A/N: This is it!! This is the final chapter of Study Date and it has finally come to an end!!!! Sorry I couldn't update sooner than I said, I had job hunting this weekend and the computer was booked so I couldn't update completely! Sorry again!!! I like to thank all my readers and thank certain people who supported me throughout the whole story:
*King Stephen IV*
Thank you guys for your never ending support! I love you guys and I hope you continue to read my future stories!! Ja Ne!!
Chapter 21: Finally Caught
So for the next two weeks, Ayame had continued to gain valuable information; shocking though it is, she had told the two couples every single detail. The school production, Blue Sky was scheduled for May 31st, a Thursday, the day before school officially ends.
The five all sat down a few days before then and discussed the best and most flawless plan to get these psycho bastards. From what Ayame was told, she mentioned that Kanna told Rin that The Hair Freak and Wind Witch; along with the bastard Bankotsu were planning separate murders. It was still a surprise that Kanna was being vocal about plans that anyone wasn't supposed to know about but everyone suspected that the freshman didn't want anything to do with any of this and retold everything that had been planned. Kanna had been told by Rin what was going on with the information she told and she was more than helpful to catch them in the act.
What was planned was that Kagura was aiming for Sango to be "accidentally" killed onstage with close to 700 people watching while Yura got Kagome backstage. Bankotsu didn't want to get his hands sullied with blood so he would be watching; blending in with the crowd. They would get hold of the police when all this was going on and they will get sent off to jail. And hopefully the play will end successfully without too many questions.
After everything was worked out, Ayame got hold of the police to ask for their help. She had a difficult time persuading them but with Inuyasha's attitude and strength of voice and taking hold of the situation, the police force agreed eventually. They had enough evidence to convict them; all 6 notes, all the hospital reports and photographic evidence of what happened. With all this, it was certain that these murderers would be thrown in jail and rot in hell.
May 31st came all too soon and the school's humongous auditorium was rapidly filling up. Blue Sky was advertised around the campus for the past two months and everybody was interested and talking about it nonstop. It was supposed to be the biggest and most popular this school has seen in many years. 600 auditorium seats as well as an additional 100 seats overlooking the stadium were quickly becoming crowed with students, parents and friends. The first two rows of seats in the three separate rows were reserved for parents and friends with special tickets; which Inuyasha and Miroku got thanks to their girlfriends.
Speaking of which, the two couples were backstage; along with fellow actors and friends; were preparing for curtain entrance in about an hour. Thank goodness that the school invested in private rooms for the actors. Who knew that a small town that had a big school would have such a thing? In one of said rooms, since Sango was the female lead; having a private room; all were sitting and discussing final preparations.
"I am so stressed." Sango was indeed nervous; not only because she was playing the major female role, but because of what they had to do.
"You're going to do great, Sango, don't worry about anything." Miroku was standing behind her while she sat down; rubbing her shoulders to ease her tension.
"With everything that has been going on, I'm surprised that I've managed to get through it without much trouble." Being one of the producers; Kagome was stressed too. With half of the responsibility riding on her shoulders; she hoped that she wouldn't break down before opening night and it was finally here. She stood; leaning against her support which had arms wrapped around her waist; his head on her shoulder; their hair mingling with each other.
"I just hope we catch these assholes!!" He softly kissed Kagome's cheek and continued. "I don't want them hurting you ever again! You're too special to me and I don't want to lose you." He thought he sounded pathetic but he spoke true.
Kagome smiled warmly and turned around to face him. She grabbed his arms and put them around her; one went around to her waist and the other cupping her face. Her arms went around his back to hug him. "You won't ever lose me so don't worry." Her voice whispered softly so only he could only hear. Her calming coffee eyes pierced his anxious and deep amber ones and instantly they knew that they would conquer the coming evil and win.
He bent down and kissed her soft lips; still cupping her face. Kagome fell deeply into it. She always could sense his pain; even through his caresses and his kisses and did whatever she could to make him feel better. Right now he was as nervous as she was and she alone had the power to make it all disappear.
After the kissing couple pulled apart, the director knocked on the door and announced herself and came in. She was professionally dressed with a white blouse and black dress pants. Her hair was up in a ponytail and had a tag with her name and her title of the play pinned on her left shoulder.
"Hey guys, about an hour left until opening." She sat beside Sango and sighed. "It's getting filled up pretty fast out there; almost every seat is taken. Pressure is on and I'm feeling pretty anxious now." She rubbed her emerald eyes and sighed. "Are we ready for this?" She directed at everyone in the room.
"Have you seen Bankotsu or any sign of trouble yet?" Kagome asked.
Ayame nodded her head. "Yeah, he's here alright, Kanna's with him too. Middle row about five rows back. Rin told me that nothing has changed and they will carry out their plan."
"Dammit..." Both boys muttered.
"Sango, you know what to do right?"
"Yeah Ayame, being on stage is hard enough but with someone after your blood; it make you nervous. I will go through with it." Sango had her costume on and was all prepped and ready to go.
Ayame checked her watch and stood up. "Okay let's do this. Kagome you come with me, Sango get ready for your entrance and remember; no pressure. Inuyasha and Miroku, go sit at your seats and stand by."
All reluctantly nodded and stood up and stretched. Each boy kissed their girlfriend goodbye and good luck and bid luck for Ayame too. All five walked out and went to their destinations.
Kagome; also dressed properly in a blue blouse and black dress pants; her hair in a low ponytail and a tag similar to Ayame's and the director walked out and made final inspections on the stage. She peeked out the curtain and saw many faces sitting and standing; waiting for it to start. The pressure was mounting in her gut but Kagome was determined to see this through.
Inuyasha and Miroku sat in the first row beside Rin. She secretly handed them walkie-talkies; deemed them necessary for the plan of action. They were Sesshomaru's but he didn't need to know that. Ayame had one too and could connect to both boys.
Almost an hour later, the lights dimmed and the spotlight shone on the smiling director as she came out and stood in the middle, a microphone clipped on her blouse. She welcomed everyone to the play and explained a little bit about what to expect. After about 5 minutes she announced the play they all came to see and enjoy it. After she moved off the stage, the curtain rose and there stood Sango; in character and ready to act.
After the first five minutes, Inuyasha and Miroku stood and went to opposite sides of the wide stage to be on lookout. They continued to watch the play while keeping an eye on Bankotsu and Kanna. Whenever they talked into their walkies, they whispered low enough so no one would hear and it was so dark that if anyone glanced at them, they couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.
According to the information they gathered, Kagura; supposedly was to make her move around Act V while Yura attacked Kagome right after. Sango was ever vigilant while trying to keep in character the whole time. She occasionally glanced at Miroku and Inuyasha and both nodded their heads; meaning all clear.
All were entranced as Blue Sky continued. This could very well end up as the best play this school has seen in years! None were expecting anything out of the ordinary and just sat and watched with keen interest.
As soon as intermission was over and Act V was beginning; Inuyasha glanced at Bankotsu; who looked smug and interested; not because of the play but about what was going to happen, the bastard talked into something small on his collar and after 10 seconds he looked up and watched patiently.
'And so it begins.' Since Inuyasha was closer to him, he knew that was his cue to buzz to Ayame. "Red, Bankotsu looked like he just talked into something, I think it was a microphone. Most likely it was the signal to begin; Over."
Ayame was standing beside Kagome watching from the side. Both jumped at the ruffled sound of Inuyasha's voice from the device. Ayame glared at his name for her and picked it up.
"Roger that, and what's with the name? You know that irritates me!" She whispered back. Kagome couldn't help chuckle a bit at their bickering.
"Whatever Red. Seriously, I think it's almost that time."
Ayame sighed and turned serious too. "Alright, stand by and don't do anything stupid. I'll radio Miroku and tell him to call the police; Over."
"Got it; and what do you mean stupid?!"
She sighed at his stupidity. "Your boyfriend is impossible." She covered the walkie and whispered to her producer. Kagome nodded and laughed. "Just stand there and keep quiet!! Over and out!" She sighed in frustration and contacted Miroku. "Pervert, call the police now; it's on; over!"
"Roger Wilcox; and what's with the name?! Your comment offends me deeply!"
"Just shut up and call the police! Over and Out!!" Ayame turned hers off and grumbled. "I can't imagine how Sango puts up with him. Honestly I don't know why you two can handle two idiotic morons who can't seem to stick to the main point!"
"Don't ask me that Ayame because I don't know the answer myself." She switched her tiny microphone on which connected with Sango's. "Sango, it's on. Prepare for the plan. Miroku is calling the cops as we speak; over."
Luckily, Sango was not speaking and was merely sitting; looking depressed when she caught the message. She nodded and took a calming breath. The lights were blinding her as she stood up and spoke her lines so well. She heard a rumbling and it sounded like it came from above so she quickly looked up enough to see what cause it. She distinctly saw a figure with a rope that connected to a large and heavy metal stream of off lights.
"Oh, my life has no meaning. What am I to do; why is everyone out to get me?" She spoke dramatically; silently signaling the four that she was in position.
All four clearly got her message. Ayame moved away so Kagome was alone and she was vulnerable. She started to breath unevenly and prayed; holding her lovers name while she did so. She quickly saw Sango's finger point above her and she indeed saw what looked like Kagura ready to spring her trap. 'Here we go...'
Sango was lonely on the stage and would be for a while; so this was perfect. She heard the distinct rumbling and knew she was close. Kagome also heard footsteps behind her and knew exactly who it was. She took a deep breath and prepared for her move.
Meanwhile, Bankotsu was in the audience and saw the prefect moment. "Do it...now!!!"
Kagome heard the footsteps right behind her and quickly ran out; signaling Sango to move to the other side too. The creaking metal above also started to come down and both girls ran out of the way. As expected, the female figure ran after her target and right into the metal lights trap. The female groaned and cursed at her partner; who just happened to show herself; completing their plan.
Bankotsu was horrified and shocked at what just happened. His perfect plan backfired on him!!! He knew that he was caught and just as he exited the row like the coward he was; the town's police department slammed the auditorium's doors open and rushed in. As he was about to turn around; his arms were caught by two forces. He struggled and turned to see who exactly caught him; his face paled instantly.
"Got nowhere to go you asshole; caught red handed!" Inuyasha was seriously pissed and had a hard and painful grip on his right arm. Miroku had a satisfied but angry look while he had the bastard's left.
The audience was confused but also curious as to the surprise action. All five gathered together again and surrounded the would-be murderers. The police got all three into handcuffs and explained their rights. Yura, Kagura and Bankotsu were not happy and looked mean and pissed as they struggled out of the stadium yelling and throwing out threats. As soon as the doors closed, everyone surprisingly got back into the mood eventually and watched the duration of the play.
Around two hours later, all four couples sat at Saki's Café at a reserved table in the back. After the successful capture and the amazing success of Blue Sky, it was quite an eventful day. As promised, Miroku and Inuyasha treated the girls to a special dinner. Soon after they settled, Rin, Sesshomaru and Kouga appeared and it went underway.
"Here's to a wonderful director! Without her thinking, this wouldn't have been possible!! To Ayame!!" Kouga declared; standing right next to his girlfriend.
All cheered and Ayame only smiled and stood up herself. "Well, it wasn't only me. I had a kick ass producer and a fantastic actress to make it more amazing! Thanks, Kagome and Sango!!"
They sat at a big circular table on a room that was reserved for them. Each couple sat together; most enjoying each other's company.
Inuyasha was mostly in thought; while fumbling with the velvet box that contained the engagement ring. The last few days he has planned the proposal until he got it down. Inuyasha was nervous as hell all day. He knew what he wanted to do. He briefly glanced at his best friend and Miroku sent him a knowing stare. Inuyasha nodded and sucked it up.
'You can do this! Stop stalling and get this over with! If you love her and she loves you there's nothing to worry about, is there?' Now he thought he was going crazy talking to himself. He gripped the small box one more time and proudly stood up; gathering the attention of all that the table.
"I know everyone's having a great time but I would like to say something before this small, whacky party gets out of hand." He took a deep and calming breath and turned his attentions on his hopefully soon-to-be fiancé.
The girl in thought was looking up at him; an inquisitive smile on her beautiful face. Once he lowered himself in front of her; on one knee and held one of her hands; she suddenly realized what was going on! She was gasping for breath; her eyes starting to glitter with tears.
His own amber eyes were staring right into her lustrous orbs and saw the tears threatening to fall. He had to say this before he lost his nerve. Taking another deep breath and gathering up his courage, he spoke with all his love and devotion.
"I know we've been together ever since we were thirteen and I loved you every day since then and that love has grown even stronger each day that has passed. I may not be the prefect guy but you see me that way and I strive each and every day to keep you safe and happy." He had a good start and sounded so damn emotional right now but never faltered. "I may never be able to express how I feel sometimes but I know that with you by me, I can do anything." He gripped her hand and continued to look deep into Kagome's eyes. "I love you, Kagome. I always have and always will. You are what keeps me going. You make it bearable for me. I could go on forever about how beautiful, smart, kind and loving you really are but even that isn't enough. You are my angel, a one in a million; a precious star heaven sent and I want you to be with me....forever."
By now the table was silent; except for occasional sniffles and sobs. The men; for once kept their mouths shut and just watched. Sango, Rin, and Ayame had happy smiles while tears overflowed for their best friend/sister/cousin.
Kagome by now was speechless. She could hardly breathe as tears ran down her face. One hand covered her mouth as Inuyasha pulled out the ring box. He held onto her delicate hand as he opened it.
Inside was the most gorgeous ring she has ever seen: A shining topaz on a silver band. She kept telling herself if this was a dream to never wake up. Her orbs of deep coffee never stopped producing tears and she was letting out sobs through her hand. After a millennium of looking down at the ring; her focus gazed onto her silver haired prince.
"I know it's early but after what happened this past year; I can't afford to lose you. I promised that I would protect and care for you and I will. Just answer this one simple question: Kagome Higurashi, will you marry me?"
All girls gasped and held their breath. Everyone could see Kagome's face and waited for her answer.
The 17 year old closed her eyes and sobbed into her hand. Then she started to nod her head. She opened her eyes and uncovered her mouth. "Yes, Yes, Yes!" Her smile became bigger and her tears kept coming.
Inuyasha let out a breath of relief and enthusiastically put the ring onto her right ring finger. It was a perfect fit and it looked stunning on her. He pulled her to her feet and went into kiss her but she was quicker. She pulled his forelocks and smashed her lips to his. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Inuyasha was stunned at her sudden moves but fell into her regardless. And subconsciously, Kagome wrapped one of her legs around his hips; which surprised both but were so deep into each other it seemed insignificant.
"Whoooo!! You go, Girl!!" Sango cheered.
"Alright Cousin! Go for it!" Rin shouted.
"Go get him, Kaggie!!" Ayame exclaimed.
Finally, after what seemed like forever (all were surprised that the two could hold their breath for so long), Kagome and Inuyasha pulled apart, panting for breath and flushed. Both had pleasant smiles and their eyes never left the others'. They rested their foreheads against each other; their arms around each other. No words were needed to express how each one felt about the situation.
Now that they were engaged, nothing was ever going to rip them apart now. They deserved this; this feeling of completeness; of contentment, of security. All could see that clearly what they meant to each other. Now there was something new to celebrate; the engagement of Inuyasha Tukashi and Kagome Higurashi. And to think, maybe none of this would've happened if not for a shy, 13 year old Kagome asking her crush to come over her house for a simple study date almost 4 years ago. Now they were glad that it did happen. It was the best move that secured their future. There might have been major and painful bumps on that road; but it all led to this. It was the best thing that ever happened to two 13 year olds whose minds were confused and unsure at the time.
What awaits them now; they don't know but they would be willing to find out together; in holy matrimony after their senor graduation. They say "Love is the most powerful force on earth" and they are right. Inuyasha and Kagome's love is so strong and so deep that nothing on this green earth could break that bond...Ever.
(A/N: I originally planned to end it here but I thought of this humorous tidbit with Sesshomaru and Rin at the last minute!! Enjoy it!)
"Not to rudely interrupt this moment, but have either of you seen my expensive, $800 walkie-talkies? They just up and vanished this morning." Sesshomaru asked; his voice nonchalant.
All turned to the man and noticed that the chair left of him was now empty-where Rin was just currently sitting. And Rin silently tip-toed small steps to the door so she wouldn't get caught by her temperamental boyfriend, but the world was cruel to her...
The girl stopped mid-step; Sesshomaru's hard, demanding voice sending chills down her spine. 'Rats, I thought he wouldn't find out so soon! Damn you, Sesshy!!' She hummed in acknowledgment.
"Did you happen to see where my $800 walkie-talkies have gone?" His cold but amusing amber eyes now focused on the stealthy, sneaky figure of his girlfriend.
"Um....No?" She squeaked.
"I think you better start running, Rin." Miroku suggested.
"And fast!" Sango added.
"I hate to spoil this but this bastard of a brother-damn him-is even faster than me!" Inuyasha admitted; glaring daggers at this brother.
"No kidding?" Kagome asked; sitting on his lap. Inuyasha only nodded in response.
Sesshomaru now stood up; facing his shaking girlfriend. He had an evil, amusing smirk and Rin knew that smirk anywhere and she was toast. She started to back up slowly.
"Rin start running!" Kagome urged.
"Already gone!!" And she dashed through the doors faster than a bullet.
"You can't escape me for long, Rin." Sesshomaru taunted and started to follow his girlfriend and everyone remaining in the room thought that they heard an evil chuckle as he went. When Sesshomaru chuckled like that, nothing good was going to happen as soon as he caught up with the fleeing Rin.