Disclaimer: Just borrowing the characters. :(





Aya's Point of View

I don't want to look back. I'm not strong enough to face this guy any longer.

He calls my name in his deep voice but I keep on locking my mouth. I just can't answer him. There's nothing we need to talk about anyway.

Rubbing my eyes, I laxly tread the street and leave the chocolate brown-haired guy behind. I keep pacing and let the rain drench my body, regardless of my weak condition.

He doesn't stop me at all. As I slowly cast a glance at him, he merely turns around and walks to another way. He is also drenched by the torrential rains but he doesn't seem to be hurt like me. I can see it through the way he walks—right, as stoical as ever.

I'm not sure if we'll get to see each other again. To be precise, I've bidden farewell to him though he hasn't said that he agreed yet, seeing that I was the one who said "let's break up" and left him in the first place.

I walk again and this time, I swear that I will never look back ever again no matter how much I want to apologize…

…and how much I love him.

Part 1: A Dissolved Future




Are you sure you want to delete this picture?

Aya shakily clicked the "yes" button and threw her cell phone to the mattress afterwards. It was the last photo that had to be removed from her cell phone—the pictures of her ex-boyfriend.

She laid down her comfortingly soft mattress as her tears insensibly welled up in her eyes. Oh, how she hated herself for what she's done this afternoon. Truth be told, she never wanted to ruin her relationship with Rei.

But she had no choice. If it wasn't because the fetus she had in her womb, she would have acted as though there was nothing happened. She didn't want to ask for his responsibility but she didn't want to kill her baby either.

Day in day out, she could feel her tummy outgrowing. Sooner or later, her parents would surely find the truth, no matter how hard she tried to withhold it. And once her parents found out and knew that the baby was Rei's, she would bet that they would chase him away and despise him in a whole of their life for ruining their daughter's shining future by getting her pregnant like that.

Aya didn't say goodbye to Rei because she hated him; on the contrary, she did that because she loved him so much. She was worried if her parents would defy their relationship which wouldn't just cause a deep pain in her heart; it would probably hurt him as well and she didn't want that. It would be better if she was the one who asked him to break up with her.

Crying won't change anything, Aya! This is also for Otohata-kun's sake, remember? Aya struggled to convince herself not to regret her decision. Then she took her handkerchief and crucially wiped away her unstoppable tears. Thankfully, she was capable to cease them as she inwardly said to herself that she's got to be stronger.

Not long afterwards, Aya's cell phone rang. She instantly took it and saw the words on the screen, "1 new message". As she read the message, she couldn't help but weep bucket of tears for the umpteenth time.

Rei Otohata

If you really want to break up with me, it's okay. But tell me, did I do something wrong?

Trembling and sobbing bitterly, Aya turned off her cell phone, not wanting to reply to Rei's question. She would rather become a young mother without her husband than telling him the truth. She must hide it even though the baby also belonged to him.

She wasn't sure if the baby would survive but she believed she could take care of their child alone; without him.

I can handle this. I can do this without troubling Otohata-kun…definitely.




Rei's Point of View

Twenty minutes has passed and I haven't received any reply from her yet. What on earth is going on with her? I just don't get it. Does she still assume that I like Kotobuki or that I date her out of pity? What a foolish girl.

This time is different. Despite her timidity, she always avowed it whenever her insecurity became recrudescent again. But this afternoon she suddenly asked me to see her and much to my surprise, she said "let's break up" and left without any explanation. Taking such a sudden decision like that…seriously, it was so unlike her.

She can at least tell me the reason why she decided to call off our relationship. But it's all right if she doesn't want to, as long as it isn't my fault. I just feel somewhat guilty, especially since we accidentally made love a couple of weeks ago.

I thought she had already forgiven me. In fact, she didn't even blame me at all.




Part 1: A Dissolved Future – End

A/N: To make it clear, I'd have to say that this fic is not the sequel to the rated-M fic of mine, "Indulging You". You'll probably find slight adult contents in the next chapters but I won't be going too far like writing lemon again, okay?

As you can see in this prologue, they had obviously done –beep- before, seeing that Aya was pregnant. However, I'm not going to write the –beep- scene specifically to show how it could happen. It's just…eww, such a sin. :(

Oh, one of our favorite characters, Katase Kazuki-kun –runs away from Katase's haters- will appear in the second part. Like usual, I won't make him as the antagonist character and make him sweeter than the original one. Haha…–captured and punched by Katase's haters-

Sorry if I've made too many errors and thanks for reading. Criticisms and suggestions are appreciatively welcomed. :)

Chiby Angel-chan