Hey guys Welcome to the first edited chapter of My Fairytale Reality. For those of you who read this story when I first posted, Im SO sorry for the amount of suckyness. You have no. idea. I cant believe I thought this was a good story…

Anyway, enjoy the edited chapter Also, click on my name and check out my other stories! Don't forget to leave a review. Lets begin!

I sighed as I put my head in my hands.

'I hate this,' I thought bitterly to myself. I was the princess of the Fire Country. Although I'm sure people would literally kill for my position in power, I honestly didn't want it.

I was confined in castle walls; absolutely forbidden to leave, unless we were struck with an invasion.

I have one friend. Her name is Ino Yamanaka, and she's a maid.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure she resents me. I mean, even though she's much more beautiful then I will ever be, nobody notices because of her status.

She has beautiful, flowing blonde hair that's always tied back. Her baby blue eyes are always sparkling, even when she's hard at work scrubbing floors. She has long legs, and almost the perfect curves.

I secretly envied her. Although she lives in the palace, she's allowed to leave. She's allowed to meet a man, fall in love, and live happily ever after.

I, on the other hand, am probably going to be forced into an arranged marriage. That is, if anyone even wants to marry me.

Where's my happy ending?

(Sakura POV)

"Sakura! I don't see my breakfast on the table! Care to explain?" shouted my aunt Rin. Alright, you caught me. I'm not a princess. But a girl can dream can't she? I sigh, close my book, and get up. What a pain in the ass.

"Coming Oba-san!" I yelled back. (1)

"Hurry up! I have places to go! You can't honestly expect me to wait for you to do your own job! " she recoiled. I slowly walk out of my room toward the stairs.

It wasn't always like this.

When I was twelve, my parents literally disappeared. I woke up in the morning, and they were there. Wishing me good luck on a big test I had that day. The both held me tight and told me they loved me multiple times. I brushed it off.

But when I got home, I was alone. I waited for about 5 hours for them to come home. I called their cell phones, their jobs and their friends. Finally, I just decided to call the police.

All I was told is that my parents were gone, and that they'd give word when they found a lead.

Four years later and I never got a call.

Since I was twelve, I couldn't exactly live by myself, so they contacted Rin with the details. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she didn't care that her brother and sister-in-law were missing.

But seeing as she was the only family member I had left, she was forced to take me in and become my guardian. She was not happy.


Sakura tip-toed to the judge's office, hearing yelling and screaming. She peeked through the little opening in the door.

Rin was sitting across from the judge, her dark purple hair in a perfect bun atop of her head.

"Why in the hell do I have to take care of that little thing! Put her in a orphanage!" She hissed, venom dripping from every word.

The judge sighed. "Rin, I've known you since collage. Can you please take that helpless little girl in? She just lost both of her parents! How is she going to feel when she finds out that her own flesh and blood doesn't even want her?"

Rin glared hard. "Does it look like I really care?"

"Look, take her in and I'll introduce you to my friend Kei."

Rin looked skeptical. "What's his yearly salary?"

"One-hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

Sakura knew that an evil grin fluttered over Rin's stoic face.

"Alright fine. I'll do it. But you owe me one, Kakashi."

"Unfortunately," He mumbled under his breath. When Rin stood up, Sakura ran down the hallway and back to the waiting room.

Now, I'm not upset that my own aunt didn't even want me (Okay, maybe a little). Im upset because she is such a slutty bitch.

(Normal POV)

"Well, look who finally decided to grace me with her presence. What were you doing up there, renovating? When I call you, you better come down a whole lot faster than what you just did now. Do I make myself clear?" She hissed in Sakura's face, glaring daggers with her lip up in a snarl.

"Crystal," Sakura mumbled as she turned away to fix breakfast. She could feel the rage bubbling up from her feet. She clenched her fists as she prepared the eggs, slamming her pots and refrigerator door. Her aunt just rolled her eyes and picked up a nail file.

"Do you have to be such a drama queen?" Rin screeched as she marched out of the room.

"I get it from you, Obaa-chan," Sakura hissed, mocking her aunt. (2)

Rin stuck her head back in the door with a glare.

"Did you just call me Obaa-chan?"

Sakura paled.

"No, I said Oba-san."

Rin's eyes narrowed even more.

"Don't cross me, Sakura-chan. Because you and I both know that I could make your life absoultly miserable."

She gave a huff and walked away. Sakura heard the front door slam. She gave a sigh of relief.

'I really need to watch what I say.'

Sakura stared at her pot with confusion.

"Wait a second…she didn't even have breakfast!"


Oh yeah, MUCH better. As for the translations:

(1) Oba-san: Means Aunt in a formal way.

(2) Obaa-chan: Means grandma, or old lady.

Sakura called Rin Obaa-chan, or old lady, to insult Rin. Rin heard, and it was easy for her to say she said Oba-san, because they sound super similar. (Look up Japanese pronunciations and you'll see what i mean) Does everyone understand? Great! ^_^

Leave a review and ill get back to you as soon as possible!

