A/N: This is an idea I've had running through my head after reading some of the other stories involving Naruto becoming Venom from Marvel Comics, my favorite being The Spider Fox, check it out. Don't know if I'll actually make Naruto become Venom or not but I'm very tempted but first I need to get him trained. Also before anyone puts reviews saying I'm going to make Naruto super smart or super powerful I don't plan on doing that. Yes Naruto will be smarter since he will be getting an actual education but he will still be Naruto, just not a completely retarded one and he won't be uber powerful, he'll know a few jutsu at the beginning which will put him up there with Sasuke, Shino, Kiba and the others who got clan training. So please read and enjoy Naruto, the Venom of Konoha. Also I don't own Naruto, though I wish I did, oh so many things would be changed.

In the streets of Konoha, a young boy was running trying his hardest to avoid the mob that seemed to only grow larger as the minutes went by. Cries of "Kill the demon!" and "Get him!" rang through the night as tears streamed down the boy's face over his whiskered cheeks. He turned a corner and his heart stopped as he realized he was in a dead end. He turned around and was face to face with the mob, he noticed some chunin in the ranks of the mob. Two chunin were in front of him, kunai in hand and drunken looks on their faces. He knew on his birthday most of the ninja not on duty got drunk due to the festival and he wondered if this would be the last birthday he would ever have.

"Well, looks like we finally get to kill the demon brat huh guys?" He asked with a sadistic smile as the rest of the mob agreed. As he was about to lunge forward to stab the boy a wall of what could only be described as webbing shot out of nowhere blocking everyone from reaching the boy.

The boy, whose name was Naruto had closed his eyes waiting for the kunai to pierce his skin but the pain never, came. He opened his eyes and they widened when they saw what looked like a large spider in front of him, standing atop it was a tall man wearing a long black jacket, a deformed evil looking white spider symbol on the back, his arms were crossed and Naruto could see a red clothed hitai-ite tied around the man's right arm and the symbol for kusagakure on the metal plate with a large scratch through it signifying the man as a nukenin. His black waist length hair was pulled back and tied into a long braid with the end untouched. On his lower back was a large scroll with the same spider symbol on it. He turned back to look at Naruto, a friendly smile on his face as he pushed his glasses back up his nose bridge with the middle finger of his fingerless gloved hands before turning towards the crowd, his smile now a scowl.

"Well this has turned out to be an interesting evening. Here I was on a walk to meet with the Hokage and here I find a mob about to hurt an innocent child." Before the man could speak someone from the crowd screamed.

"That demon is far from innocent!"

The missing grass nin just shook his head before crossing his arms across his chest again.

"Be that as it may, I shall not allow you to harm this child. He is under my protection and if you got a problem with that you can talk to your Hokage there behind you." A confident smirk played across the man's face as the Hokage as well as a squad of Anbu was standing there, ready to arrest everyone. The Hokage pulled his pipe out of his mouth and spoke with a calm collected manner, despite the fact he was furious that his ninja and villagers could be so cruel to ignore his law and Yondaime's wishes.

"Anbu, arrest everyone here but the Kusa nin, he and Naruto are to come with me to my office."

"Yes Hokage-sama." A dog masked Anbu said before beginning to arrest the civilian and ninjas involved.

"You there, Kusa nin, please help Naruto up and come with me to my office." The Hokage said as he watched the man lift Naruto's small form up and dust him off before asking him if he was okay. The Hokage could see Naruto was a little wary at being treated nicely but eventually began talking to the man asking him questions before the man put his finger to the boy's lips silencing him.

"In time little one, first let me send my friend home. Kumotsuchi you can go now and thanks for your help my friend, tell your family I said hi." The spider turned to look at the man and its eight mirror-like black eyes blinked before speaking.

"Of course Jigo-sama, I'm always happy to help." The spider's deep bass voice spoke before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Naruto was far from frightened by the spider in fact he was amazed.

"That's awesome! Can you teach me to do that?" Then Naruto remembered who he was and realized that this man would probably never want to train the 'demon brat' as everyone called him. But the answer Naruto got made his hopes soar.

"Sure I can, if all goes well kiddo, I'll be able to teach you lots of things, that's a spider summon which means to summon them you have to sign their contract. Well let's go with the Hokage to his office now okay?" He gave Naruto another friendly smile before extending his hand out to him. The Hokage smiled as Naruto took it and smiled a genuine smile before he shunshin with him and the Kusa nin back to his office.

As they arrived in the office the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi sat down with a sigh relighting his pipe as he relaxed his tired old body into his chair. He knew it was a bad idea to take his old job back after Minato had died but taking the job back was far better than letting Danzo take it, as Konoha would be thrust right back into another war and the people didn't need that after dealing with the Kyuubi eight years previously. He watched the mysterious grass nukenin place Naruto down on the couch in the office and said something to him before turning and walking up to the Hokage's desk, standing there waiting for the old man to talk.

"Well I don't know who you are but from the looks of your hitai-ite you're a Kusa nukenin, normally I would have to honor my peace agreement with Kusa and capture you but since you saved Naruto who is a member of this village I will let you speak your case." As he finished he gestured to him with his hand letting the nukenin know it was his time to speak. Sarutobi watched as the nin reached into his jacket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter.

"You mind if I smoke in here Hokage-sama?" he laughed as the Hokage only pointed to his own lit pipe before he lit his cigarette taking a drag off of it before exhaling.

"What are those?" said a small voice from the back of the room. The nukenin just looked at the boy with the cigarette held in his lips and smiled as much as he could with the cancer stick in his mouth.

"They're called cigarettes and no, you can't have any you're not old enough." The Kusa nin turned back to the Hokage and pulled the stick out of his mouth.

"So I guess you're wondering what a Kusa nukenin is doing in your fair village huh old man?" A vein throb mark appeared on Sarutobi's head as he only allowed his son, grandson, and Naruto to call him that.

"Yes that would be a nice place to start." The Hokage puffed on his pipe and looked at the nin in front of him, he could already tell what clan the young man came from and could feel his chakra levels were that of a jonin but he needed to confirm who he was.

"Well my name is Dokueki Jigo, clan heir to the Dokueki Clan of Kusa no Kuni and last surviving member now since my mother and little brother have passed away. I wish to join your village and if you'll allow me I wish to train Naruto." Sarutobi was stunned, he had heard of the Dokueki clan's contributions to the Third Shinobi War and they had helped Konoha and Kusa greatly but were targeted by Iwa and their allies as they were deemed a powerful threat. He would have to bring this up with the council but he was sure the other ninja clans would not mind him joining the village and he knew the Aburame clan would greatly enjoy having him join as their two clans were personal friends before the war.

"Well I personally have no problems having you join Konoha, I'm sure the Aburame clan would be happy to have their close friends join the village. I will talk with the council tomorrow to let them know I have let you join and I'll give you your new hitai-ite. As for you training Naruto I don't mind as the boy is like a grandson to me and you saved him even though you were not obligated to do so. To me that is all I need but I must tell you something." The Hokage looked over at Naruto who had fallen asleep on the couch and sighed in relief.

"Now what I am about to tell you is an S-Rank secret and must not be told to anyone, under penalty of death, understood?" The Kusa nin only nodded before blowing out another plume of smoke.

"Would it have anything to do with why the villagers were chasing him and calling him a demon?" Jigo pushed his glasses back up his bridge and raised an eyebrow waiting for the Hokage to answer.

"Yes it does, eight years ago Konoha was attacked by the Kyuubi no Kitsune and the fourth Hokage sealed it inside of Naruto since it could not be destroyed. Naruto is the savior of this village and he doesn't even know it."

"I see, well none the less I wish to train him and if possible pass all my clan secrets to him, after all it is because of your village that mine was not destroyed by Iwa so I owe it to not only the village, but to the boy for keeping this village safe. Besides he reminds me of my little brother." Jigo looked at the boy as he slept on unaware of the conversation that was taking place not ten feet away from him. Drool was hanging from his lips as he snored and Jigo smiled, this kid was almost exactly like his younger brother.

"So I am to understand you wish to adopt Naruto into your clan?" Jigo nodded, he would give the boy everything a clan could offer and that included family as he was sure the boy was an orphan and wanted more than anything a loving family.

"Yes and I will train him for the standard two clan years and with your permission I wish to tutor the boy before I train him, I have a feeling the village would only hinder his education so I wish to tutor him for two years in standard education than give him two years of training as per clan rules so he can graduate with kids his own age. Is that fair with you Hokage-sama?" Sarutobi smiled and nodded, this man, Jigo Dokueki would be good for Naruto, he would give Naruto everything, a family, a good education, and training, something the village was neglecting their savior every day. Then a thought occurred to him.

"Just promise me one thing." Jigo just looked at the Hokage with a raised eyebrow, the light reflecting of his glasses.

"Make sure he eats something other than just ramen, since you'll be taking care of him now I know he'll be able to afford more than just that. Also since Naruto is now part of your clan he doesn't have to live in his apartment anymore, I'll find you a place to stay and give you a list of available homes tomorrow."

The former Kusa nin laughed as he heard the ramen remark. "I promise Hokage-sama he will eat more than just ramen, hell I'll make sure he eats full course meals. Well time to wake the gaki up." Jigo put out the cigarette and walked over to Naruto and shook his shoulder softly to wake him.

"Come on Naruto-kun, wake up, time for us to go. Come on ototo." Naruto woke up with a big yawn and collected his bearings remembering where he was and who was with him as he wiped the drool from his lip.

"Grass-nin guy?"

Jigo smiled at Naruto before patting the top of his head.

"You want I should explain old man or you explain it?" The vein throb appeared again, what happened to Hokage-sama? Oh well the happiness he was about to see on his adoptive grandsons face was going to be worth it.

"Naruto, Jigo-san here has agreed to adopt you into his clan and for the next two years will be teaching you basic education and then for two years after that will train you in his clan's jutsus. Now you and Jigo-san need to go and get your things from your apartment since tomorrow you will be moving into a new home with your niisan. Naruto?" Naruto was stunned, he had only heard the first eleven words in the old man's little speech and that was all Naruto cared about, he was being adopted, he would have a family, an actual loving family. Tears flowed freely from Naruto's eyes as he launched himself at Jigo wrapping his arms around his waist as he rubbed his face into the jacket of the man who had adopted him. Jigo pulled Naruto off his leg and kneeled down, his six foot two form still towering over Naruto as he opened his arms to allow Naruto to launch himself again this time allowing Jigo to wrap his arms around Naruto and hug him tightly, Naruto quietly saying thank you over and over again as he cried himself to sleep but this time it was out of happiness.

"Where is his apartment? I'll take him there and meet you in the afternoon for the council meeting." Sarutobi gave the man the address and sighed, Naruto didn't even hear everything he said but it was okay, his grandson was happy and that was what mattered. Now to explain all this to the council tomorrow and then deal with the paperwork…he'd rather deal with the council fifty times tomorrow than deal with the paperwork. Jigo untied his hitai-ite and placed in on Sarutobi's desk, before carrying Naruto out of the office. Before he left he turned and looked at the old Hokage.

"Make sure the cloth on my new hitai-ite is red kay?" and with that he shunshined out of the room.

Naruto woke up the next morning in his bed looking around and not seeing anyone realized it was all a dream, tears started flowing as he thought he was actually adopted, that he would have an actual family but no life had to be cruel and make it all a dream, it was then a wonderful smell drifted into Naruto's nostrils, it smelt amazing and Naruto followed the smell to the kitchen where it was coming from. His eyes widened to find the man who had adopted him was standing there in his kitchen cooking breakfast for him, chopping up what looked like sausages before putting them in the frying pan he was scrambling eggs in, Naruto noticed he added spices and such to the meal which was probably what made it smell so good. Naruto's stomach made its presence known with a loud grumble and Naruto's new niisan Jigo turned to him and smiled.

"Morning ototo, sit, I had to buy spices and such to make breakfast, man you really do eat nothing but ramen, but don't worry that's going to change. I'll make sure you eat right and get the best education possible." He went back to cutting up sausages and took the first batch of scrambled eggs and sausage and put it on a plate and put it before Naruto who immediately began to devour it with reckless abandon.

'Okay, looks like table manners needs to be added to his education.' Thought Jigo as he shook his head and went to make Naruto another plate.

"Ototo, after you're done eating I'm going to leave you by yourself for a little while I go talk to the Hokage and council about me adopting you and training you. Don't worry I'll be back, I promise." He saw the look on Naruto's face when he said he was leaving him but he quickly told him it was only for a little while and he stuck his pinky out towards Naruto who looked at him in confusion.

"Just wrap your pinky finger around mine, it's called a pinky swear. When you promise or swear something to show you truly mean it and will not break it you and the other person wrap pinkies and whoever is making the promise says "I pinky swear" now wrap your pinky around mine." Naruto wrapped his pinky around Jigo's and Jigo smiled.

"Naruto I pinky swear I will not leave you and will be back after the meeting. Okay?" Naruto nodded and smiled as another plate was put before him.

"Well ototo I gotta go, don't get into too much trouble okay? I'll see you as soon as I get out, if anything should happen, you run straight to the Hokage tower understood?" Naruto furiously shook his head and smiled. He had a niisan who cared about him, life couldn't get any better.

"I understand Jigo-niisan." Jigo smiled and patted the top of his head before turning off the stove and leaving.

Sartuobi puffed on his pipe as he waited for his newest jonin to arrive, Jigo Dokueki was one of the Hokage's favorite people right now, even though he had to do paperwork to place him into Konoha which he hated the man had adopted Naruto even after learning of Naruto's tenant which made him an amazing person in the old Hokage's eyes. Jigo jumped into the office through the window and heard the old man muttering about nobody ever using the door except Naruto.

"Well you ready to go old man?" Again the vein throb was seen and Sarutobi was beginning to wonder if the former missing nin was calling him that to annoy him on purpose as he seemed to switch from Hokage-sama to old man with little warning. Sarutobi nodded and put out his pipe as the two went out of the office towards the council chambers. It was going to be a long day.

A/N: Well that's it for chapter 1, hope you all enjoyed it.