This is my first Twilight fic, please do not avoid flaming me!!!! DIS: I own nothing!!!!
A New Home?
I was moving again, and there was 'buts' about it.
I was on a plane heading to Forks, Washington.
Charlie, my dad, was the chief of police, now my guardian, and, lucky for me, was hardly ever home.
When the plane landed I got off, and headed strait for the luggage pick-up.
"Bells!" That was Charlie.
"Hi, Ch... dad!" I replied, turning around, and giving him a big hug.
"How have you been?" He asked.
Neither of us where comfortable talking about personal things.
"I've been good. How are you? And Emmet?"
That's another thing, Emmet was my brother, big,scary if you don't know him, but a big teddy bear.
"Pretty good. He's excited that you're here. Your brother, God bless him, has been talking about you for so long and so much that The Cullens feel like they know you."
Ah, the Cullens, my brother's friends.
He then grabbed my luggage up and continued talking, "Hey, Bella? I forgot to mention one little detail."
"What's up, dad?" He was confusing me.
"I am sort of living with another family in their home, and, well, they said it was ok that you were coming, and they would have a room ready for you when we get there."
"Dad? Why didn't you mention this before?" I asked, curious.
"I wanted you to get here first, then you could make up your mind whether to stay here or not." He replied.
"What else do I need to know?" I sighed.
"They have two kids. Alice and Edward. Twins. Seventeen."
Twins, naturally. I have never liked twins.
"And?" I urged.
"They are guardians of Rosalie and Jasper Hale. Also twins, and eighteen."
Joy, I am going to love this family.
We had gotten to Charlie's cruiser.
He put my bags in the trunk, got in, and started the car.
"BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard a loud scream come from the house.
'Uh oh. If I know Emmet, he will come out and grab me into a big bear hug in about two seconds.' I thought as I got out of the car.
As predicted, Emmet came running out, and nearly crushed me in a hug.
"BELLS! YOU'RE HERE! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!" Emmet shouted, while swinging me around.
Neither of us had realized the audience that had come to watch us.
"Ahem." I heard someone say.
"Well everyone, this is Bella, my beloved little sister!" He exclaimed.
'Welcome to our home!" The father said.