Carlisle walked down the hospitals hallway towards the intensive care ward as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. He had just arrived after back after a 'hiking trip' with Edward and Jasper, and was going in to check on two new patients.

It was always a sad thing to see people in that unit-but being one the hospitals most educated doctors he was usually one of the only that new how to help those people. One of the new patients was a man that had been in a car accident. The other was a girl who fell while rock climbing outdoors. This would be messy.

As he read over all their medical background for reference sake, he paused on the maiden name of the girl. The name was strikingly familiar, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He decided to go check on her first in a hope that maybe he could figure out where he had heard of it before

Walking into the blank room he saw the girl that looked to be about twenty five and a man sitting on a chair beside her bed. She had long dark brown hair that fell naturally around her face in loose curls. Her eyes were closed, and no trace of any emotion was seen on her blank but girlish face.

It finally sunk in. He composed his face as best he could as he greeted her-who he assumed to be- husband. "Mr. Grayson?" The man looked up with a tired expression as he forced a half-hearted smile. Carlisle continued. "I'm Doctor Cullen, I'll be taking care of your wife while she is here."

The man nodded his head. "…will Amber be ok?"

"I'm going to do anything in my power to make sure that she will be." Carlisle answered quietly. He then explained to the man Ambers condition. She had hit her head very hard and had suffered some loss of blood. Although the stitches had healed nicely and she would be fine concerning that part…she was in a temporary concussion. It meant that her brain had basically shut down-but that she was still alive. She would be ok as long as she woke up soon from what doctors called 'A state of Sleep'. And by soon, he meant within the next two weeks.

He excused himself to go check on their other patient, and once he was out of ear-shot, he stopped. Leaning against the wall he took out his cell phone and dialed home. Esme answered. "Hello?"

"Hi sweetheart, it's me. May I please speak to Emmett?"

She agreed and he could hear the phone transferring hands. Emmett's deep voice came on the line. "Hey Carlisle. What's up?"

"Emmett I think you should come down to the hospital."

"Why? I'm not sick-and even if I was I highly doubt the humans would be able to help in any way."

"It's your sister, Emmett."

Emmett paused, caught in confusion. "What do you mean? Alice is right here-."

"No," Carlisle sighed as he tried to chose the best way to describe the situation. "Your real sister Emmett. She was admitted into the intensive care unit Saturday night. She has a concussion, but it's the type that….that not all people wake up from."

Emmett pulled the phone away from his ear, staring at the receiver. Esme put a hand on his shoulder- he jerked away as he ran in a blur to the basement and locking the door behind him sat on the cold floor. He turned back to the phone. "No-it can't be her."

"I've checked the records already-I wanted to be sure. She looks just like you Emmett…Amber. She's married now." Carlisle replied softly.

"Carlisle that's not possible…"

"It has been five years Emmett." Carlisle pointed out gently. "Lots can happen in that time."

"What did she do? How did it happen?" Emmett asked, still half shell shocked. He couldn't believe any of this.

"She was rock climbing and one of the lines broke, she fell pretty far and hit her head on the ground. The stitches are healing but she is still 'asleep'. If you want you can come down here in about one hour-visiting hours will be over so her husband will be gone. As long as you think you can control yourself I think it might be good for you to see her."

"Control myself?" Emmett repeated harshly. "She's my sister Carlisle."

"I know… I'll see you soon?"

"Ya, bye." Emmett answered and without waiting for a reply, hung up the phone. He hit his head against the wall with a thump and could see out of the corner of his eye a crack run down the wall. Esme would be mad but he didn't honestly care right now.

He took an unnecessary deep breath in, letting it out slowly. He thought back to his clouded human memories, ones of him and Amber. She was five years younger then he was, she was his little sister.

He had pushed her on the swing, and taught her that if she closed her eyes and leaned back it felt like you were flying. He remembered going for Sunday morning walks with her through the trees, and skipping stones in the pond with her. He read her a bedtime story every night and after singing. "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. If they do squeeze them tight, they wont be back tomorrow night!" She would give him a hug and he would kiss her on the forehead saying 'Sweet dreams'.

Shaking his head to clear away the memories he stood up and walked back upstairs. When visiting hours were officially over he got in his jeep and drove to the ominous hospital, speeding all the way. Walking as fast as he could he found Carlisle who showed him Ambers room.

Leaving Emmett to give him some privacy, Carlisle busied himself with making sure no doctors or nurses went into Ambers room. Emmett was left to stare at the door and calm himself-preparing to see the sister he hadn't seen since before he left for the hunting trip that made him into who he was today.

Taking another unnecessary breath, he slowly creaked open the door and stepped in. Turning around he saw the body of his little sister laying on the bed looking as though she were sleeping soundly. But Emmett knew that wasn't true.