The fall season was slowly coming to an end. The streets were lined with trees whose colorful leaves were starting to fall. The weather was starting to get colder and the days were getting shorter. The winters in Washington DC could be brutal with the cold and snow adding to the discomfort. Even if you were a native you were generally accustomed to the weather but this winter would be an experience like no other.

Elizabeth Logan, a former resident of Texas, spent her first few weeks in Washington DC remodeling her store preparing for it's opening by Thanksgiving but things were going a little slower then expected. Elizabeth didn't have a chance to look around the city or meet any new people and that was okay with her since she wasn't very social and she had to concentrate on her store. The cold was taking its toll on her so Elizabeth walked into the small coffee shop a few doors down from her store and stood in line.

"Miss?" the barista called.

"Hot chocolate with whipped cream," Elizabeth noted waiting for him to ring up his order.

"Sir," the younger barista called. She watched as the silver haired man approached the counter. "What would you like?"

"You're new," the man stated.

"Just started," the young woman smiled.

"Jethro," the other barista called, "One very strong coffee coming up." The barista turned to the coffee pot leaving Elizabeth alone and aggravated. "Here you are." The man handed Jethro his coffee and started to wait on another person.

"Excuse me," Elizabeth called out, "My hot chocolate?"

"We're very busy Miss," the young woman stated. "You'll have to wait your turn."

"I have been waiting," Elizabeth noted. She looked at the male barista and then at Jethro. "What makes him so special?"

"He's a cop," the man stated as he shoved her hot chocolate at her. "That'll be three fifty."

Elizabeth removed a five from her pocket and handed it to him expecting change. She waited for a brief moment and realized that she wasn't going to get it. "My change," Elizabeth glared at the young man who huffed at her. She shook her head and replied to herself, "You just lost a customer."

Jethro was in no hurry to get back to the squad room so he lingered about the coffee shop watching the events unfold. He did have to agree with Elizabeth that she should've been waited on and knew she was within her right to be angry. He made it to the door at the same time Elizabeth did and tried to hold it open for her.

"I am perfectly capable of opening my own door," Elizabeth looked him over.

"Just trying to be a gentleman," Jethro noted in a gentle voice.

Elizabeth realized that it wasn't Jethro's fault, "Thank you."

"It's Jethro Gibbs," he smiled as he watched her walk through the doorway.

"Elizabeth Logan," she replied turning towards him. "So are you a detective with Metro PD?"

"No," Jethro, out of habit, removed his ID, "NCIS."

"Oh I see," Elizabeth looked him over, "I should've guessed that an ex-Marine would work for NCIS." She let a sly grin cross her face. "Actually you still are a Marine; once a Marine always a Marine." Elizabeth sipped her hot chocolate. "It was nice to meet you Jethro. I have to get back to my store."

"What kind of store?" Jethro walked with her a bit.

"It will be a greeting card and gift store," Elizabeth held the cup tightly, "If I can ever get it finished."

"Do you need some help?" Jethro was very intrigued by Elizabeth.

"I can't ask you to do that," Elizabeth got slightly uncomfortable.

"I don't mind," Jethro stated, "Supply me with coffee and I am good to go."

"Well," Elizabeth wasn't quite sure, "Here is my contact information." She looked him over. "If you still want to help, just call me. I am at my store more then I am at home."

"I will call you later," Jethro stated as he walked back to work.

Elizabeth watched him walk away. She could see the slight limp but was more interested in just what was behind those blue eyes and great physique. Little did she know that Jethro was just as curious about her. Her hazel eyes accentuated her short auburn hair. Although she was wearing a light jacket he could see that she was somewhat well proportioned. He figured that he would see more when he went to help her.

Elizabeth was and is a very independent woman. She had been this way for quite a long time. She hated depending upon people and figured that she could do anything that a man could do, to a point. She was smart and knew who to hire to complete a job that she couldn't complete. Doing the necessary repairs in her store was no different; Elizabeth did what she could and hired others when she couldn't. She also didn't expect to hear from Jethro figuring that he just said what he did to get her number.

The day was going by fairly quickly although the agents didn't have a case. It was catching up on paperwork and they all hated that. Jethro decided he needed some more coffee. He called Elizabeth on his way back from the coffee shop and agreed to meet her at the store that night.

Seven o'clock…

Jethro arrived at Elizabeth's store wearing his cargo pants, t-shirt and Marine sweatshirt. He knocked on the door and waited for a brief moment when he saw Elizabeth walking towards the door.

"No," She sighed, "I need that shelving unit tomorrow." Elizabeth waived Jethro in, "Doug don't do this to me." She threw her planner on the counter. "You promised that I would have them." Jethro walked around a bit while Elizabeth continued with her call. "Forget it. I will purchase a shelving unit in the morning." She paused, "No I will not pay you for the shelving unit you're not giving me. If I have to purchase my own then why would I need you?" She angrily disconnected the call. "Damn."

"Is there a problem?" Jethro asked as he approached her.

"Nothing I can't handle," Elizabeth stated. "Would you like some dinner? I need to get out of here for a while."

"Sure Chinese okay?" Jethro asked as Elizabeth nodded, "When we are done eating we can start on the walls," He stated running his hand along a patch of drywall. "I can call in our order, what would you like?"

"Huh?" Elizabeth seemed very distracted, "Chow Mein is fine."

"What's wrong?" Jethro could see that she wasn't completely with him.

"Jethro I don't mean to be distracted," Elizabeth leaned back against the car seat. "I have dropped so much money into the store that I," she stopped. "This isn't your concern."

"I do have very good listening skills," Jethro stated.

"I know," Elizabeth did her best to smile at him. "I appreciate it too. It's just I hate burdening people with problems."

Jethro placed a gentle hand on her forearm. "I am here if you need me."

"What I need is food," she joked. Elizabeth squeezed his hand and they both felt the spark. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Jethro stated trying his best to recover from her touch.

After they finished their dinner Jethro looked at the plans for the store. He looked up at Elizabeth peering over his glasses. "I can assist you with most of this."

"You can?" Elizabeth replied, "I'm afraid I can't pay much."

"I don't expect payment," Jethro stated.

Elizabeth walked across the counter and stood face to face with him. Even though she was at least a foot shorter then him, she managed to look into his eyes. "I'm not a charity case Jethro. I want to pay you somehow."

Jethro knew she was not only stubborn but proud, "Make me dinner sometime and we'll call it even."

"I buy all the materials," she didn't let her gaze leave him, "I will make you more then one home cooked meal and provide you with some very good coffee." Elizabeth smiled, "Deal?"

"Deal," he cracked a smile. He liked her; the dinner and coffee were just perks. "Where shall we begin?"

"I was hoping for a shelving unit here," Elizabeth noted walking to a certain section of the store.

"Let's go," Jethro stated as he reached for his keys.

"Thank you," Elizabeth stated grabbing his hand. Their attraction was undeniable.

"You're welcome," Jethro replied trying to keep his voice steady. The gentleness of her touch was driving him crazy. He didn't want to pull his hand away but he knew that they wouldn't get any work done if he didn't. "Shall we?"

Jethro and Elizabeth drove to the local home improvement store and purchased all of the materials needed for her shelving unit plus a few other projects. Jethro installed the shelves and cost her less then what Doug would've charged in the first place.

"Here," Elizabeth handed Jethro a large coffee mug. It was customized with his name. "I hope you like it strong."

"I do," Jethro noted taking a sip of the hot brown liquid. He looked at the mug and smiled. "Nice mug."

"That way you will always have a cup waiting for you," Elizabeth noted then looked at her watch. "It's getting late. I know you have to work tomorrow."

"Actually," Jethro took another sip of his coffee, "I don't. It's Saturday and we are off." He placed the mug on the counter, "I can come by in the morning and help you providing you still need me."

"I can't ask you to do that," Elizabeth was becoming slightly embarrassed, "It's your day off and," Jethro placed a finger over her lips.

"I will be here at o seven hundred," Jethro took a large gulp of his coffee. "As long as the coffee is hot and the company is good I'm fine."

"I can bring some breakfast," Elizabeth noted.

"No need," Jethro stated. "I am up at o five thirty and have a morning routine." He pulled his car keys from his pocket. "I will watch as you lock up."

"I was planning on working for a few more hours," Elizabeth noted. Truth was she rarely slept. "I will be fine."

He could see that she was going to stay despite his urging. Jethro pulled a card from his wallet, "Here if you need anything." He looked at her, "I mean anything you call me."

"I will," Elizabeth rarely showed her emotions after all it was the way she was raised. She did her best to remain in control. Her life hadn't been an easy one and being in control was her way of surviving. Elizabeth watched as Jethro walked towards the car. She made sure the doors were locked securely as he unlocked his car. He waived as he drove off concerned about Elizabeth being alone that late at night.

Elizabeth worked for a couple more hours before she decided to call it quits. She arrived at home a few minutes later, showered and readied for bed. She placed her gun under her pillow as she threw the covers over her. After checking her alarm Elizabeth closed her eyes. Sleep came easy for her that night especially since her thoughts were about Jethro.

At o seven hundred, seven o'clock to non military people, Jethro was at her store ready to work. He was actually looking forward to helping her and it gave him a little variety from his boat. After their initial greetings neither of them spoke for a few hours yet they seemed to connect on some level. Jethro would start to work on sanding a wall and within a few minutes Elizabeth was taking over as he started a new project. It was noon before they took any breaks.

"I made some sandwiches," Elizabeth noted. She leaned over to retrieve the bag when he saw the small tattoo on her lower back. She could feel his gaze on her and smiled knowing that someone was interested. Elizabeth placed the bag on the counter. "It's not a fancy meal so I hope its okay."

"Fine," Jethro reached into the bag and removed two large sandwiches, "Which one is mine."

"They both are yours," Elizabeth stated as she poured him another cup of coffee, "The small one is mine," she noted pulling the third one from the bag.

Jethro looked at the incredibly large sandwiches and gulped. He knew he could pack away food as though he was a camel but these were some large sandwiches. "I don't know if I can eat both of these."

"Eat what you can," Elizabeth stated as she took a bite of hers. She stood across the counter from him remaining stoic. Truth be told it had been a long time since Elizabeth had been able to prepare any type of meal for someone and she hated to admit but it felt good. "I made more coffee."

"Thanks," Jethro stated in between bites. He watched her eat. She was athletic he said to himself and her figure was amazing. She was similar in build to Jen including her waist and bust line; both positives. Even thought she didn't have red hair Jethro liked her. Jethro let his mind wander a moment imaging what she would be like in bed.

"Jethro?" Elizabeth called waiving a hand in front of his face, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Jethro replied clearing his throat. He needed to sit for a moment so that Elizabeth wouldn't know what he had been thinking. "Thanks for the lunch."

"Sure," Elizabeth seemed to know what he was thinking or at least hoped. She too wondered what he would be like in bed and did her best to keep her mind on her store.

After polishing off both sandwiches Jethro started working again. He hoped that Elizabeth would take it a little easy she was working harder then any woman should. They were finished with the necessary repairs and were ready to paint. Jethro was stirring the paint when he heard a crash from the back room. He ran towards the back expecting the worst. He saw Elizabeth sitting on the floor covered in Styrofoam peanuts. He couldn't help but laugh as he reached for her. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Elizabeth tried to grip the shelf to stand up but her wrist hurt. "I think."

"Let me see," Jethro noted as he helped her up, "Bad sprain." He noted. "Looks like you have to sit this one out." He wanted her to take it easy.

"I'm not stopping," Elizabeth reached for the first aid kit and grabbed an ace bandage. She wrapped her wrist doing her best to suppress the pain emanating from her arm. She seemed to stiffen up as though she was braced for a fight. "Let's get back to work."

"Elizabeth you need to relax your arm," Jethro noted. "You can cause some serious damage." He looked at her wrist.

"I am fine. I have been through worse then this," Elizabeth didn't mean to let it slip and seeing the look on Jethro's face made her even more self conscience. Avoiding his gaze she picked up the paint roller and dipped it into the paint trying to avoid the whole questions and answer session that she knew could possibly come her way.

"You're safe with me," Jethro stated softly. He could see she was having a hard time painting, "This is how you do it," Jethro stood behind her, took her hands showing her how to paint. He stood very close to her, close enough that she could feel his breath on her neck. She was intoxicated by his touch and could hardly breathe. "Very good," he kept his hands on hers for another moment; the light scent of her perfume swirled around his nose, causing him distraction once again. Jethro unable to take it any longer and worried he would take her right there moved next to her as he continued to paint.

Neither of them spoke a word as they continued to work. They seemed to have an unspoken connection. Even though Elizabeth felt comfortable with Jethro it didn't mean that she trusted him 100%. They continued working on her store when his cell phone rang.

"Yeah Gibbs," He stated as he walked away from her, "Call Ducky and Ziva. I will call Abby and McGee and meet you all at the office in 20."

"You have to go," Elizabeth noted as she watched him pocket his cell phone.

"Yes," he sighed. He looked around the store. "You don't have much left. Will you be okay here?" Jethro pointed to her arm.

"I will be fine," Elizabeth stated. "I cannot thank you enough."

"You're welcome," he started for the door then turned around. "I will collect that dinner one night soon."

"I look forward to it," Elizabeth said goodbye as Jethro exited her store. She immediately locked the door and finished the small amount of work that she had left.

Several hours had passed when she got a call on her cell. "Hello?"

"It's Jethro I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" He stated while looking around for his team. After the Lieutenant Colonel Mann fiasco he thought it best that his private life remained as private as possible.

"Dandy," she replied as she sat in the chair, "I am completely finished with the repairs now it's setting up the store so I can open." Suddenly the pressure seemed overwhelming.

Jethro heard something in her voice. "Are you still there?"

"Yes," she sighed. "It's finally becoming a reality." Elizabeth looked around the store and smiled. "This has been a dream of mine for so long." She sighed then continued, "You didn't call to hear me talk about that. How is your day so far?"

"Fine," he saw Tony walk into the bullpen, "I will call you later."

"Jethro," Elizabeth called.

"Yeah," he replied as his demeanor seemed to change.

"Look for a delivery in about," she looked at her watch, "Twenty minutes."

"What kind of delivery?" He asked but she had quickly disconnected the call. Within 20 minutes a delivery man was standing just outside the bullpen escorted by one of the many NCIS agents. He heard the agent call for him. "Here," Jethro raised his hand as he juggled the phone. "Ducky I'll be down in a few." He looked at the young man, "Can I help you?"

"You're Agent Gibbs?" the young man asked.

"Yes," Jethro was beginning to get annoyed.

"This is for you and your team," the young man handed him a large paper bag.

Jethro placed the bag on his desk and started pulling out containers of Chinese food. He saw each person's name on the carton. Jethro looked at his container and smiled especially since she remembered the chop sticks and soy sauce. He opened up the envelope and read the simple note, "There's more where that came from. Thanks. Enjoy – Elizabeth" Jethro had Tony pass out the food as he walked Ducky's and Abby's to them. Jethro started for the elevator listening to Tony, McGee and Ziva figure out who ordered the sandwiches.

"Thanks Jethro," Ducky smiled as he took possession on the carton. After visiting with Ducky he rode the elevator up to Abby's lab.

"Gibbs," Abby cocked her head and smiled then quickly hugged him, "Thanks." She opened the box and smiled. "This looks so good."

"It is," Jethro noted as he remembered how good his dinner was. "Tell me what you have so far."

Abby explained as Jethro followed along. After his meeting with Abby he rode the elevator back to his desk. He knew his food would still be there because his agents knew he would kill them if they messed with his food. Jethro stopped just short of the bullpen when he saw Jen at his desk reading the note.

"Find anything interesting," Jethro snatched the note then growled showing her a look that would kill on merit alone.

"Who is she?" Jen asked wanting to know more about her

Jethro kept his temper in check especially around his agents, "None of your damn business."

"Did she send the food?" Jen asked as she moved to let Jethro pass to get to his desk. Their bodies brushed against each other. "Well?"

"None of your business," Jethro spoke softly. "You better watch your step." He eyed her carefully, "I know of a few secrets that you would hate to have revealed."

"What about you?" Jen raised her eyebrow as though she was meeting his challenge.

"My biggest secret is already out," he hissed, "Can't top Shannon and Kelly." Jethro looked at her and let a wry grin cross his face as she backed down. "Now what do you want Director."

"I need an update on the case," Jen replied as though their conversation didn't happen.

"DiNozzo," Jethro called, "Update Madame Director. I am going for coffee." Jethro walked to the coffee shop, got his refill and started back to NCIS when he decided to stop for a moment. He retrieved his cell phone and dialed Elizabeth's number.

"Hello?" Elizabeth sounded winded.

"Hi," Jethro answered.

"Did you get the delivery?" Elizabeth asked walking to the chair.

"Yes," Jethro stated, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Elizabeth replied sitting down. "I gather you are on a break?"

"Yes," Jethro stated as he sipped his coffee. "I am headed back now."

"So," Elizabeth hesitated, "Let me know when you would like that dinner."

"I will," he cleared his throat. "Although I should tell you," This time he was quiet.

"Let me guess you're married," Elizabeth felt stupid.

"No of course not," He replied.

"A girlfriend?" Elizabeth questioned.

"No," Jethro bit the bullet, "I don't think we should." He took a seat on a nearby bench. "Oh hell Liz I want you okay?"

"Want me?" Elizabeth questioned until it donned on her what he meant. "You do. Wow I didn't see that coming." She smiled, "Since we are being so honest I do want you too."

"Really?" Jethro was even more surprised then Elizabeth was. "You want a broken down man like me."

"You're not old and from what I could tell," Elizabeth remembered his body against hers, "You are not broken down either." She turned around in her chair. "So what do we do about this physical attraction?"

"Suppress it," Jethro remarked as he started walking.

"Sounds like we are both familiar with that action," Elizabeth stated. "We are adults and I am sure that we can handle ourselves appropriately."

"I agree," Jethro stated hoping that she was right. "How is tomorrow night for dinner?"

"Works for me," Elizabeth noted. "Plan on seven and I will cook."

"I'll be there. What's your address?" Jethro wrote down her information then disconnected the call.

The next day at six thirty…

Dinner was in the process of cooking. Elizabeth needed to shower and change. She put on her lace bra and panties then stood in front of her mirror. "I don't know if any man will be able to get past these," Elizabeth stated looking at her scar riddled body. She slipped on her red dress, flats and some perfume then started for the living room.

Seven o'clock arrived sooner then Elizabeth expected. Just as she entered the living room Jethro rang the bell. "Hello," she smiled opening the door

"You look great," Jethro noted.

"Thanks and so do you," She replied. "Dinner is almost ready."

Jethro followed her into the kitchen and watched as she removed the roast from the stove. Jethro helped her place the roast on the platter. He smelled her perfume and something stirred in him once again, "Smells good."

"Me or the food," Elizabeth questioned facing him. They were so close to each other that their lips almost touched.

"Both," Jethro cleared his throat. "So," he held her close, "Do you have any other tattoos I should know about?"

"I see," Liz liked the way he held her, "You are intrigued." She smiled, "I have one more and if you're good I will tell you where it is."

"I'm very good," Jethro playfully replied then kissed her neck.

"We'll see about that," Elizabeth stated as she tried to pull away. But Jethro held her close, "What?"

"There's something that you need to know," Jethro stated still holding onto her. After his encounter with Maddie he didn't feel the need to hide his secret about Shannon and Kelly. Besides there was something about Elizabeth that made him want to open up and share. "I have been married," he didn't quite look at her, "Four times." Elizabeth studied the way he told her, and she was about to say something when he continued, "My first wife and I had a daughter and,"

Elizabeth pulled away, "You don't have to do this," she stated as she leaned against the counter. It was a though she knew.

"Yes I do," He leaned against the counter next to her, "They were killed in a car accident. Apparently Shannon, my wife, witnessed a murder and,"

"Please Jethro stop," She walked away from him.

"Hey I was just trying to tell you that," Jethro could see her shake. "Liz?"

"I know about Shannon and Kelly," Elizabeth sat on her couch and cried.

Jethro was both confused and angry, "How? Who have you been talking to?" He looked at her with his normal penetrating gaze.

"No one; the man that was driving them," Elizabeth didn't look at him and when she did he saw the tears streaming down her face, "Was my husband."

"Husband?" Jethro sat next to her. It suddenly made sense. He had been looking at it from his painful angle and feeling sorry for himself for so many years. Jethro was now on the other side of the whole tragedy. "Liz I am so sorry."

"Please don't," Elizabeth looked at him. There was something in her eyes, "Just tell me you killed the bastard that killed our family." Jethro didn't say a word. "Thank you," was all she could say knowing he got his revenge. "I hoped you went after him." She touched his face, "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" He held her hand, "You and I share something no one else could understand." He ran his hand along her cheek.

"I know more about you then what you think," Elizabeth looked at him. "I was at their funeral then I spoke to Agent Franks and he said that you joined NCIS." She could see him soaking it all in, "I wanted to talk to you let you know you weren't alone but things happened," she walked to the kitchen. "It's time," her voice was quiet.

"What?" Jethro followed after her.

"It's time to eat," Elizabeth opened the refrigerator door and removed a salad. She didn't speak for a moment as she set the table with the roast, the salad and the wine. "Did Agent Franks ever tell you that I kept in touch with him?" She could see the anger flash in his eyes. "It was his doing, not mine."

Jethro cut the roast not speaking. He served her and then himself; opened and poured the wine. The tension was there neither sure of what to do or say. Jethro downed the first glass of wine. He felt as though he was punched in the gut and felt slightly betrayed; knowing that she knew about the death of his wife and child then had the audacity of being at their funeral. "No," Jethro hissed, "He didn't tell me."

"I figured he didn't," Elizabeth stated. "I didn't attend the funeral or keep in touch with Agent Franks to probe into your life." She was now getting angry herself having to defend herself. "I did it to keep myself sane."

"What do you mean?" He looked in her direction but seemed to look right through her.

"Knowing that someone else understood," she held back the tears, "What it was like to lose someone that was a comfort."

"Comfort? How can that be a comfort?" He looked at her this time there was a fire in his eyes. "I lost my family that day."

Elizabeth could still see that he was angry and she became angry herself. "You aren't the only one. I lost my husband and son that day too." She removed her plate from the table and placed it in the sink. She held on to the edge of the counter with her back to Jethro. He could see her shake as she wept.

"Liz," he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"My name is Elizabeth," She tried to move, "If you insist on shortening it call me Beth."

"Beth then," Jethro's voice was softer trying to make it up to her. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," she said as she kept her back to him.

"Let me guess it's a sign of weakness," he leaned in wondering if she knew about his rules.

"No," Beth stated, "I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone."

"I get it now," Jethro managed to turn her around as he held her. "I am sorry," He lifted her face to his and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Do you want some dessert?" Beth asked as she tried to pull away.

"Not yet," Jethro stated, "We have to finish dinner first." He retrieved her plate from the sink and placed it back on the table. "You need to eat." He made sure she sat down.

After they ate Jethro helped her clean up and they moved into the living room. "May I ask you a question?" Jethro asked as he sat on the couch.

"I was pregnant," It was as though Beth knew what he was going to ask, "When I got the call I just lost it." She sipped her wine. "Let's talk about something else for right now okay?"

"Sure," Jethro scooted closer, "About that tattoo."

Beth gave him a quick kiss which turned into a longer one both feeling the sparks between them. Jethro began kissing her neck, "It's on my hip," she gasped in between breaths. She wanted him and could tell he wanted her.

"Can I see it?" He asked pulling her close and hoping that she would say yes. Before she could respond his cell phone rang, "Damn."

Beth straightened up. She was a bit saddened that he was getting called in but also relieved because she wouldn't have to explain the scars. "You have to go."

"Yes," Jethro stated as he pulled her up from the couch. "I will call you later."

Beth, usually a very modest and private person raised her skirt and revealed the small USMC tattoo, "What can I say I like Marines," she grinned.

"Hoorah," Jethro noted as he kissed her goodbye.