Merry Kinkmas everyone! ;)
"Light me up, put me on top, lets fa la la la la la la la la"

- blackmagicxo and ..

Emmetts POV

I felt like I was in a dream. This was something that guys only created in their imagination it seemed. Some fine ass bitch leading them to their room. But this wasn't a dream.

We made it to her room silently and she quickly shut the door. The only light on was a dimmed lamp in the corner of her room.

I didn't have time to ask her what was going on before she pushed me against the wall and started her attack. Her lips were on mine instantly and she pushed her body against me. I placed one hand at the back of her neck, the other on her ass as I kissed her. Our kisses were hard and urgent. I moved my hand to her hips and lifted her up and her legs wrapped around me.

She ground her hips against my dick, causing me to groan into her neck. My noises only fuelled her desire and she pushed her hips harder on me. She brushed her fingers through my hair and nipped along my jaw. My hands moved to her ass and I squeezed hard, my fingers digging into her flesh.

"Bed," she ordered, nodding toward it.

"I thought you said I couldn't have this?" I asked, nipping the soft flesh above her tits.

"I changed my mind," she smiled. "I want you to fuck me. Bad." Then, she bit my shoulder, hard. There would definitely be a mark.

I growled, quickly moving us to her bed. I threw her down and she bounced lightly on the bed.

"Oh, I'll fuck you," I told her, my voice rough. "Hard. And you'll love every moment of it."

She moaned loudly at my words, squirming as she lay in front of me. I leaned over her on the bed, one hand collecting all her hair. I yanked on it causing her to moan again.

"You're such a dirty girl," I whispered into her ear. She nodded, moving underneath me.

"Please, fuck me," she begged.

Both of her hands went to the top of my jeans, moving to undo the zipper. I tugged on her hair, causing her to wince and her hands to stop their movement.

"Nuh-uh, not yet," I smirked, looking down at her. Her chocolate eyes shot daggers at me and I held back my laughter. She was quite the nymph.

I let go of her, standing up.

"I know you've got handcuffs, Swan. Now, where are they?" I asked.

Without an answer she got up, making her way to the dresser in the corner. I watched as she opened the second drawer and pulled out a pair of fucking hot pink handcuffs. Seriously? Oh well, they'd do.

She made her way back to me and I held my hand out. But instead of giving them to me she snapped a link around my wrist.

"What the hell?" I asked, looking down at her.

She smiled innocently at me. "Lay down on the bed," she ordered.

She was fucking hot. Her taking authority was driving me insane and I could feel my cock growing and begging to be released from the uncomfortable confines of my jeans.

Obeying, I sat on the bed, lifting my legs onto it and laying back, my heads on her pillows. She went and straddled my torso, pulling my right arm up above my head. She linked the handcuffs through one of the black metal bars on her headboard before grabbing my left wrist and attaching the other cuff to it. With both arms above my head I was now Bella's to do whatever she wanted with.

She smiled down at me evilly.

"I really like how this looks," she said, moving down to suck on my neck again. Her hips wriggled down to rest directly above my hard on and once again she moved against it.

I growled, bucking my hips hard.

"And it looks like you do too," she purred, sitting up. She moved down so she was kneeling between my legs. One of her hands reached out and rubbed my dick through my pants and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

I watched as her hands made their way to the button and zipper of my jeans. She easily undid them and slid my jeans and underwear down. I lifted my legs and helped her get them off as best I could handcuffed to the bed.

Bella licked her lips as she took in my cock. "Fuck," she hummed, "You're fucking huge."

I couldn't help but chuckle. I was big. 8 inches. And yes, I did whip out a tape measure to get those measurements.

"I'm a big guy, Bells."

"Hmm." She leaned down, taking one of her hands and wrapping it around my length. My eyes immediately closed at the sensation, feeling her hand move up and down. Then I felt the warmth of her mouth wrap around the head of my cock, her tongue circling around the head before taking me into her mouth completely.

"Shit," I gasped, pushing my hips up.

Bella worked her mouth on my cock. Gaining speed and switching between her hand and her mouth. That was key to good head. She stopped just in time. I felt like I was about to explode.

She got off the bed and slid her panties off. Getting back on the bed she hovered above my cock, grinning. She wasted no time in lowering herself on me. We both moaned in unison at the feeling.

She was so fucking tight. So tight and warm.

Her hand rested on my chest and she started moving her hips, grinding against my dick. As she picked up speed I moved my hips with hers. She was so wet. I didn't think it'd take long to get her to cum at all.

And I was right. She dug her nails into my chest as she got closer to release, causing me to growl. Her movements got more crazed and I moved my hips hard against hers.

"Shit," she whispered, closing her eyes.

Knowing it'd drive her crazy I decided to urge her on. "Come on Bella, cum for me. Cum all over my cock."

"Fuck," she moaned, moving faster.

A few more thrusts and I felt her pussy start to pulse around my cock, her nails digging further into my chest.

"God dammit, fuck!" she screamed as she came.

"Shhh," I tried to warn, stopping my movements. Jasper and Edward were still here, and Edward was a light sleeper. He heard everything.

After she came down she looked at me wide-eyed and covered her mouth.

"Yeah, got to be quiet," I reminded her, laughing.

She nodded and hopped off my dick. Wait, what? That was it? She gets to come and I don't... how is that fair?

"Where are you going?" I watched her walk over to her closet and get out her robe, tying it loosely around her body.

"I'll be back, don't worry" She winked at me and hurried to unlock the bedroom door and shut it quietly behind her as she disappeared.

The fuck? What was I supposed to do now? I was tied to Bella's bed. Naked.

What if she doesn't even come back? What will I do then? Just chill here until morning? Fuck. I swear when she gets back here I'm going to give her a few good spankings or something. Teach that bitch a lesson.

Ahhhh, just in time. Bella opened the door and shut it behind her very gently, making sure to lock it again just in case. She walked over to the bed and placed a bowl on the nightstand.

"What's in there?" I asked her, not able to see what it was from this angle I was tied up at. Then I noticed she was pulling something out of the pocket of her robe… A can of whipped cream?

"Why did you bring whipped cre- oh. OH. Bella… wow. Dirty girl"

She just grinned and let her robe fall to the floor before climbing up in the bed beside me, bringing the whipped cream and the bowl with her.

"Strawberries. And well, whipped cream. I thought it would look less suspicious if someone happened to come into the kitchen and I was only getting the whipped cream. Because you know, whipped cream is a dirty item" Bella winked and got on top of me, placing the bowl beside me.

She picked up a strawberry and squirted some whipped cream on it and brought it to her mouth, sticking her tongue out to lick the cream off slowly as she closed her eyes and moaned lightly.

I gulped. She really knew how to turn a fella on. I continued to watch her as she placed the strawberry to her lips and started sucking on it, sliding it all the way in and then eating it.

"You want one?" Bella reached for another strawberry before I could even reply with an answer. But obviously it was a hell fucking yes. Of course I wanted to be fed strawberries by a hot chick.

After dosing it in whipped cream she placed it to my lips and I licked it all off, she started to slide it into my mouth as well as a bit of her finger. I sucked on her finger for a moment and watched as it sent a shiver through her body. Her nipples hardened.

Bella pulled her finger out of my mouth and placed a hand on my cheek, leaning in to kiss me. "Goodnight Emmett" She whispered quietly and placed her thumb on my lips. She kissed me again and ran her tongue over my lips, I opened my mouth to invite her in to explore. Our mouths merged and we were kissing so deeply and passionately, our tongues playing, tasting each other. I grasped her tongue between my lips and sucked on it, hearing Bella groan as she dug her nails into my chest.

"Don't go," I whispered, "The fun isn't over yet"

Bellas POV

"Take the cuffs off" He spoke quietly, looking directly in my eyes. Who the fuck does this bitch think he is? Trying to get me to fall for it… Those big fucking puppy dog eyes.

Besides, Emmett had said the fun wasn't over yet, well fine. Let the games begin.

But that didn'tmean he gotcontrol over this situation. No fucking way was I taking the cuffs off him, letting him have his way with me. No no, I wanted to be in control. I wanted all the power.

"I don't think so sweetheart" I don't play that game, and I would never fall for your tricks either. But I didn't mention that part.

I grabbed the can of whipped cream and squirted it around my nipples. The coolness of it made me shiver slightly. "Say you're my bitch"

Emmett shook his head, so I grabbed his balls and grinned.

"Tell me that you're my fucking bitch" I said fiercer this time, maybe now he'd understand. But then again, boys can bedumb most of the time.

"I'm your bitch" He said in a whisper, glaring at me. I gave his balls a little squeeze, to show him that I'm not joking around.

"Say it like you mean it"

"I'm your bitch" He said gritting his teeth. I smiled sweetly at him and sat up, so that I wasn't sitting on his abdomen anymore. I stuck one of my tits in his face, so that my cream covered nipple was dangling just in front of his mouth.

"Lick it"

To my surprise, he did. Actually, he did more then that. He licked it all off and then brought my nipple inside his mouth, sucking and nibbling on it.

It felt really good, but my other nipple was being neglected so moved my other breast closer to his face and he repeated the process.

He licked his lips and looked up at me, our gazes meeting.

"I want to taste the rest of you Bella,I need to" I leaned in and kissed his lips,

"Please Bella, let me taste your sweet pussy, please. Uncuff me"

He was begging. He was begging, for me. He wanted me so bad, his eyes looked so sincere too. Fine. I'll take the handcuffs off. Not because I'm weak and giving into his begging and sweetness, but because my pussy is screaming for him to eat me out.

I placed the bowl of strawberries and the can of whipped cream back on the nightstand and grabbed the key to the cuffs, unlocking them and sliding them off his wrists. I placed the cuffs and the key back on the nightstand and watched as Emmett's smile grew.

He tossed me off of him and them climbed on top of me, holding my hands above my head. I knew this had been a mistake. Now he was probably going to put the handcuffs on me and get his revenge.

Instead, he gave me a sweet kiss on the lips and then started kissing down my neck. He stopped when he got to my boobs and gave my nipple a few licks and flicks with his tongue then kissed his way over to my other nipple before continuing down my torso to my bellybutton. And beyond.

I closed my eyes as he let go of my hands and positioned himself further down my body, so he was hovering over my legs. I could feel his hot breath on my thighs, his lips teasing my skin.

But then he stopped. I was confused. I opened my eyes to see him reaching for a strawberry covered in whipped cream.

What on eart— Oh my god. He was sliding the fruit through my lips (and I don't mean the lips on my mouth either), softly caressing up and down, making circular motions around my clit and moving lower before pulling it out.

I let a light moan out as he starts licking the cream off me. It turns out that Emmett actually knows what he's doing and uncuffing him was probably the best decision I've ever made.

Before long I feel my thighs tighten around him as his tongue plunges inside me while his hands lift my ass up and drag me closer to him.

"Fuck me, please" Now I was the one who is begging.

"I want your cock inside me, I want you to fuck me so hard" But he didn't. He just kept licking and flicking and sucking and oh my fuck, I was going to come.

I could feel my whole body tensing up, my muscles grabbing at his tongue before my whole body erupted in spasms, coming all over Emmett.

"That's my girl" He said as he continued to lap up my sweet juices, making my body shake from pleasure.

My breathing was so heavy that I could barely tell him that I wanted him to fuck me so bad. But it's like he could read my mind or something because I could feel his cock rubbing against my wet pussy.

He pushed inside me of me, making me grip the blanket on my bed as hard as I could. Holy fuuuck. I had momentarily forgotten how huge Emmett was.

The feeling of my warm, wet pussy surrounding the hardness of his cock is like ecstasy. He feels so good inside me.

"Yes! Yes, right there" I moaned as he thrust harder and faster.

I arched my back slightly as he leaned over me to suck on my nipples. I ran my hands through his hair and then down his neck, resting on his back.

We both moaned as he moved quicker and quicker. I sank my nails into the flesh on his back, letting him know that he was hitting the right spot.

I felt him come inside me and that was when I remembered that we didn't use a condom. Oh well, it probably wouldn't have been the same with a condom anyways. At least I was on birth control, right?

We shared a kiss before he pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside me. Wow. That was actually … amazing.

I leaned over and kissed the bite mark I left on his shoulder from early, which is starting to lightly swell. It will probably be bruised when we wake up.

"Sorry" I said quietly before snuggling into his chest, his arms wrapped around me.

"Don't worry about it" He kissed my forehead and we both smiled at each other. I wondered about what this would mean for me and Emmett now. I mean, he's my best friend. Is this night really going to change anything?

I glanced over at the clock which said it was almost 6 in the morning. We better get to sleep quickly so we can regain our energy for tomorrow.

"Good night Emmett"