Before I forget

A very, very random idea of mine. I just wanted to publish the first part because I wrote about 100,000 words in one week. I just kept building and building this totally random idea :P it was really fun. This is the first part, well obviously, and I just wanted some feedback. It might get a bit much for a T rating, but it can't help to try….

A few notes:

The PPG and RRB have no powers

The name "Bruiser" Isn't my original creation, I just loved the name from "After all these years"/"A Whole New World" By Madame Fist.

Yeah, It's in a totally random POV by a totally random OC, but give it a chance, it will probably change.

And yeah, enjoy. (: Please Review. Sorry if it's hard to follow, it's usually not the writing technique I usually use.

"Dude, check it out" Cameron whispered to me eagerly, "Hottie, 8'o'clock."

I glanced over, appearing to be casual. A familiar, slender blonde was sitting at the edge of the bar, a drink in her hand and winking. She murmured something to her friend and they giggled.

I wrinkled my nose at the familiar sight. I'd had enough of them to last me a lifetime. The regular fuck one night and leave was not my cup of tea. I sighed and leant on the bar. Cameron frowned at me.

"What's up Man?" he asked. "You've been like this all night."

I shrugged. He wouldn't understand, he was the biggest player around. Me, I had seen 'em all…what happened to the lady in the street, freak in the bed types that was into long term?

"Don't look now" I nodded, "But your 'Hottie' is heading this way."

He looked over, where the blonde and her twin were making their way towards us, giggling in a tipsy, easy way that I had grown to despise.

"Later" I pushed myself into the crowd, not waiting for a response.

I don't even know why I came here anymore; I had grown sick of the dancing, the people and the general atmosphere. I squeezed through the wild crowd, trying to see through the grinding bodies and the flashing brilliant lights and make my way to a table.

I found an empty couch and sank on it, feeling lonely and depressed. Once I met the 25 mark and realized I wasn't married or engaged I'd never left it. My mother called it a "wife hunt" and my father called it a "phase". I looked over to a group of girls in the far corner, chatting and drinking away with a couple of my mates. They were waving me over and I slumped my way over, planting a smile on my face as I held my drink close.

"Mate!" Shane greeted, slapping me on the back as he stood up. He took a swig of his drink and gestured around the crowded table of 5 girls and 4 guys. "Let me introduce you to some of the girls!"

"Sarah." -Traditional blonde bimbo. She waved her fingers at me in a flirty way and I nodded back.

"Denise." – Dark skinned beauty that had her eyes on Dan. She nodded in return.

"Leyla." –Drunk already, her dark hair was all over the place and her makeup had been sweated off, She hiccupped at me, her arm around the guy next to her.

"And Blossom"

Blossom? I glanced at her quickly, but then almost suddenly had to glance back; she looked so small and insignificant, squished in between the drunken girl and that Sarah chick. She gave me a small smile, but in her face I could see she felt the same way I did, she didn't want to be there. I nodded at her.

Shane took another swig of his drink. "Who's up for the dance floor?" Everyone made a move to get up except for Blossom, who shook off her friend's attempt to drag her up with a small smile and a murmur of how she wasn't feeling up to it. The friend shook her head and partied on with the rest. Shane grabbed me too.

"C'mon Mate" he winked at me. "You're sure to bag one tonight with this crowd."

I glanced at Blossom, who was twirling her drink with her straw.

"I'll sit this one out." I murmured to him. He looked at Blossom, winked and departed.

I felt quite awkward then, he had made it look like I was just in to 'score'. I kind of stood there awkwardly, bouncing to the music slightly with a drink in my hand. She looked up and smiled at me.

"You can sit down" She said in a voice just loud enough. "…If you want."

I smiled gratefully and slid in.

She took a sip of her drink. "You look as excited as I do to be here."

I shrugged, grateful for someone to talk to. "It is a Familiar scene for me."

"Me too," She sighed, "The girls dragged me here thinking I need to get out more, but I've seen enough to last me a lifetime."

"I know what you mean." I grinned as the music changed from the thumping loud hip hop to the softer pop. I knew better than to ask her to dance.

"Adrian," I offered, extending my hand. She grabbed it lightly with hers.

"Blossom" She said softly, smiling.

She was the most beautiful girl I had seen in a long time, I just couldn't help but hold her hand for longer than normal. She was a gorgeous redhead, and her hair waved right down to her waist, her eyes were a brilliant shade of pink and her skin was a light tan. Her body was curvy in all the right places, brilliant chest, tight slender waist and a beautifully crafted behind. She set it off beautifully in a tight red halter neck and tight washed jeans.

She bit her bottom lip nervously.

"Sorry if I come on too strong." I explained, not wanting to freak her out, "It's just, you're the only person here I've discovered in a long time that isn't…utterly predictable and boring."

She grinned, showering her brilliant white teeth. "Well I could say the same to you," She explained, looking into her drink, "But I don't get out much, you see, I used to be quite the partier but lately I've just been stuck at home."

She looked up, grinning. "But it's nice to talk to somebody who isn't obsessed with 'bagging one' for the night."

I smiled back. "Want a drink?"

An hour later and we were still talking. It was mostly small talk, about the news and current events and opinions. Between us we had consumed about 4 glasses of lemon and soda water.

"The thing is" Blossom was saying "I like all kinds of music, but mostly classical. I mean everyone thinks I'm a dork, But I can't help it…there's just something about it that makes it seem more personal, as if it doesn't need words to be a beautifully crafted piece of music."

"Well" I remarked, smirking. "I have to say I agree with you on that one."

"Definitely." She smiled, draining the last of her drink.

"I'm just curious" I remarked, "But…no alcohol?"

She shook her head, a pouty expression on her face. "One is enough for me, and I've had my one for the night." She turned to me. "I'm working tomorrow." She explained.

"Really?" I asked with interest, "What do you do?"

"Well…" She trailed off, biting her lip. "I'm a journalist by trade…"

"Do you specialize in anything?" I asked her. She's got brains I couldn't help thinking.

She shrugged. "I only do it part time, when they need an article done about a certain event I can do. I only work from home…my sister's the main editor at The Townsville Times so…" She trailed off, and looked at me apologetically.

"I'm boring you, aren't I?"

"No not at all" I grinned truthfully. "Actually…" I paused, feeling my stomach tighten with anxiety. "I'd like to know you more…If that would be alright with you."

Her eyes widened and in the darkness I saw her cheeks blush slightly. "Well- I- I mean…" She broke off, looking slightly lost. "I'm not that type of girl, Adrian."

"What? No!" It was my turn to blush. "I meant may I take you out some time, maybe to dinner?"

She smiled, but bit her lip. I held my breath…she's taken…married…engaged…she hates your guts.

"You see…" She looked down, looking sad. "I don't think I'm the type of girl you're after."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

She sighed, looking glum. "I'm not what you call a catch. " She explained, looking at me earnestly. "I'd love to, Adrian; because frankly you're the best catch I've seen in a long time."

I smiled proudly.

"But" She half smiled. "You deserve someone with a cleaner slate to go out with."

I touched her hand. "What do you mean, Blossom?"

She smiled at me. "I have a kid." She said slowly. "…he's not even a year old…his father's not around but I've just come out of a very messy relationship with him and because of all that drama that's why I'm probably not the best catch."

" I understand" I sighed, "You probably don't want a stranger around your kid anyway, especially when you're trying to raise him."

"No, that's not it." She explained hastily. "It's just…I thought it might be too much trouble for someone like you, you could get anyone and-"

"But right now, Blossom." I tried again, "I'm only asking you out to dinner, just as friends if you would prefer." I smiled at her again, "I can assure you I'm not a psycho."

She bit her lip, this time smiling. At last she turned to me. "I'd be delighted" She agreed, grinning.

On Thursday night I took her out to a Japanese restaurant I knew pretty well. She looked stunning in a tight black dress with a pink jacket over the top. We talked for the whole night, on and on. I just couldn't get bored with her, everything she said captivated me. I watched as she listened to me telling the story of my life and she looked captivated as well, taking in every word. I wanted to know more about her life, but something told me I should save it for next time.

As I walked her to her car (a red sedan) I asked if it would be possible to meet again.

"Oh I don't know…" She said, smiling that brilliant smile. "Only if you insist that next time I pay the bill."

"No deal." I smirked. "But please?"

She smiled, reaching into her purse to find her keys. "Sure" She agreed. "When and where?"

Since I recalled her saying that she loved historical dramas, I took her to see that play down at the theatre downtown on Wednesday night. I paid for the tickets in advance so she didn't have a choice once we got to the door.

"Really Adrian" She growled at me as we found our seats. "You don't need to spoil me like this, really-"

"I don't mind Blossom" I laughed, "I just enjoy the pleasure of your company."

She playfully punched me on the arm as she sat down. "As long as you're not expecting any favors my friend."

"Damn" I whispered as the lights dimmed. I leaned in towards her. "I was hoping for a pity fuck."

She smirked slightly and leaned back, letting her hand rest on my leg gently. "Let's not rule anything out." She teased back, sliding back into her seat.

I couldn't pay much attention to the show after that, because just that slight movement of her hand on my leg was enough to get me turned on for the entire performance.

"No doubt about it" Blossom remarked, clutching my arm as we walked back to the car, "You sure know how to spoil a girl, the performance was fantastic."

"It sure was" I remarked. "Would I have the pleasure of your acquaintance again, my dear?"

She turned to me, biting her lip. She looked so sexy, her hair out and straight over the top of my jacket that hung over her shoulders.

"Why, Mr. Casey" She purred, "That would make it our third outing, which would, by law of course, requires me to give you a peck on the cheek."

"It's all part of the plan" I joked back, punching her on the arm.

She looked down shyly. "I really like you Adrian." She sighed, "I really want to make this work, if that's what you would like."

"It's what I'd be very happy with." I smiled to her. "But there's no reason to rush, Blossom."

"I know…" She trailed off. "But I want to give you a chance to get out of it." She smiled slightly. "How about you come over to my house on Friday? Say 5?"

"Sure" I grinned happily. "Will I get to meet the other man?"

Blossom smiled. "Of course."

"I shall see you then, Doll." I grinned playfully and reached for her hand, giving it a quick peck.

She blushed.

As I walked down the apartment hallway to her door, I looked around, impressed. The address Blossom gave me led me to one of those middle-upper class neighborhoods, her apartment was located in an old fashioned style building and the interior design was spectacular. I've always been a fan for modern looking style homes in old style buildings. I had to admit, I was expecting she would be living somewhere lower, as she came off as being ashamed of her lifestyle.

I took a breath and knocked on her door- number 8. She opened the door and stared at me, wide eyed.

"Not happy to see me?" I asked her, suddenly feeling very self conscious. She smiled.

"No, I did but you're a little early." She laughed and stood aside to let me in. She looked great, in tight high waisted skinny jeans that showed off her fantastic legs and butt, with a simple loose singlet and her hair in light waves.

"I hope you like chicken Caesar salad," She was saying, "Because that's pretty much all I can bake."

"Sounds great." I muttered. I stole a quick glance around the hallway. There was a deep sky blue paint on the walls and a deep red carpet on the floor. It looked great, classy but modern in the same light. Blossom greeted me with a hug as she led me into the kitchen, where the warm scent of cooked chicken already filled the room. From here, I could hear the sounds of the TV in the living room.

"This place is great" I said to her, looking around. She smiled as she wiped the kitchen counter and brought out some plates.

"Thanks" She said, "I love it, it's a bit big, but I could never move."

"What is it?" I asked, "Two bedrooms?"

"Three actually" She rolled her eyes, "But I use the spare as a study. Only one bathroom though."

She served up the crisp salad and drizzled some dressing over the top with a flourish. I smirked at her. She seemed much more relaxed at home than she did going out.

"My house isn't that fancy." She said to me, licking dressing off her finger, "So would you like to eat in front of the TV? We could watch Family Guy."

I laughed at her. "That's my favorite show!"

She winked at me. "Mine too, but shhhhh."

So dinner was served on her comfy leather couches. We cuddled together, eating her fabulous salad and drinking cans of coke. We laughed together in all the right places and smiled at each other at times. It was great.

She took both our plates up to the sink and looked at her watch as the episode changed.

"I better get him." She said as she disappeared out of the living room. I swallowed. It was weird to be nervous about meeting her kid, but after all she hadn't told me anything about him and it seemed a big secret to her. I didn't know what to expect, in fact the apartment didn't even show any signs of another person even living here. I just stared blankly at the TV and waited.

She returned a couple of minutes later. Balanced on her hip was a small sleepy looking toddler. He was teething on a small plastic ring.

Blossom grinned shyly at me. "This is Bruiser" She muttered to me, bouncing the baby on her hip. She searched my face for a reaction and I stood up, walking over. He had thick crimson hair, which brushed over his eyes, which were a deep blood red. Instead of her tan skin, his skin was much paler. He was dressed up in dark navy jeans and a small black t-shirt. He seemed to recoil at the sight of me, and I was slightly scared that I'd make him cry. I'd never been good with babies.

"He has his mother's hair I see." I said to her and she smiled.

"He's beautiful Blossom, " I said to her. "But I wish you'd told me about him earlier, we could have taken him with us to dinner, maybe to Chucky Cheese or something."

"Ha, Ha." She scoffed, punching me lightly. Then she gave me a serious look.

"But, seriously Adrian, how do you feel about him?" She gave Bruiser a sad look as she spoke. "I know when his father and I…went our separate ways that it was going to be hard to find a replacement, especially since nobody likes a girl with…extra baggage."

"Blossom" I grinned at her. "He isn't 'extra baggage or whatever. He's a part of your life and I want to be a part of your life if you'd let me...You're an amazing person, Blossom."

I reached out for her chin and I kissed her cheek. She grinned at me widely.


"Definitely" I agreed, nodding. I glanced at Bruiser. "I don't think he likes me, though."

Blossom, whose pink eyes always seemed happy and dancing and warm, seemed very different to Bruiser's, even though the color was almost the same. Bruiser seemed to narrow his at me and they were hard, solid and daring. I know he was barely one, but I could swear he was death staring me.

She shrugged lightly. "Don't worry about him; he's just a little uneasy in front of new people." She sighed. "I'm to blame, I'm a little protective over him and barely let him out of my sight, he's only met a few people in his life."

"Oh…" Was all I could say? I wished I could reach out to the kid and make him laugh with a funny face or something, but I was so afraid of making him cry… best to stay safe.

"I can't blame you." I said to her, "He's a cute kid."

She grinned and Bruiser hugged closer to her.

"Can he talk yet? Or walk?" I asked her.

"He can talk…" She rolled her eyes, "When he wants to, he can stand up when he grab something, but he just crawls mostly."

Bruiser began to bounce up and down restlessly. He started to whine and Blossom frowned at him.

"Alright, alright I'll get your toys." She said to him, plonking him on the carpet. He looked alarmed.

"Can you watch him for a second?" She asked me, "I have to get his stuff together."

"Uh, Sure." I grinned steadily, but secretly I thought I would throw up. I knew nothing about taking care of babies. My cousin leant her kids to my sister and me last year and both of us were so clueless we ended up hiring a nanny. We barely could tell which ways the diapers went.

As Blossom walked into the hall Bruiser brought his arms in front of him to follow her and he pulled himself up, took one step and fell backwards on his padded butt. He screwed up his face and started to bawl. Record timing and I didn't even touch him.

I thought of Blossom in the hall and how paranoid and self conscious Bruiser made her feel. I could tell she loved him with all her heart, but wanted other guys in her life too, maybe she felt guilty. Either way I took a deep breath and walked over to pick the kid up.

"…Mommy!" He bawled, crying as I picked him up, his back facing me. I sat back down on the couch; he sat on my knees, screaming his little heart out.

"Come on Dude" I groaned, "it's okay. She'll be back soon."

Surprisingly, so surprising I thought for a second his crying had made me go deaf, he quieted down to little sniffs and gasps as I hugged him closer. I spoke to him softly.

"Look" I cooed to him, "Do you like Family Guy? Watch Family Guy, not me, I make you cry."

He stopped sniffing as his eyes fell on the TV and he began to drool all over my hands. He was a cute kid when he wasn't staring daggers at me with those red eyes.

I smiled widely as Blossom came through the door, her eyes wide.

"That's weird." She muttered, "He's usually such a wuss."

I shrugged. "It's the gift of Family Guy, it is." I smiled at her.

She walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I think he likes you." He grinned at me and kissed me on the forehead too. I smirked at her as she fixed up his playpen, bending over as she did so, giving me a perfect view.

I know, but I couldn't help it.

It was a great night; we stayed up late watching old movies of hers- The Breakfast Club, Miss Congeniality and later on after Bruiser had fallen asleep, Total Recall and the Jackass movies. Call us immature, but we had a blast. I can't remember what time it was when she fell asleep in my lap, but it was pretty late. I thought about leaving her there, she looked to peaceful and beautiful. I wanted to fall asleep right there, but I woke her up, whispering in her ear. She put a sleeping Bruiser in his crib and came back to me.

"Another Movie?" She offered, holding up choices. Her face fell. "Or is it time to get back?"

I glanced at the time- 10:04pm. "I'm good for another" I said, patting the cushion next to me, "If you are."

She grinned cheekily and held up a movie. "How about Basic Instinct? Sharon Stone sound good?"

"Sharon Stone doesn't sound good to me" I said, cringing."But Basic Instinct does."

She slipped in the disc after giving me a playful punch on the arm and settled back to watch the movie. We found out we talked more than watched.

"What's your favorite song?" I asked her. I knew I should be wrapped up in the murder plot with Michael Douglas, but I couldn't help wrapping her in my arms instead.

"That's a tricky one." She murmured, thinking. After a minute she said finally "November Rain."

"Oh, you're into the heavy metal, ay?" I teased her and she scoffed.

"I can be a head banger if I want to." She grinned, "They're just a classic, nothing more nothing less." She paused. "What's yours? 'Get Low'?"

"Ha-ha" I said, playfully squeezing her. "No, I couldn't choose."

"You can't get away that easily." She said, turning to me, "You have to have one or two that stands out the most."

I shrugged. "I dunno, like now or of all time?"

She shrugged. "Both."

"I guess nothing can beat Nickelback…" I said carefully. "Laugh at me all you want, but they're an awesome band."

"I love them." She beamed.

We turned back to the TV. It was the big scene, the scene when Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone are going at it like rabbits. I felt Blossom stiffen next to me and wandered if she was thinking the same thing I was.

I felt a hand on my leg and I automatically jumped. Blossom's fingers were sliding dangerously down the inside of my leg, gliding higher towards my belt. My fingers tightened on her arm as she swiveled her head closer to mine, her eyes finding mine and her lips meeting mine. I wrapped both my arms around her and brought her closer, her body fitting closely to mine.

Her tongue swirled around my mouth like a loose snake and I felt like exploding. Her kisses were so hot, so intense, like someone had melted butter in my mouth with some sparklers. Her fingers tightened around my jeans and I placed my hand precariously on her hip. She was now on top of me.

As soon as it started, it stopped. It was like we were both suddenly aware of what we were doing, and it was right after Sharon Stone almost grabbed for the knife. We sat upright and I felt awkward, not to mention sore, but she fell back to her original place, leaning on my shoulder. She felt hot.

"I'm sorry." She said breathlessly, "I- I don't know what came over me."

"I'm sorry too." I croaked out, "I just lost control."

Blossom sighed and looked up at me with those large eyes. "It's just, I've been alone for a while and I've…dare I say it…been craving it."

With those words it was enough to make me rise again, but I was already throbbing with the need of her.

"But I don't want to get some guy that sees me as a desperate fuck" She said with determination. "I won't let anyone take advantage of me."

I cupped her face and kissed her. She stopped, but I could feel the tears run down her face over my hands.

"Blossom" I said, letting her go. She looked up at me with those dewy eyes. "I'll never do that to you. I would spend the rest of my life by your side if I could."

I kissed her as she cried, knowing through hell and high water, I would protect her any way I could.

The next 3 months were some of the best months I've ever had in my entire life, we agreed to take things slow, but it was hard. We'd been together for 4 months and we officially called each other "Boyfriend" and "Girlfriend" and I was satisfied I'd never find anyone more perfect. I spent almost every night at Blossom's Apartment or her and Bruiser came over to mine (Sometimes Bruiser would stay with Blossom's sister). But Bruiser especially was really adding to the magic. He now smiled whenever he saw me, and he called me "Ado" because he couldn't say anyone's full name yet. Blossom and I were so happy with each other there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to be with her and Bruiser forever. Whenever I looked into her eyes, I could tell she felt the same way.

…Which only meant the dreaded time had come.


review? :D xx