Alex's POV
It was right before 4th period or in Lisa's case lunch she was walking to class. Gov. God that class blow at least Jack, Rian and Zack are in my class. We were walking through the cafeteria and I looked over at a table where Aimee and a bunch of girls were sitting at. She looked miserable.
"I feel bad for her"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean your sister she has to eat lunch with all the bitchy girls that Erin is friends with because Armstrong and all her guy friends have 2nd lunch. And you know she doesn't get along well with other girls"
"She doesn't? She's on the gymnastic team that screams I love estrogen?"
"Your sister also skateboards with guys on weekends and that screams testosterone"
"Point taken but she's fine she's always been fine as long as Erin, you, Cara, or Jen are there"
"Okay whatever you say just remember your sister has changed a lot"
"Remember you weren't here when she changed" I laughed and kissed her before I slipped into class late. Thankfully we weren't doing anything because we had a sub.
Aimee's POV
I hated lunch. No Armstrong. No Jack. No Mills. No John. None of my guy friends who joked with me and told dirty jokes were here. Well Erin was here but she was kind of prude around these girls. And then there was Jamie. I hated her guts and all that time she spent with Alex while Lisa was gone. I looked up just then when I heard her say my name.
"Aimee how's Alex I heard he's feeling better now" I looked up to see Lisa and Cara walking over.
"When was he feeling bad?"
"You know after Braiden He was so empty and lonely"
"Well he wouldn't have been lonely if Lisa was there"
"Well if I was Lisa I would have come immediately when I heard your brother died I mean she's lucky Alex is even looking at her" She said as she leaned over the table looking me dead in the eyes.
"You are so stupid thinking you can get under my skin like that. You know Alex doesn't like people who don't treat his sister right"
"Well I guess if they aren't fucking you he doesn't care because I helped in fill his empty heart all summer long. My God the things he can do with his mouth" Lisa looked up her jaw dropped.
told Alex she'd hear from someone else. But she still crossed a
line she insulted me, my brother, Lisa who's practically my sister,
and Armstrong. And I just snapped. I lunged over the table at her and
tackled her. I was on top of her and I punched her square in the
nose. Then she grabbed my hair and yanked me around. Lisa tried to
stop us but it was too late. We were throwing food and ripping fabric
and screaming. Then I was pulled off of her my lip felt swollen and
my nose was bleeding and I was being dragged to the principal's
office. Again. Great. Now life as I know it is over.
We were sitting in Gov. joking about dirty things as always. I guess this class isn't so bad. I just wish Lisa was here. I wonder what she's doing right now, probably something sexy. I smirked at myself as I daydreamed of what we would do when Jack hit me in the arm.
"Damn man what the hell?"
"The sub is talking to you"
"Oh what's up?"
"You have to go to the principal's office Mr. Caskart" I smirked at the pronunciation of my name. As the class oooed like we would do in 5th grade if you were sent to the principal's office.
I walked into the office sweet talking the secretary as I do and wondering what I did to get sent here. I understood as soon as I turned the corner to see my sister's Purplish –black hair. I hated when she died it that dark color. She did right after Braiden died. I think she thought it made her look sadder. Like she needed help with that. I walked in and sat in the chair next to her. I turned my head to see her lip was split and her nose had Kleenex in them. It's what she did when she got her bloody noses. I no longer felt mad at her for getting in trouble… again.
"So I presume you know why you're here Alex?" The Principal said
"Because of my sister but I'm not exactly sure why it looks like she got in a fight though"
"Yes she did and I very brutal one with Jamie Harlan" I looked at my sister I mean Jaime really? I know they don't like each other but they got along when I brought Jamie over.
"Aimee I got you some ice" Lisa came in and put the ice on my sister's face.
"Oh thank you, Lisa please take a seat"
"Why, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well I heard you saw the fight"
"That's right and Aimee didn't start the fight technically but she did throw the first punch"
"Well we don't tolerate violence here especially from second time offenders." I stifled a laugh my sister was more of a tenth time offender.
"Now Alex I just had you come here to tell you that your sister will be suspended for a day and I'm going to actually call your mother." Aimee went bug-eyed.
"Our mother? No you don't need to do that I've got it under control"
"Oh you do? Well then you are terrible at showing it Mr. Gaskarth. Now you and Lisa may go I have to talk to your sister some more" I got up quickly and walked out Lisa was hot on my tail.
"Alex we need to talk" Lisa said seriously.
""Talk or make out?" I pulled her closer.
"Talk" She pushed me away
"What about?"
"You sleeping with Jamie while I was gone. And I know you Alex so I'm sure she wasn't the only one" Her voice cracked and she almost started crying.
"Where did you hear this?"
"From Jamie but from how your sister reacted I can only assume it was true. Alex why did you do it?"
"I don't know I was confused and empty and you weren't there to turn to"
"Alex I would have been there! Maybe not physically but still there. I would have even been willing to have phone-sex with you and you know I hate doing that"
"Yes Alex I love you but I don't see why you have to be such a- a-a MANWHORE!"
"I don't know because I'm a stupid bastard"
"Damn right you are"
"So where does that leave us?"
"Well you owe me BIG time and no sex for at least a week"
"A whole week?"
"Maybe I'll let you off early for good behavior" She had a mischievous grin on now.
"Well I'm guessing it'll only be a day I'm irresistible"
"Ya well I have willpower" She stuck out her tongue and then I pulled her into a hug.
Aimee's POV
"SO why did you hit her?"
"I don't she was pissing me off and then I just snapped"
"What did she say to piss you off?"
"Okay so you see Lisa left to go to Europe and then Braiden died. So while I filled my overwhelming sadness with silence and tears Alex filled he's with girls, booze, and lots of sex. Jamie was one of those girls. And of course Jamie hating me means she wants to rub it in my face that she slept with my brother and my brother would just drool over her. But you see this doesn't bother me because I know that that is just the way he is. Then Jamie said some bad things about me, and my boyfriend. Then she said something bad about Lisa and I couldn't take it! I mean Lisa is a saint no one can say something bad about her!" I took a deep breath I said all that almost all in one breath.
"Oh I see" She looked like I just made this conversation awkward which I probably did.
"So can I go?"
"Ya go ahead" She motioned her hand towards the door. And I got up quickly.
Armstrong was waiting outside of the office for me.
"Finally she's free" He put his hands in the air the around me.
"I'm suspended for a day"
"Well then we'll spend the day together tomorrow"
"I'll skip school and go to your house"
that sounds like fun" I said wiggling my eyebrows.
I don't
know why but whenever I'm around him I can't help but smile.
I walked inside surprised to see Lisa with Alex. I thought after today they would have taken one of their "breaks".
"Mom called" Alex called out
"That's new." I started walking up the stairs.
"Don't you want to know what she said?" I stopped
"Not really" I started walking again
"You have to start going to therapy again" I turned around and ran down the stairs.
"What? No I'm not going back there"
"Well I have to take you even if it means dragging you by your hair"
I'd like to see him try.