabric by the collar of her shirt and she turned to look at me immediately. I felt my solemn expression waver into a frown for a moment and she understood what I wanted. She followed me out of the lunch room and into the bathroom without a fight. She looked at me puzzled when I didn't enter a stall.
"What is it Rei," she asked worriedly, "You're not hurt are you?"
I shook my head, "No, at least not in the way you are implying."
"Then how," I think I was confusing her more at this point.
"Bane. He is making it very hard to coexist with him. You seem to be the only one enjoying his company."
"Well that's not very nice and that's not like you at all. What do you have ageist him?"
"I simply do not trust him. He makes me uneasy."
"I think you're overreacting."
"I am not. At least I don't believe I am. Just listen for a moment Ellie. I think you should call this whole plan off, it's getting out of hand."
"It's only been two weeks, how could it be getting out of hand?"
"My bad feelings about people are rarely wrong."
"Well I'm sorry Reiquen, "she scoffed crossing her arms angrily, "but I don't even think I'm hanging out with him because of the plan anymore. I think I might genuinely like him and just because you don't like him doesn't mean I'm going to give up my relationship with him."
She ran off before I could say anything else. She could be so hot headed and stubborn sometimes. I really wish I knew how to communicate properly with her but it seems when she finds herself in one of these moods there is no way of reasoning. Then it hit me, I just fought with her… a real fight…and fighting is ageist the rules. I broke another rule. I could already feel an episode taking over my body and ran into the nearest stall as quickly as I could. I dropped my jeans, doing my best to ignore the harsh noise it made as the buckle of my belt hit the ground. I winced at the sound, the unstoppable clang. I fumbled a little with my blade as I pulled it from its protective case inside my boot. I ran my fingers idly along the many new scars coating my inner thighs. I had been so reckless lately, not realizing about how many rules I have broken and strangely not caring about most of them. I took the blade and ran it carefully over an older scar which was close to healing. I wiped the bit of blood up with a piece of toilet paper from the roll beside me.
The feeling almost immediately passed and relief took over. Unfortunately, even with the episode stopped dead in its tracks, I still felt very uneasy. My stomach was giving me strange pains, one's I hadn't felt since I moved back home and away from the places I was sent before. I didn't like it. I needed to lie down.
Alright, it's a short chapter but I don't think I really could have made it any longer. Hope you all liked it.