A/N: I wrote it just to make all of you who have reviewed for "The
Admirers" happy and to remind those of that haven't that you're holding up
the next part for everyone else.
* Tale as old as time, true as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly.*
Hermione Granger stood in the office of the Ministry's Head Auror. *Funny,* she thought. *Five years ago, we'd thought I'd be the one in charge of everyone else.* She smiled inwardly before she addressed the man in front of her. "You wanted to talk to me, Harry?"
Harry Potter smiled fondly at his child-hood friend. "Yes, actually I did, Mione. It's concerning Voldemort."
Hermione nodded. She no longer flinched at the name that was still so feared in the world. It wasn't very surprising, either, that Harry wanted to see her about the You-Know-Who. Everything was about him now-a-days, especially since she was an Auror.
"As you know, he's been missing over the past months."
Hermione nodded again. This time, though, her curiosity was sparked. The ministry had been keeping tabs on the Dark Lord for two years now. However, six months ago he had disappeared, vanished, gone. There was no trace of him. It was as if he'd left the earth completely. Actually, Hermione wouldn't have been surprised if he *had* figured out a way to leave the planet and had done so. But if the Ministry had found a clue to where he was, Hermione's job might become more interesting.
"We think we might have caught on to his trace again."
A LOT more interesting.
Hermione raised an inquiring eyebrow and crossed her arms.
Harry handed her a muggle newspaper. She looked at it. Its date told her it was published about a month ago. "Mysterious Murder," ran the headline. Well, as far as the imagination the Muggle who typed this had, there wasn't much of it. She read the article.
Yesterday, at 1: 00 AM, a woman was found lying dead in the living room of her country home. There was no sign of how the victim was killed. "It is the most peculiar thing I have ever seen," says Dr. Shazia Goodfield. And peculiar would certainly be the word one would use to describe the situation. There was no sign of any physical damage, and the woman had been in perfectly good health before the incident. Furthermore, the victim had no enemies to speak of, neither was she very rich. There is no evident incentive for her murder. Many neighbors believe that her death was related to the supernatural. Indeed, the theory would seem logical given the strange accounts of the witnesses. "I heard a yell and then this weird, green light filled the house for a second before it disappeared."
Another witness reports seeing "a strange skull in the sky with this green snake coming out of the mouth. It was scary…" The police
Please see MURDER, C3
Hermione blinked. "That's more than a trace, Harry! That's flat out evidence of Vold-"
Harry interrupted her. "I thought so too, at first, but there haven't been any other signs since, and Dumbledore isn't sure. It could just be stray Death-Eater activity; it could even be a trick. Dumbledore and Arthur have agreed that sending a spy on the scene would be the best for right now. An undercover spy that is."
Hermione smiled at the mention of the minister. She was so glad that Arthur Weasley had been elected as minister. Fudge had been killed in a skirmish a couple years ago between a group of Aurors and Death-Eaters. It had been about a year after Harry, Ron, and she had graduated. The election had been between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley and it was a close one, but in the end Ron's father had won. Hermione couldn't imagine what would have happened if Malfoy had won. If it weren't bad times now, it would have definitely been bad then. Her smile, however, vanished when it occurred to her why Harry had called her in to talk to her.
"Undercover spy meaning me, am I right?"
"Always one step ahead, that's our Mione!"
"So what do I do?"
"You mean what do you both do?"
"Bo- you mean I have to work with someone?" Hermione frowned. She preferred working solo, and Harry knew that.
"Yep. Sorry, Mione. Dumbledore's orders."
She sighed and grimaced. "OK, who is it?"
"Wait," Harry paused. "Before I tell you who it is, you have to promise not to hurt me, OK?"
Hermione's eyebrow rose. "Who is it, Harry?" She had the feeling she was *not* going to enjoy working with them, whoever they were.
"Who? Tell me!" She said roughly.
Hermione pulled out her wand. "Who the hell is it? Who am I working with?"
"Snape." Harry cringed. He'd seen Hermione when she was angry and he definitely didn't want to be at the end of that anger.
Hermione stared. "What!?!"
"You're working with Snape."
"No. I will not, *am* not, doing that." She turned around. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no…" She repeated as she started to walk out. Harry grabbed her by the arm and pulled the complaining woman back before pushing her down into a chair where she crossed her arms, glared, and fumed silently.
"Now then, Mione. You *have* to take the job. It is mandatory that you do."
"How are we working together?"
"You really want to know now? Not later?"
"Out with it, Potter."
Harry almost chuckled. She sounded exactly like Professor McGonagall. "You'll act as a married couple." He watched her for her reaction, knowing it was not going to be a good one. He himself would hate taking on the job.
Hermione sat extremely still. Finally, she blinked and moved her head. "You have *got* to be kidding me."
"As much as I wished he was, Ms. Granger, I'm afraid he is absolutely serious." Severus Snape had entered the room. "They were the Headmaster's orders. I was to leave my post at Hogwarts and join you."
Hermione looked at her former Professor in disgust, then turned back to Harry. "Why do *I* have to go?"
"Because, you're one of our best Aurors, Mione. We *need* you to do this."
"I still don't see why you couldn't have sent someone else."
"Hermione, you *have* to take the mission. Please?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, not really."
She sighed. "I hate you."
Harry smiled. "I knew you'd take it."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "What do we do?"
"Well, you basically are going undercover, as I said…"
He explained that Hermione and Severus would live in a house a couple miles from where the incident had taken place, keeping contact with the ministry and Dumbledore through a small, hand-sized mirror that he handed them. "Owls are too risky," he said. "We could use a fireplace to summon each other but that would also be taking more chance than Arthur feels is necessary. So, you'll use this." He handed Hermione the looking glass. "You just say them name of whoever it is you want to speak to. They'll just get summoned by the mirror that's closest to them." He demonstrated. "Home." Ginny's face appeared in the glass. She looked a bit irritated but smiled when she saw her husband. "Hi, Harry! What are you up to?"
"Hi, love. Just Ministry stuff. Teaching Mione how to use something."
Ginny turned her head and saw Hermione peering over the mirror. "Hello, Hermione."
"Hi, Ginny." She smiled at the younger woman.
"OK, I'll see you home later, then?" Ginny turned back to Harry.
"Four like always."
"Good. Bye! Bye, Hermione." The image disappeared, and Harry handed the mirror to Hermione who slipped it in her pocket.
He went over everything else they needed to know, then sighed. "Well, I believe that's it." He paused, thinking. "Come on. I'll take you to your new home."
"I have to pack first," Hermione said.
"OK, so we'll stop off at your house first."
"If you don't mind me asking, how are we traveling?" Questioned Snape.
"Floo powder, though I'd rather not," Harry replied as he picked up a box off his desk.
Hermione giggled a bit. Harry *still* hadn't grown out of his dislike for the particular mode of transportation. She followed her best friend as he strode over to the fireplace. Taking a bit of dust out of the box and then laying it on the mantle, he threw the powder into the crackling fire. "Hermione's front lawn," he said as he stepped through.
Hermione waited for Snape to go through before her, but he gestured for her to go first. She took some of the powder and threw it into the hearth, thinking, *At least he's a gentleman of sorts.*
She appeared in her own house next to Harry. Snape soon materialized behind her. In a little while, the young woman was packing her bags while her two companions sat downstairs in her living room. Hermione unzipped her bag and giggled at the thought of Harry Potter and Severus Snape sitting peacefully together. She wouldn't be surprised if she'd known the downstairs room was completely silent. *Those two,* she shook her head. *Oil and water, that's what they are*. She smiled as she continued packing.
She finally headed down and saw that Harry and Snape had chosen seats as far away from each other as they could get, silently shooting each other dark looks. When they saw her they both jumped up, anxious to get away from each other. *And I thought *I* disliked Snape.*
"Can I help you, Mione?" Harry indicated to Hermione's hands, which were filled with suitcases.
"Sure, thanks." She handed him one.
"Geez," Harry teased her as he took it. "What do you keep in here? Rocks?"
Hermione made a face at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Ahem." Hermione was reminded that Snape was in the room.
She scrunched up her nose. "Don't you have to pack?"
"I already have. But I do need to pick up my own bags." The last sentence was directed towards Harry.
"Of course," came Harry's reply. "We'll stop at Hogwarts next."
After the trio had gone to Hogwarts (They used Floo powder to go to Hogsmeade, then walked the rest of the way; of course, after Snape got so tired of Harry's complaints about Hermione's suitcase –it really was quite heavy- that he put a levitation spell on it so that Harry would just have to pull it along. Hermione had already done so with hers), and Snape had collected his things, Harry took the other two to go see the house they would live in.
It was a house in the countryside, and Hermione had to say it was quite pleasant. They wouldn't lack for space; there was plenty of it in the house, which could have easily housed six people and was more than big enough for two. *Good,* thought Hermione. *This way, I can get half and he can get the other half and we won't fight. Too much, that is.* The problem would be what half to take. The whole house was great. The bathrooms – there were six of them as far as she knew- were all marble. The smallest one was two times the size of the one Hermione had had at her home. There was a huge kitchen, a very nice dining room, a library, and various other rooms for different things. There was even a room with a wooden dancing floor! Finally, Harry brought them to the bedrooms. There were four, and Hermione was told she could chose from any one she wanted. She lied. There weren't six bathrooms; there were ten, one attached to each bedroom. She chose a room with a red canopy bed and plush red carpet. The bathroom's theme color seemed to be gold. Snape chose the bedroom across from hers. She really hadn't liked that one. The first thing she'd thought when she'd walked in was "*black*." Everything was black, from the ceiling to the comforters on the bed. Of course, it wasn't like her room *didn't* scream "*red!*" Still, she really wouldn't like something that dark. His bathroom's theme was green and silver. *What a coincidence,* she thought. It was, all in all, quite a fitting set of rooms for the former Potions Master.
They both dropped their things off in the bedroom and headed to the family room, where they met Harry. "Well, that's it. Good luck," he wished them after they reviewed everything they were supposed to do. He turned to leave before stopping. "Oh yes, I almost forgot." He pulled something out of his pocket. "The most important part." He handed it to Snape with a mischievous smile. "Have fun," was all he said before dissaparating.
It was a small jewelry box. Snape raised an eyebrow and opened it. A small note fluttered to the floor. Hermione picked it up and read it.
To: Hermione Granger "Snape"
Hope you have a happy marriage! Ü
"Very funny, Harry," she said wryly as she looked at what was in the box. It was a ring- her fake marriage ring. With a sigh she took it from Snape, who handed it to her with a slightly amused look on his face. She slipped it on to her ring finger. "I'm going to go unpack, if you don't mind Professor," she said simply, then headed up the stairs, sighing again. This was going to be a *very* long mission.
Severus watched Hermione as she walked upstairs. Frankly, he had no idea *how* he was going to survive living with the girl for God knew how long. Of course, he'd had more warning than her; Dumbledore was *much* better than Potter at organizing things. Then, again, what could you expect from someone like him, just out of school and only three years in the real world. Potter had always been the "I'm-going-to-save-the-world-or-die- trying" kind of person. A job like the one he had did not suit him at all, as far as Severus was concerned. In fact, Granger was more suited to Potter's job, while Potter would probably do better as an Auror. But then, he realized, knowing Dumbledore might have assigned him to be partners with the boy instead of Granger and Severus would choose the girl over Potter any day. Not that he enjoyed being in this situation.
*At least I'm not teaching those dolts at school,* he sneered. Then he realized something. Granger had called him "Professor." If they planned on having this work at all, they would have to watch what they called each other. He made a mental note to tell her, before heading up to his own rooms to unpack.
A/N: OK, so I know it's unrealistic and that the rooms are definitely unrealistic, but hey, we're not talking realistically speaking. If we were realistically speaking, I wouldn't be writing a Snape/ Hermione fic. Realistically speaking, I'm a Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione shipper, OK? So don't even GO THERE!!!!!! ::calms down:: ::smiles sweetly:: Well, that's it! Hopefully more of Snape's POV later, k? I'm tired. ::yawn:: Night!
Disclaimer: HP& company belongs to J.K. Rowling. Beauty and the Beast belongs to Disney, as does its song, "Tale as Old as Time." I only own the plot, the dead woman, Dr. Shazia Goodfield, and my laptop ::strokes computer lovingly::. The house ismy dream house and no, you can't have it. You live a really deranged life if you spend it taking other people's dreams.. That's all.
Shoutouts: My wonderful Appa, Elizabeth, Lataradk, NortylaK, Strega Brava, Veronica, Shazia (I told you I'd make another you, didn't I?), Samina, Reshma, and Mina.
PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Tale as old as time, true as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly.*
Hermione Granger stood in the office of the Ministry's Head Auror. *Funny,* she thought. *Five years ago, we'd thought I'd be the one in charge of everyone else.* She smiled inwardly before she addressed the man in front of her. "You wanted to talk to me, Harry?"
Harry Potter smiled fondly at his child-hood friend. "Yes, actually I did, Mione. It's concerning Voldemort."
Hermione nodded. She no longer flinched at the name that was still so feared in the world. It wasn't very surprising, either, that Harry wanted to see her about the You-Know-Who. Everything was about him now-a-days, especially since she was an Auror.
"As you know, he's been missing over the past months."
Hermione nodded again. This time, though, her curiosity was sparked. The ministry had been keeping tabs on the Dark Lord for two years now. However, six months ago he had disappeared, vanished, gone. There was no trace of him. It was as if he'd left the earth completely. Actually, Hermione wouldn't have been surprised if he *had* figured out a way to leave the planet and had done so. But if the Ministry had found a clue to where he was, Hermione's job might become more interesting.
"We think we might have caught on to his trace again."
A LOT more interesting.
Hermione raised an inquiring eyebrow and crossed her arms.
Harry handed her a muggle newspaper. She looked at it. Its date told her it was published about a month ago. "Mysterious Murder," ran the headline. Well, as far as the imagination the Muggle who typed this had, there wasn't much of it. She read the article.
Yesterday, at 1: 00 AM, a woman was found lying dead in the living room of her country home. There was no sign of how the victim was killed. "It is the most peculiar thing I have ever seen," says Dr. Shazia Goodfield. And peculiar would certainly be the word one would use to describe the situation. There was no sign of any physical damage, and the woman had been in perfectly good health before the incident. Furthermore, the victim had no enemies to speak of, neither was she very rich. There is no evident incentive for her murder. Many neighbors believe that her death was related to the supernatural. Indeed, the theory would seem logical given the strange accounts of the witnesses. "I heard a yell and then this weird, green light filled the house for a second before it disappeared."
Another witness reports seeing "a strange skull in the sky with this green snake coming out of the mouth. It was scary…" The police
Please see MURDER, C3
Hermione blinked. "That's more than a trace, Harry! That's flat out evidence of Vold-"
Harry interrupted her. "I thought so too, at first, but there haven't been any other signs since, and Dumbledore isn't sure. It could just be stray Death-Eater activity; it could even be a trick. Dumbledore and Arthur have agreed that sending a spy on the scene would be the best for right now. An undercover spy that is."
Hermione smiled at the mention of the minister. She was so glad that Arthur Weasley had been elected as minister. Fudge had been killed in a skirmish a couple years ago between a group of Aurors and Death-Eaters. It had been about a year after Harry, Ron, and she had graduated. The election had been between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley and it was a close one, but in the end Ron's father had won. Hermione couldn't imagine what would have happened if Malfoy had won. If it weren't bad times now, it would have definitely been bad then. Her smile, however, vanished when it occurred to her why Harry had called her in to talk to her.
"Undercover spy meaning me, am I right?"
"Always one step ahead, that's our Mione!"
"So what do I do?"
"You mean what do you both do?"
"Bo- you mean I have to work with someone?" Hermione frowned. She preferred working solo, and Harry knew that.
"Yep. Sorry, Mione. Dumbledore's orders."
She sighed and grimaced. "OK, who is it?"
"Wait," Harry paused. "Before I tell you who it is, you have to promise not to hurt me, OK?"
Hermione's eyebrow rose. "Who is it, Harry?" She had the feeling she was *not* going to enjoy working with them, whoever they were.
"Who? Tell me!" She said roughly.
Hermione pulled out her wand. "Who the hell is it? Who am I working with?"
"Snape." Harry cringed. He'd seen Hermione when she was angry and he definitely didn't want to be at the end of that anger.
Hermione stared. "What!?!"
"You're working with Snape."
"No. I will not, *am* not, doing that." She turned around. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no…" She repeated as she started to walk out. Harry grabbed her by the arm and pulled the complaining woman back before pushing her down into a chair where she crossed her arms, glared, and fumed silently.
"Now then, Mione. You *have* to take the job. It is mandatory that you do."
"How are we working together?"
"You really want to know now? Not later?"
"Out with it, Potter."
Harry almost chuckled. She sounded exactly like Professor McGonagall. "You'll act as a married couple." He watched her for her reaction, knowing it was not going to be a good one. He himself would hate taking on the job.
Hermione sat extremely still. Finally, she blinked and moved her head. "You have *got* to be kidding me."
"As much as I wished he was, Ms. Granger, I'm afraid he is absolutely serious." Severus Snape had entered the room. "They were the Headmaster's orders. I was to leave my post at Hogwarts and join you."
Hermione looked at her former Professor in disgust, then turned back to Harry. "Why do *I* have to go?"
"Because, you're one of our best Aurors, Mione. We *need* you to do this."
"I still don't see why you couldn't have sent someone else."
"Hermione, you *have* to take the mission. Please?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, not really."
She sighed. "I hate you."
Harry smiled. "I knew you'd take it."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "What do we do?"
"Well, you basically are going undercover, as I said…"
He explained that Hermione and Severus would live in a house a couple miles from where the incident had taken place, keeping contact with the ministry and Dumbledore through a small, hand-sized mirror that he handed them. "Owls are too risky," he said. "We could use a fireplace to summon each other but that would also be taking more chance than Arthur feels is necessary. So, you'll use this." He handed Hermione the looking glass. "You just say them name of whoever it is you want to speak to. They'll just get summoned by the mirror that's closest to them." He demonstrated. "Home." Ginny's face appeared in the glass. She looked a bit irritated but smiled when she saw her husband. "Hi, Harry! What are you up to?"
"Hi, love. Just Ministry stuff. Teaching Mione how to use something."
Ginny turned her head and saw Hermione peering over the mirror. "Hello, Hermione."
"Hi, Ginny." She smiled at the younger woman.
"OK, I'll see you home later, then?" Ginny turned back to Harry.
"Four like always."
"Good. Bye! Bye, Hermione." The image disappeared, and Harry handed the mirror to Hermione who slipped it in her pocket.
He went over everything else they needed to know, then sighed. "Well, I believe that's it." He paused, thinking. "Come on. I'll take you to your new home."
"I have to pack first," Hermione said.
"OK, so we'll stop off at your house first."
"If you don't mind me asking, how are we traveling?" Questioned Snape.
"Floo powder, though I'd rather not," Harry replied as he picked up a box off his desk.
Hermione giggled a bit. Harry *still* hadn't grown out of his dislike for the particular mode of transportation. She followed her best friend as he strode over to the fireplace. Taking a bit of dust out of the box and then laying it on the mantle, he threw the powder into the crackling fire. "Hermione's front lawn," he said as he stepped through.
Hermione waited for Snape to go through before her, but he gestured for her to go first. She took some of the powder and threw it into the hearth, thinking, *At least he's a gentleman of sorts.*
She appeared in her own house next to Harry. Snape soon materialized behind her. In a little while, the young woman was packing her bags while her two companions sat downstairs in her living room. Hermione unzipped her bag and giggled at the thought of Harry Potter and Severus Snape sitting peacefully together. She wouldn't be surprised if she'd known the downstairs room was completely silent. *Those two,* she shook her head. *Oil and water, that's what they are*. She smiled as she continued packing.
She finally headed down and saw that Harry and Snape had chosen seats as far away from each other as they could get, silently shooting each other dark looks. When they saw her they both jumped up, anxious to get away from each other. *And I thought *I* disliked Snape.*
"Can I help you, Mione?" Harry indicated to Hermione's hands, which were filled with suitcases.
"Sure, thanks." She handed him one.
"Geez," Harry teased her as he took it. "What do you keep in here? Rocks?"
Hermione made a face at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Ahem." Hermione was reminded that Snape was in the room.
She scrunched up her nose. "Don't you have to pack?"
"I already have. But I do need to pick up my own bags." The last sentence was directed towards Harry.
"Of course," came Harry's reply. "We'll stop at Hogwarts next."
After the trio had gone to Hogwarts (They used Floo powder to go to Hogsmeade, then walked the rest of the way; of course, after Snape got so tired of Harry's complaints about Hermione's suitcase –it really was quite heavy- that he put a levitation spell on it so that Harry would just have to pull it along. Hermione had already done so with hers), and Snape had collected his things, Harry took the other two to go see the house they would live in.
It was a house in the countryside, and Hermione had to say it was quite pleasant. They wouldn't lack for space; there was plenty of it in the house, which could have easily housed six people and was more than big enough for two. *Good,* thought Hermione. *This way, I can get half and he can get the other half and we won't fight. Too much, that is.* The problem would be what half to take. The whole house was great. The bathrooms – there were six of them as far as she knew- were all marble. The smallest one was two times the size of the one Hermione had had at her home. There was a huge kitchen, a very nice dining room, a library, and various other rooms for different things. There was even a room with a wooden dancing floor! Finally, Harry brought them to the bedrooms. There were four, and Hermione was told she could chose from any one she wanted. She lied. There weren't six bathrooms; there were ten, one attached to each bedroom. She chose a room with a red canopy bed and plush red carpet. The bathroom's theme color seemed to be gold. Snape chose the bedroom across from hers. She really hadn't liked that one. The first thing she'd thought when she'd walked in was "*black*." Everything was black, from the ceiling to the comforters on the bed. Of course, it wasn't like her room *didn't* scream "*red!*" Still, she really wouldn't like something that dark. His bathroom's theme was green and silver. *What a coincidence,* she thought. It was, all in all, quite a fitting set of rooms for the former Potions Master.
They both dropped their things off in the bedroom and headed to the family room, where they met Harry. "Well, that's it. Good luck," he wished them after they reviewed everything they were supposed to do. He turned to leave before stopping. "Oh yes, I almost forgot." He pulled something out of his pocket. "The most important part." He handed it to Snape with a mischievous smile. "Have fun," was all he said before dissaparating.
It was a small jewelry box. Snape raised an eyebrow and opened it. A small note fluttered to the floor. Hermione picked it up and read it.
To: Hermione Granger "Snape"
Hope you have a happy marriage! Ü
"Very funny, Harry," she said wryly as she looked at what was in the box. It was a ring- her fake marriage ring. With a sigh she took it from Snape, who handed it to her with a slightly amused look on his face. She slipped it on to her ring finger. "I'm going to go unpack, if you don't mind Professor," she said simply, then headed up the stairs, sighing again. This was going to be a *very* long mission.
Severus watched Hermione as she walked upstairs. Frankly, he had no idea *how* he was going to survive living with the girl for God knew how long. Of course, he'd had more warning than her; Dumbledore was *much* better than Potter at organizing things. Then, again, what could you expect from someone like him, just out of school and only three years in the real world. Potter had always been the "I'm-going-to-save-the-world-or-die- trying" kind of person. A job like the one he had did not suit him at all, as far as Severus was concerned. In fact, Granger was more suited to Potter's job, while Potter would probably do better as an Auror. But then, he realized, knowing Dumbledore might have assigned him to be partners with the boy instead of Granger and Severus would choose the girl over Potter any day. Not that he enjoyed being in this situation.
*At least I'm not teaching those dolts at school,* he sneered. Then he realized something. Granger had called him "Professor." If they planned on having this work at all, they would have to watch what they called each other. He made a mental note to tell her, before heading up to his own rooms to unpack.
A/N: OK, so I know it's unrealistic and that the rooms are definitely unrealistic, but hey, we're not talking realistically speaking. If we were realistically speaking, I wouldn't be writing a Snape/ Hermione fic. Realistically speaking, I'm a Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione shipper, OK? So don't even GO THERE!!!!!! ::calms down:: ::smiles sweetly:: Well, that's it! Hopefully more of Snape's POV later, k? I'm tired. ::yawn:: Night!
Disclaimer: HP& company belongs to J.K. Rowling. Beauty and the Beast belongs to Disney, as does its song, "Tale as Old as Time." I only own the plot, the dead woman, Dr. Shazia Goodfield, and my laptop ::strokes computer lovingly::. The house ismy dream house and no, you can't have it. You live a really deranged life if you spend it taking other people's dreams.. That's all.
Shoutouts: My wonderful Appa, Elizabeth, Lataradk, NortylaK, Strega Brava, Veronica, Shazia (I told you I'd make another you, didn't I?), Samina, Reshma, and Mina.
PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!