Chapter one: The pink tutu and the bet
4:57 pm, in front of Maka and Soul's home.
"No way…"
"Way." Maka crossed her arms "The bet is on!"
13 minutes before. 4:44 pm, way to home from shibusen.
"Couldn't you have just restrained yourself from one single book chop?" Soul scowled as he walked in his cool-some stance: hands in pockets and arrogant gaze. "Couldn't you have just acted more like a girl? That must have hurt like hell; poor boy, he must be in the hospital by now."
"Well excuse me for not being so 'lady-like'," The girl with neatly tied up pig tails raised her fingers in a double comma sign and pouted as defense, "It's not my fault that he flipped my skirt! It was a reflex!"
"He was 10 years old for shinigami's sake. A toddler! It was an innocent joke. Even someone as cool as me did that when I was his age" This time was Maka's turn to scowl and tap her foot on the stone embedded ground, Soul understood what the girl meant with that action and admitted the truth
" Fine! Maybe I still do from time to time." He cleared his throat and continued his protest, "Anyways! If you could have held back just a little, you wouldn't have been named 'book-zilla' by the whole primary section and the soul we had worked so hard on to collect that morning wouldn't have been confiscated by the teacher!"
"But… he was the one who was wrong. I am the victim here!" Soul stopped his walking as the couple reached their apartment's door. Maka followed the same action.
"Then you could have acted more feminine and give off a girlish scream or something. You could have earned some pity like that, and the teachers would have rebuked the little guy. But no. What happened? You just had to give him one of your deadliest Maka chops (which I painfully and fully remember) in front of the whole crowd. At least he was smart enough to begin crying on the spot and faint to make you seem like the bad guy." Maka backed up with an offended face,
"Look, I can be feminine if I want to ok? Butt out!" The weapon didn't get the obvious hint and pressed his partner on,
"Ha! Well, you know what? You are nowhere near to the term 'girlish' than black star in a pink tutu." Maka face paled in shock and disgust as she imagined the bulky rough figure with the delicate ballet dress. Soul smirked in satisfaction at his triumph and said the final sentence that ticked his partner totally off. "I mean even, I, with my amazing and cool acting skills, can act more like a girl than you! Better said, anyone could be more feminine than you!"
For a second the tech was silenced. Then Soul heard something snap, soon he realized that it had been his meister's reason line. Her head hung down in an eerie manner and then from her mouth a freakish haunting laugh began to echo. Soul twitched; that was definitely not a good sign. Not the symptoms when she was ready to chop. They were symptoms of an evil plan being plotted. He knew that expression she was currently wearing: It was Stein's, when he is about to dissect something. Maka lifted her face, possessing the creepy smile Soul had predicted she would have under the face-obscuring bangs and said to her partner who was beginning to fear for his life,
"Really then. Show me…" Maka leaned nearer to Soul's face "…Your so-amazing acting skills. Soul." The girl practically spit his name on his face and so he stepped backwards, dumbfounded at the nonsensical request.
"You heard me. Show me a real girl; cross dress."
"haha.. you think I would do that? I'm not insane, just yet."
"Tch. Tch." The brunette shook her head in mocking pity and circled the scythe as an inspector would, "Is it my imagination or do I see fear in your eyes? Scared Soul? A cool person like you, is scared by this little dare? Even I can be cooler guy than you." Soul felt a pang on his pride and fell right into Maka's astute clutch.
"Hell, I'm not afraid of that. Fine! I'll be more of a girl than anything you can be. But then you try to act like a guy. I'll show you that the world of men it isn't as easy as you, naïve little girl think."
"Then the deal is closed" The partner just realized the mistake he had made and tried to make the amends…
"Wai.." …but it was too late. Maka cut him off,
"The signaled date of start is tomorrow, the dare is on for two weeks. You dress as a girl and I as a guy. The winner will be the one who gets the acceptance of the class as worthy of the opposite gender. The winner gets the loser to do whatever she or he wants. Agreed?"
"No way…"
"Way." Maka crossed her arms "The bet is on!"
The tech peeled the white glove she had been wearing and stretched her bare hand beaming with confidence. Soul just stared at it; too disconcerted to say or do something.
Suddenly understanding his current position, Soul felt his world almost crumble. But just as quick as he had fell in the depression hole he did his comeback, regaining his devilish smirk on his features. He was conscious that this was going to be the most humiliating and ridiculous thing he would ever do in his life, but if he was going to do this, he was going to win.
Soul handed his hand, and the meister accepted it welcomingly. Blood eyes and emerald eyes glinted with the help of the laughing sun, with clear determination; neither was going to back off that easily.
As both hands shook in agreement, one thing was made clear.
The bet was definitely on.
Author notes:
Yeah, cross dressing. Ever done that? Maybe not XD.
And Meh, I know, short.. Well this is the intro anyways so bear with it till next update
Now… if you do not wish to see black star on a pink tutu next morning… review!!
If you do… well no comments. Review anyways (yay)!!!