Ten Things You Never Knew About the Strawberry Panic! Girls, and Some You Wish You Never Found Out

Disclaimer: Some sexual content, including yuri/slash, and I do NOT own Strawberry Panic! and don't really want to own it.

Miatre Girls


1. Cannot really decide who she loves… Shizuma or Tamao-chan?

2. Still sleeps with a teddy bear whenever Tamao isn't there.

3. One wrote a love poem for a certain blue-haired girl, but immediately threw it away.

4. Has self-esteem problems that lead her to over-eat.

5. Wears color contacts.

6. Has never had chicken pox.

7. Seriously doubts her sexuality.

8. Is jealous of Tamao's skill with a teapot.

9. Will never admit she cannot write calligraphy like the other girls.

10. Sings in the rain without an umbrella for fun.


1. Is indescribably jealous of Shizuma.

2. Doesn't really want to be Etoile, just wants Nagisa to acknowledge her.

3. Is an incredible square dancer.

4. Knows about Nagisa's teddy bear.

5. Won a poetry contest for her poem about the way Nagisa eats desserts.

6. Dyes her hair

7. Used to be in the Saintly Chorus, before she got double laryngitis in second year.

8. Was once known as "Too Much Tamao" because she wrote so much over the maximum for essays, stories, poetry, etc.

9. Has a white kitten named Quita at home.

10. Struggled with anorexia in second and third years.


1. Was secretly frightened of coming to Miatre, and would have preferred Lulim.

2. Has a crush on Tsubomi, but will never confess it.

3. Was nearly raped by Shizuma on her first day, before another upperclassman walked in and gave her the chance to get away.

4. Has never been in the greenhouse since.

5. Used to have hair down to her waist, before her brothers played an awful prank.

6. Writes slash fan fiction in her spare time.

7. Dreams of being a pop star.

8. Has family members involved in the Mafia.

9. Is actually quite the drama queen among her young friends.

10. Sings country songs in the shower, to her room-mate's joy.


1. Worries her butt is getting bigger each year.

2. Struggles with bulimia to this day.

3. Has loved Roujoku since her first year, but was always intimidated by her independent, older room-mate.

4. Drinks cheap wine and Saki on the weekends to forget Kaori.

5. There have been some rather explicit pictures of her floating around the Web.

6. Has slept with no less than 37 girls, and kissed 59.

7. Is engaged to be married…

8. To her second cousin on her father's side..

9. Needs tutoring in English.

10. Is a terrible actress.


1. Used to love Shizuma, before she caught her f***ing a first-year girl in HER bed.

2. Has had many love affairs with Chikaru, to whom she has pledged her undying love.

3. Took an oath of abstinence in her second year after a night of drinking and partying with the wrong crowd that quickly turned horrid.

4. During which she woke up in a frat house stark naked, and proceeded to vomit for a solid hour, and didn't recover from the hangover for three days.

5. Has figurines of unicorns and dancing bears in the secret compartment of her dresser.

6. And still plays with them when she's lonely over the vacations.

7. Plays the guitar, rather well, and has written several songs.

8. Only begun to play and learn music because her mother forbade her to learn guitar.

9. Has a tattoo of a teardrop on her left breast.

10. Inside the teardrop, so tiny as to be nearly illegible, is Chikaru's name.

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