This is my first fan fic ever so please help me along. I'm writing this with my friend and she's also on fan fic and her name in PhoenixIvy and she's also writing another story so check her out as well. Let me know what you think so that we can really get this thing going.

Bella POV

"Bella, sweetie, are you sure you can do this by yourself?" My mom Renee asked for the millionth time this week.

"Yes mom, I can. If anything happens I'll call you immediately." Although in the past four years now I haven't yet refused she still says the same thing every time I go out.

"You better baby. I'll be expecting a call from you every day" Renee she said with a slight frown. "Also, give my regards to Charlie. I hope he gets better soon."

"I will mom. Love you. I'll call you as soon as we're settled." I hugged my mother and Phil goodbye and I picked up my daughter Renesmee (I say just go with Renesmee and say that Bella used Esme's name because she wanted Nessie to have something of Edward's family.)

"Tell grandma and Grandpa Phil bye sweetheart." I told Nessie. "You won't see them for awhile."

"Bye nana and grandpa Phil. Love you. I see you soon. I promise." And with that Nessie kissed my mom and Phil goodbye.

I walked into the airport with Nessie at my side. When she's nervous she likes to be held, not only that but I didn't want her to get lost.

We waited patiently to board our flight and Nessie wouldn't stop asking questions. "I get to see Grandpa Charlie right?"

"Yes darling. But you have to be careful around him. He's sick and we're going to help him."

"Why is he sick?" She inquired.

"I don't know. But we're going to help him get better."

She seemed to accept that answer and was quiet for a few minutes before she asked the one question that I dreaded the most. "Will I get to see my daddy?"

I looked at her with guilt in my eyes. The only thing that I ever told her about him was that he lived in Forks, while he used too, and that we dated for a while in high school. "I don't think so baby."

Nessie looked so defeated, her lower lip trembling and her eyes downcast, when I gave my answer. The closest she ever had to a father figure was when I was with James, but I ended that when I decided to move to Seattle. "Oh, ok. Is it because he doesn't love me?"

Before I could answer the attendant announced that our flight was boarding.

Luckily she fell asleep as soon as we were in our seats and taking off. I hoped I could wait a few more years before I told her the truth. He didn't know she was his. Hell he didn't even know I was pregnant in the first place. God, please let my avoid any contact with him if he's in Forks, or even Seattle.

The Plane landed in Seattle almost three hours later.

Renesmee and I stepped out of the airport terminal into the icy rain falling from the sky in sheets. We had already called a cab and jumped in as soon as it had arrived. The cab took us straight to our new house, courtesy of my stepfather Phil. And we immediately got settled in. Being back this close to Forks was hard and I was already having problems keeping my memories and the pain at bay. I kept having flashbacks to the hardest time of my life.


The plane trip to Phoenix was horrible, I had to get up and get sick every little while and I missed my home in Forks. I wished now more than ever that this was all just a horrible dream. I never imagined in my worst nightmares that last night would have gone as bad as it did.

Charlie was saddened to see me go because there was no way I could explain it all to him, especially since I could not stop crying. He guessed that this had something to do with HIM, but I refused to tell him what was going on.

Two and a half hours later the plane landed in Phoenix and I stumbled my way off the plane into my mothers waiting arms. She held me close and tried to understand me through my tears. I noticed Phil walk away to give us some time and to go get my luggage. When he came back I was no longer crying because I had no more tears left. My mother held onto me as we made our way home.

When we got home I decided it was now or never to tell my mom and never was no longer an option. I pulled her into my room with me and sat next to her on my bed. I finally forced my sobs and whimpers to stop so I could tell her. She seemed to understand that I was trying to say something so she just waited until I began to speak.


"Yes dear? Is there something you need? What's wrong your father and I have no idea what's wrong and we don't know how to help you just tell me…" I held my hand up to silence her taking a deep breath to prepare myself.

"Mom…um….I'm not sure how to say this and I'm so Afraid you'll be disappointed in me…but-"

"Oh sweetheart I could never-"

"Mom I'm pregnant"

I woke up in a daze. I must've been extremely tired because I don't even remember falling asleep. I didn't remember where I was until I looked around. I looked over at my beautiful daughter sleeping so peacefully. I lay in bed and remembered that I had dreamt about the night I had left Forks. I had broken my dad's heart and became a responsible adult at the same time.

I lay down in bed for hours just staring at the TV. To tell you the truth I just had it on for noise. After a while I fell back asleep and waited for tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the day I started living a life without my mother near me to help. It was going to be hard but worth it in the end.

I must've fallen asleep again because when I woke up and glanced at the alarm clock. It was 6:30. So I dragged myself out of bed to take a shower before I woke up Nessie.

Ten minutes later I felt clean and ready to begin the day. I walked into my daughter's room and watched her sleep for a few minutes. She looked so beautiful her hair was wavy and brown just like mine; her face was beautiful and serene. She got the beauty from her father I knew because she sure didn't get it from me I was too ordinary. She had his beautiful emerald green eyes too. But she honestly didn't look much like him she just looked more like a prettier more angelic version of me.

I sighed and gently shook her awake. She peeked out at me from underneath her long eyelashes. She looked so much like Edward when she did that. I sighed again and told her she had to get ready for school. At that she jumped out of bed like a shot jumping around the room excited and asking me what she should wear for her first day. This time it was Alice that she reminded me of. I sighed again and helped her get ready for her first day at her new pre-school.

10 minutes later we were in my FPV F6 Typhoon, in a nice blue color, which Phil bought me after making it to the major leagues, heading to the school. I finally pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I got Nessie out of the back and we head towards the school.

"Oh mommy, I can't wait!" Nessie said well swinging my hand.

"Why is that sweetie?" I asked

"I get to make new friends." Nessie replied sweetly.

I looked at my daughter in awe. Her sweetness reminded me so much of.....him….and I couldn't hold back my tears. Nessie must've noticed because her face fell just a little bit.

"Why you crying mommy?" She asked sadly.

I had to think quickly on my feet and come up with an answer. "I'm just sad not to have you around today. I'm going to the house to get everything settled before I come and get you."

It appeared that my lie was believable because her face lit up at the mention of the house and she couldn't stop smiling while we walked into her class. I kissed Nessie goodbye and left her in the hands of her teacher.

As I drove to our new house, which Phil bought us, I couldn't help the sadness that feel upon me. Back in high school I thought I would be living this life with my jackass of an ex-boyfriend. Now I was a single mother on my own. Let me point out I'm not complaining and I've done just fine. But back in Phoenix I had my mom if I needed help, but now I had no one. I had to take care of my daughter and my father.

Pulling into the driveway of my new home I couldn't help but stare in awe. It was gorgeous. It was a two-story house with a nice yard in the front and the back. It was a slight powder blue color but you could only tell in the sunlight other than that it was gray but still beautiful. The huge windows really made the house quite beautiful and it as situated in a really beautiful upper-class side of town.

It was Tuesday so I wasn't starting class till tomorrow. So I decided to start work on my next column. I answered a few of my less news worthy letters on my website before I started on my stack that was going in the New York Times on Sunday. I was a highly thought of and very sought after advice columnist. I had finished high school with honors only months after my move to Phoenix since I didn't really want to be at school when my pregnancy started showing. After I graduated I immediately started taking Internet college courses including writing, English, psychology, and journalism. During this time I started an internship at a local newspaper and began my advice column called Swan Letters. It became very popular in Phoenix and eventually I was answering a few letters everyday. When I went out on maternity leave I got the offer to work for the New York Times once a week doing my advice column. I took it immediately. I've been working there for nearly five years now and I love it. I even started my own website so that I could answer more letters. I never used my real name to answer letters because I still don't like the limelight even though I love hearing people talking about my most recent column. And recently I published my first book. It was about teen pregnancy under the same name I use for my columns which is simply Swan.

The book was a huge success and I get letters from pregnant teens everyday telling me how much my book helped them to survive their pregnancies. I loved being able to help so many people even though I could barely help myself. Because to be honest even after four years my broken heart never healed and I still love him even after what he did to me.

So how did you like it? I just had this story idea pop into my head one night and I asked my friend to help me write it. Please review, We really need to know what you think.