Ok first off, I am writing two to three at the moment and I am a terrible multitasker. Anyway I hope you'll like this next chapter, considering that I spent a week writing it. Anyway please enjoy.

I do not own Grossology or any affiliations...Discovery Kids and Nelvana does...

Chapter 3: The Haunting (sort of)

Both were unaware of what was to happen next. But as Abby found the switch to reactivate the lighting system, Ty saw his surroundings clearly. The sight made him freeze out of fear. All around the room there were pictures of ...clowns. Before his mind could react, he ran out of the room, screaming as he left.

Around the same time, Abby had noticed the little creatures climbing up her leg. A group of leeches had herded around her feet. She let out a startled whimper and screamed. She stumbled out of the basement and headed to the foyer.

Both had been scared out of their wits. It was so bad, that they almost ran into each other in the foyer. They were both out of breath.

"M-m-maybe we c-can come back in the m-m-m-morning." Ty suggested. He tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Let me try." Abby said. As Ty stepped away from the door, she took a very deep breath and let loose a very hard kick on the door. The door barely moved. Yet, she managed to make the doorknob fall out of place. She looked down at the broken doorknob. Ty wasn't long to remark.

"Nice." Abby smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I guess we're stuck here for the night." She said, trying to brighten up the situation. "Besides, we still have a case to solve."

"I suppose you're right." Ty glanced away from the doorknob. "Um, have you checked your shoulder lately?" In response to Ty's question, she took a peek at her shoulder. Sure enough, there perched on her shoulder was a little leech. Caught completely off guard by the sudden realization, she screamed and jumped on to Ty's shoulders. Abby's reaction nearly made Ty fall backwards. As the leech inched away, Ty struggled to get Abby off of his shoulders, without falling over himself.

"Abby, it's gone. You can get off my back now!" Ty exclaimed. She didn't move. "Hello!? Um, Abby?" She still didn't respond. Shock ran through her; she couldn't move. Now paralyzed with fear, she stared at the ground, in the exact spot that she had been standing in only moments ago. It seemed that she would never come to, not without the help of her brother anyway. Completely unable to sustain the weight of himself and his sister, Ty fell forward. He lay on his stomach, halfway dazed. The fall knocked Abby back into reality. She gasped slightly, unable to recall her recent state of fear.

"What happened?"

"I'd rather not recall; or you might accidentally break my back this time." Ty remarked. Abby's head was throbbing with pain.

"Ty, where's the bedroom?"

"Upstairs. Do you need help?" Ty offered.

"Yes." She replied. He placed her arm around his shoulder as they ascended the stairs. Ty chose the room four rooms down from the first room he found. He chose this room not only because it had two beds, but because it was farthest away from the clown room.....

"Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Ty questioned.

"I'll be fine. All I need is a little rest. You should, too." She answered.

"Alright." Ty replied. They both set their alarms to go off at midnight. Ty flipped the switch and darkness soon engulfed the room. Both eventually fell asleep, yet they were unaware that they were being watched.


Like I said, Sorry it took soooo long for me to get this chapter up and running.