The Rivercourt
What would have happened if Lucas never left the rivercourt? What would be of Haley, Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, Nathan, Mouth, and Skills? Lucas has a dream he wont forget.
"Luke watch out!" Peyton screams as a truck slams into Luke's side of the car. Then it all went black.
It's a bright sunny morning when Lucas awakes. He opens his eyes and realizes he does'nt recognize the room he is in. He rolls over and is shocked when he sees who is next to him.
"Haley?" he whispers to quiet to wake her.
Just then he hears the sound of little feet against hardwood floors.
"GOOD MORNIN!!!!!!!!!!" yells a very excited 3 year old girl, all the while waking Haley up.
"Morning baby girl." yawns a tired looking Haley.
"Lets eat breakfast!!" states 3 year old Bella looking up at a very confused Lucas. Noticing Lucas' facial expression Haley says " Alright baby girl go get Connor and daddy will make pancakes!"
Once she leaves screaming down the hallway for Connor to get up haley turns to luke. "You okay?"
"uhhh yeah i guess." lucas says still completely confused.
"okayyy."she says not totally convinced. She then gives him a light kiss and gets up.
"Woahhh you're pregnant!" Lucas exclaims, total shock in his words.
"Uhh yeah and i have been for 7 months. You see when two people love eachother very much...."she trails off with a smile on her face.
"uhh yeah i got it." luke says with a half smile."i'll be right out." She smiles and disapears out of the bedroom.