A/N: I'm home sick today, so I needed a little McGee/Abby sweetness. Usual rules apply: I don't own them!
"Abs, will you slow down? It's done. It's over."
She was so tired she didn't even bother to glare at him. "I just need to double check this one more time, McGee."
The dead son of a commander, and they'd barely slept in three days. Correction: some of them had barely slept. Abby hadn't slept at all.
McGee slid his hands gently over hers and pulled them off the keyboard. She resisted, but it was half-hearted. "Abby, he's in custody. Bleeding from what Gibbs assures me is a very painful leg wound. He's not going to hurt anyone else."
"But I need –"
He cut her off. "You can retest the evidence as many times as you want. I'll help you. After you've gotten some sleep." McGee pulled her into a hug. "You did great, Abs. We couldn't have gotten him without you."
Slowly, she let herself relax against him, leaning her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his neck. "You helped," she mumbled into his shirt, her words blurring together. "I'm glad you were here, Timmy."
She knew she should pull herself together and go home. But she loved McGee-hugs, and she needed one right now. His arms were warm, and he was holding her tight the way he knew would calm her down, and he wouldn't mind if she leaned on him for just… another… minute…
"Abby?" Ziva called as she walked into the lab. There was no music playing, but the lights and computers were on. "Are you still –"
"Shhh…" she heard as she neared the door by Abby's desk. She crossed the threshold and saw McGee with his finger to his lips. "Don't wake her up."
He was sitting in Abby's big desk chair, and Abby was sleeping on his lap, her arms locked tight around his neck. "She practically fell asleep standing up," Tim explained to Ziva in a low voice. "I tried to put her down over here, but she wouldn't let go, so…" he shrugged his free shoulder. "I'm going to take her home in a little bit."
Ziva stepped closer and reached over to carefully tuck a stray piece of hair behind Abby's ear. "I don't think I have ever seen her asleep like that before," she said wonderingly. "Actually, I do not think I have even seen her sit still for this long."
McGee smiled. "It doesn't happen often," he agreed.
"Your legs are going to be all…" Ziva's exhausted brain groped for the expression. "…nuts and bolts?" she tried, knowing it wasn't right.
"Pins and needles," he corrected. "She's not that heavy. Anyway, she's so tired. I just want to let her sleep for a while."
Abby shifted slightly, mumbling something in her sleep, and McGee gently rubbed her back. "Shhh…it's okay," he murmured, and she settled back against him, peaceful again.
Watching them, Ziva smiled. "You are sweet, McGee." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Make sure you sleep soon, too," she ordered him as she turned to leave.
McGee watched her go, suddenly realizing that she was right. A few hours of sleeping at his desk over the past couple of days wasn't nearly enough. He glanced down at Abby, who showed no signs of waking.
He'd just close his eyes for a minute, he decided. Then he'd wake Abby up and take her home.
Still half-asleep, Abby tried to figure out where she was.
Quiet. Warm arms around her. She was twisted in an odd position, but not really uncomfortable, and she was still too tired to care. She tilted her head back and looked up.
McGee. Fast asleep, still holding her tight. She could feel his breathing, deep and slow and comforting where she lay against his chest.
That's all right, then, she thought with a sleepy smile, leaning her head back on his shoulder.
She was asleep again in seconds.