Night Terror by Luvscharlie
She woke up screaming. These dark days, Hermione felt certain she wasn't the only one. It happened often. Bill jerked open the door to what was his old bedroom, stubbing his toe on a dresser that she had moved the day before.
"Bloody fucking hell, Hermione!"
He was a comical sight, dancing around on one foot and cursing a string of expletives that he should only be glad his mother wasn't awake to hear. She giggled.
"You find this amusing?"
"Well, I'm not scared anymore."
Limping from the room muttering, Bill said sarcastically, "So glad to have been of service."
A/N: Originally written for roses_at_sunset's prompt of "nightmare" for the Live Journal community Hp_wishes where there was a requirement that it be exactly 100 words.