Author's Note : I've had a huge writers block and still do, I have no idea what I'm doing!!! :D hope my nothing is OK :D Review please

Shane's POV

April 21st, Monday

There was chattering and whispering in the cafeteria when I reached it. It went to my head. It seemed like someone was calling me, watching me, following every step I took, but I knew it wasn't what I thought it was. Too good to be true.

I sat down at an empty table and stared at the table ahead of me, not really registering what I was seeing. Suddenly my mind clicked back to reality as I saw the most beautiful eyes carried by a beautiful blond girl towards the table in front of me. I tried to figure out why she attracted me. Why I took notice of her, why I wanted to go there and sit beside her, why I saw her...

I kept my eyes loched on her and so did the rest of the school. She was attracting a whole lot of attention, something people haven't seen before, something that hasn't been yet inspected.

"Hey Shane!" Kristen greeted sitting down beside me. She followed my gaze and saw what I was looking at. "I know doesn't it annoy you too? Just because someone is new they all like stare at her" she said stuffing a slice of pizza into her mouth. "You too I think she's pretty?"

I stayed silent and continued to watch. A guy walked up to her table and smiled down, resting his long arms on the table. "Hey ya beautiful" he smirked

Her head rose as he slid in beside her. "You new, yeah?" I wanted to punch him so bad for his idiotism, but instead I stood up and walked out of the school.

"Shane?" Kristen called but I couldn't be bothered to turn back.

I sat down on the front steps and stared ahead blankly again.

The sky was blue: why? Wouldn't it be much better if the world was dark and gloomy 24/7? Death wouldn't seem so bad to the rest of the living people. Would it to me? Death would be pictured differently.

Death is a way of life.

People say that change is good, and impossible to live without. Death is the biggest change you can get, so why is it bad? If a person gets a new phone, that's change but if another person dies that's tragedy. Doesn't a dead person get the peace they never got a chance to enjoy while living. So why is it bad? It is good in a way, but of course I'm not a normal living person. I'm partly dead, depends how you look at it.

That new girl. She's change. She's change for us and we're change for her. That's a good thing. She's attractive...maybe that's why people are scared of death, because it's not attractive. Because it's an unknown...a black hole.

"Hey man, I'm gonna ditch school okay?" Nate slammed down his hand on my shoulder giving me his best 'brotherly smile'. I looked at his hand and continued to stare into space .

I sighed "I don't care what you do"

"Okay, great. Just don't tell Jason. See ya!" he raced off with a couple of his buddies and two girls with skirts the length of my thumb and heels the length of my whole arm, which they couldn't even walk in. They wobbled against Nate touching him every chance they got. One of the girls turned around and wiggled her fingers at me with a teasing smile. I scoffed but for some reason I had the urge to wave back or maybe smile. That blond girl kept on entering my mind, even the most simplest thing would remind me of her...that girl that turned around at me, she was wearing a shirt the colour of the new girl's did I even know that?...

I got up, seeming as the bell rang already.

History was next.

I opened the already closed door and walked in. Heads didn't turn towards me like they would if it were someone else. They pretended to listen to the lecture Mr Pratt was giving which suddenly stopped.

"Well Mr Gray I was hoping you would not come late this week but that dream has left me."

"You should be happy I'm here at all" I mumbled

"Really? Well would you like to be somewhere else?"

"No, I find walking somewhere else when I'm already here, completely pointless"

"Do you now?" Mr Pratt tried to keep up with me but both of us knew who the winner of this battle was.

He sighed and went back to his lecture and I slid down in my seat and stared at the lamp above me. My biggest wish was for that lamp to fall and end me. End my pointless life and work.

After a while I was asked a question but I kept on staring at the ceiling. Mr Pratt yelled at me and gave me detention and told me to get out, hit my head a couple of times for which ofcourse he could get fired for...he gave up after a couple of minutes. I would too. I wouldn't bother in the first place. He should give up on me just like the rest of the teachers and students.

The bell rang and everyone shuffled out, I stayed in my seat and watched as Mr Pratt's next class filled in.

The class was full when the new girl came in. All eyes on her she stood at the top of the class. I looked around myself and noticed that I was sitting in the only spare seat in the class. I smirked to myself and stood up gesturing for her to sit. She gave me a confused look and followed me with her gaze as I left the room.

I wandered the halls through my geography lesson, counting lockers and the steps I took, when I heared someone behind me. I turned around and it was the new girl, walking towards the girl's room.

Suddenly her head jerked up and her hand flew up to her heart "You scared me" she said, calming herself

I smirked looking her up and down....I've seen her before, don't know where or when but I have...

"What are you doing here?" she asked shyly. She didn't talk to anyone today at the cafeteria, no one in History, but she talked to me. The weird kid wandering the halls. The one no one ever talked. The suicidal.

"Taking a break" I answered

"From what?"


She nodded but I knew she didn't have a clue. "You are...?" I asked. The first time in a long time I took intrest in anything with my own choice.

"Mitchie...I mean Alison" she answered. She looked all shook up. Lost.

"Shane" I introduced myself, resting my body againts some lockers.

"Okay, I guess I'll talk to you later? I...have to go..." she trailed off and her eyes sparkled for a second. The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, the only thing I've ever taken notice of...She dragging herself forward looking back at me every couple of steps.

I haven't talked to anyone in years and then someone comes along, maybe as almost as mysterious as me and I'm hooked. I need to know who she is, where's she's from and why's she's here, cuz no one comes here by choice...and I should know.

Okay so that might not be the best chapter ever but better than nothing. I changed up the plot a bit and I think you should see the change here...and in the summary too. :D Please review. :D