A/N: Blitch is back with another new fic. Hope you enjoy this!

Disclaimer: If I own Bleach, Ichigo would be really happy cos he'll have a lot of Lemony action with Orihime.

Hime Hour

Chapter 1

The princess sank unto her lovely velvet couch as she pressed the 'play' button of the remote control.

The quality of whatever video was quite poor as it came onto screen. The setting was a luxurious suite-like-bedroom.

Her brows threatening to furrow as she saw the male and female making out on passionately.

Large grey eyes widening, the princess slapped her left hand to her mouth when the duo on screen started to strip away each other's clothes.

The cries from the screen and the loud panting and moaning sounded extremely disturbing it made her sick.

"Mmrhh I love you!"

The princess couldn't watch any further.

The remote control fell from her limbless right hand and broke into pieces as it hit the ground, just as her heart had broke into pieces.

The screen was a pitch black blank as the shaking form left the room, tears falling down uncontrollably.

"Bye now children."

"Bye Dad! Bye Mom!"

The orange haired boy gave his parents a hug, while his twin sisters both hugged and kissed their parents before the three of them hurried out of the peppermint-scented dining hall to the sleek black limousine that'd fetch them to school.

"They're such darlings. I have to thank you for giving me such beautiful children my love." The queen placed her arms around the king's neck as she sat on his lap when the chamber maid and guard had left them alone.

"You're welcome. But I can't believe he's grown up so fast. I wonder what his reaction will be if he finds out he has a fiance?"

"I can imagine his scowl for a start." She chuckled with amusement. "I wonder where he picked that up from."

"If I hadn't known better, I'd thought you cheated on me with that distant cousin of mine. Our son looks just like him!"

"Everyone used to say how Kaien looks like your great-grandfather. Our son just happened to inherit those good looks fortunately." She gave a playful wink as she stressed on the last word.

"And what's wrong about looking like me?" The king raised his eye brows when they parted their lips for a breath of fresh air.

"Well, I don't want our son breaking too many girls' heart."

"You always know how to make my day, don't you, my lovely Masaki?" he whispered into the crock of her neck.

"Yes your majesty, and now I would like a reward since our children aren't around." She whispered into his ears.

"At your service, your highness."

The usually chirpy king lowered his eyes and stared into space at the sudden thought of his late cousin's fate.

"Isshin, what if she really is the-,"

"Hey now, I thought we gone through this before?"

"You're right… I'm sorry."

The king rubbed her back comfortingly as he could tell that she was bothered. Pecking her lips, she was quickly brought back from her wandering thoughts and she leaned in to deepen the kiss with her husband.

"Tag! You're it!"

"Oh no I'm not!"

Long luscious auburn hair flew as the tall and slim girl with a generously well endowed chest sped towards her spiky haired victim, her melodious laughter chimed the corridor.

Her victim took a left turn behind the wall and she quickly caught up.


She was hit into a very hard frame and she bounced back and fell hard on the ground. Her gaze raise to meet a tall frame, his blazing orange hair caught her eyes and she tried to swallow her gasp as her cheeks flustered.

"Oh it's you Inoue."

There came a dry remark.

Behind him stood two other figures, his nakamas Uryuu, heir to the Ishida empire – a multi-million dollar making retail industry in clothes and accessories; and Chad, heir to the Sado empire – a multi-million dollar making music recording studio and company.

"Are you alright?"

Her victim, who was her best friend, a kick-ass feisty beauty, Tatsuki yelled as she ran back when she heard the commotion.

"Oi! You don't say Oh it's you Inoue when you made someone fall! Can't you be a gentleman and help her up?"

Ichigo stretched his hand out and gestured the girl to take it.

"Iie.. it's al-right Ku-ro-saki-kun! I'm a-alright."

Orihime felt like an idiot for stammering and blushing profusely.

"Suit yourself." He muttered and turned away to proceed on his journey, followed by his friends.

Tatsuki turned to help Orihime who had quickly stood up on her own.

"He's an ass. Are you alright Orihime?"

"It wasn't his fault. I should have looked where I was g-"

"They say love is blind." Tatsuki rolled her eyes.

"What?! Love? I don't…"

"I don't know what you see in that arrogant scowl face jerk. He may be the crown prince but he looks more like a punk!"

"Besides, everyone knows he and Kuchiki Rukia are an item. He has poor taste in girls, if you ask me."

"Tatsuki-chan! But Kuchiki-san is quite pretty. And she's strong and smart."

"But you're beautiful and caring and cute and not to mention the 3rd smartest student in school. Anyway, forget about that jerk. You can do so much better, Hime!"

"Tatsuki-chan always flatter me too much!"

"Have more confidence Hime. You don't see what a gem you are."

"Thank you Tatsuki-chan."

Orihime pondered about the conversation with her best friend on the way back home. She wasn't in love with Ichigo, it was just a crush. She knew it was pointless and never expected anything in return. She knew Ichigo would never see her the way he saw Rukia. His heart was already with Rukia. All she wanted was to admire him from afar and watch him from the sidelines. She wasn't silly enough to hope that he'd return her feelings, but a girl can hope.

"You're back my beautiful children! How's school?" The silver haired man smiled a fox like grin, to normal people it would seem creepy, but his children found endearing.

"Tou-san! School was alright. Where's Kaa-san?"

"She's in the lounge with your aunt."

"Aunt?!" Orihime and her silver haired brother exclaimed in unison.

They followed the sound of merry laughter to the lounge and opened the sliding door.

"Speaking of the little devils!"


"Hi my lovely children."

"Aunt Kakku!"

"Hi Orihime! You're getting more and more beautiful."


You look just like your mother.

Orihime jump on her aunt and gave her a tight hug. Orihime had always been very close to her Aunt Kakku since she was young. Aunt Kakku only had one arm but she didn't let it bring her down, she was strong and independent and intelligent, Orihime looked up to her as role model and shared all her problems with her, they were like sisters.

"Wait! You're suffocating me. Your breasts haven't exactly grown smaller!"

"Sorry Aunt Kakku." Orihime sat back and scratched the back of her head with a huge grin on her angelic face.

"No they haven't. I'm hoping one day they'll be the same size, if not bigger than mine. The beautiful blonde wiggled her own huge breasts as emphasis."

The three females broke into laughter, until they were interrupted by a forceful coughing from a young boy who stood by the door.

"Aww little Toushiro, you've grown taller!"

Orihime could swear she felt her brother's wrath at their aunt's teasing comment.

"I'm going back to my room to do my homework. Call me when it's dinner time."

"Aww, little Toushiro is shy. Very well, move along." His busty mother gestured for him to leave.

Toushiro shook his head as he left the lounge.

Meanwhile after dinner back in the lounge…

"How long are you staying with us for this time, Aunt Kakku?"

"Indefinitely, as long as I'm required."

"That's great! But… what do you mean, required?"

"Hime, I'm here for a reason."

Orihime gazed at her aunt questioningly but was met with silence from her beautiful dark haired aunt.

It was her dad who spoke next.

"There's something we need to inform you about, now that you've turned sixteen years of age."

"Orihime, please forgive us for not telling you sooner." Her mom looked at her earnestly and she felt her own breath caught in her throat.

What did Tou-san and Kaa-san mean?

"It's time for you to go back to the palace dear child."







New AU fic, I can't help it!

I will still continue updating We Could Be Heroes and Le Hollow de L'Opera whenever I can.

The world needs more Ichihime loving, because Blitch said so.

See the review button below this paragraph? Please leave me a message. It won't take too much of your time. To you it may just be a sentence but to me it'd be a strong motivation to continue or discontinue this fic. I know you're reading this so please pretty please?


Blitch out